
Mar 12, 2001
Well i've tried numerous searches, and havent found any info on how to adjust the valves on an xr 200.

This bike is my girlfriends, it runs and sounds fine at idle, but under load it makes pretty much engine noise. If you guys could tell me what to check to remedy this problem, or where to find instructions on how to do this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Jan 27, 2000
orion163 said:
or where to find instructions on how to do this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


I highly recommend investing in a service manual.

In leu of a service manual, remove the spark plug, both valve adjuster inspection caps on the head and the dyno cover plate.

Rotate the engine until both valve rocker arms go down to open the valves and come back up. On the dyno/mag side, check that the line on the flywheel lines up with the tdc (top dead center) mark. Most likely there will be a 'F' (fire) mark and a 'T' (top dead center) mark. Line it up with the 'T' mark.

At this point there should be clearance between the rocker arm adjusting screw and the valve stem. Not sure what the clearance should be, (don't have a manual ;) ) but, you could probably get away with .002 on the intake side and .003 on the exhaust. Check this with a feeler gauge between the adjuster and the valve stem and adjust accordingly. Be sure to tighten the lock nut on the adjuster screw and then replace all covers.

Good luck. :thumb:


Jun 13, 2001
Some of the noise is likely slop in the timing chain. The good news is there is a way to adjust it, pick up a manual. Even a clymer.
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