XR250 Fork Oil


Feb 7, 2002
I'm about to check/change the oil in the forks of a 2001 XR250, but im a little confused on one part. I think what i have to do is pull the fork cap, fork spring, dump the oil, and then put new oil in. Check the oil with the fork fully compressed, but with the spring out. Can someone let me know if that is right, or is there a little more to it? I've got the service manual, but its got me a little confused.

Also, What is the maximum oil level i can fill it up to, and what weight oil would be good? I'm hoping the forks will be stiffened up a little through having a little more oil, and thicker oil if i decide i need a thicker oil.

One last question, are there any special tools needed?



Mar 7, 2002
Your manual should tell you exactly how much to put in stock.
Use your head on if you want the same or if you weigh more or less, or how you want to customize your forks to what kind of riding you do.
Yes dump out all the oil that will come out.Then decide how many cc or oz's you want to put in . Buy a ratio rite beaker at your dealer , and put the right amount of oil in it , then just pour it down into your forks. This eliminates the measuring with a ruler/tape mess. Don't know the exact specifics of your xr's fork, but that is how I did myCRF , when I blew a seal a few months back.

see ya


Apr 16, 2003
You've basically got it.Read your manual again.Your manual probably gives a certain amount of cc.s to put in the fork and a measurement from the top of the tube,spring out fully compressed,bike on a stand front wheel off the ground.The measurment might be 5in to 41/2in,for example.If so then you can try 5 and if you wnat it stiffer go to 41/2.It's not hard.Most people would go 10 wt for a 250 but your manual will tell you.You should'nt need special tools.Just go by the manual.If you have a specific question come back on.
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