This bike was purchased used. It is a 96' Honda xr600r. The previous owner re-jetted the carb for high altitude following the recommendation in the service manual, the pilot jet, main jet, and needle valve height were all change. He also added a K&N filter and removed the backfire plate from the air box. I live at 7500 feet above sea level and will be riding at higher elevations.
The problem occurs when I grab a handful of throttle which causes the bike to hesitate. Obvious the less restrictive intake is causing my problem, but can this be fixed by increasing the main jet or changing the height needle valve or will I need to replace the backfire plate?
I don't race, but don't want to have the bike stall if there is a load on the motor and I crank the throttle wide open.
The problem occurs when I grab a handful of throttle which causes the bike to hesitate. Obvious the less restrictive intake is causing my problem, but can this be fixed by increasing the main jet or changing the height needle valve or will I need to replace the backfire plate?
I don't race, but don't want to have the bike stall if there is a load on the motor and I crank the throttle wide open.