XT250 Valve Qs..


Feb 7, 2005
Not what should I get.. but what do I have?

As I mentioned in the introductions forum, I've picked up my first two wheeled deathtrap. An older neighbor had it for years, and used it just to go down to the river to fish, and get back home. He's gotten a bit old to ride, and the bike has gotten quite rough, so I was able to pick it up for a song. Anywho, I'm crossing over from the world of 4x4 trucks and know not much at all about bikes. The only thing that I know about this particular bike is its a 1982 Yamaha 250, that runs, makes some godawful noise, bogs down at over 1/2 throttle, but runs just the same. Nothing else.

Since this classifies as a "What do I" question, I've decided to post this here. What do I have here? I'd like to find out everything I can about this bike, so I can start about repairing and running it myself down the trails.

What I know..
My ears tell me its a four stroke, but all the info I can read up on the 82 MY says water cooled two stroke. This bike lacks any water cooling parts.. and it doesnt look like anything is missing. I also note a removable panel labelled "oil filter", right next to the oil fill hole.. that also tells me four stroke.

I removed a panel where the battery is supposed to be, but isnt, and found the emissions control sticker..things I'm curious about:
Engine family: CYA025041A8 / 250cc
Gasoline Grade: Regular (Leaded) 91 Octane Min.
Engine Oil: SAE 20/40 Type SE

Is there anything yall can pull out of this info to tell me more about my new addition?

Right now I've got a gallon of regular unleaded (87 is regular in this part of the country).. think that would be related to the knocking sound I hear? Guess I'll get a bottle of CD2 lead substitute/octane booster dealie and drop that in the gallon eh?

And finally (for tonight) is there any way to measure the oil level? I see the fill hole, and the drain plug on the bottom...how can I verify its got enough? And/or whats the official capacity so I can just change it and call it a day?

Thanks in advance guys.. With yalls help, hopefully I'll get a few years of good riding out of this beast. :cool:


Feb 7, 2005
windfall, you hit it on the head. Mine looks similar to what you posted.

This morning when I got up to head into town, I pulled the side cover off and brought it with me. This afternoon on the way home, I stopped by the local Yamaha dealer/shop and handed the cover to the techs. After a bit of debating amongst themselves what models were 2 and what were 4 stroke, the lead mechanic came back with the same description. Its an XT250. He said he hasnt seen too many XTs over the years.. more YZs, and he answered most of my simple questions. Since I've gotten back home, I found the sightglass that I couldnt see through the grime because I didnt know it was there.. and I've changed the oil and rinsed/blew out the oil filter since I was told its a reusuable filter.

After doing so, and refilling with straight 30 oil till the sightglass is 90% covered, most of the clattering and noise has gone away. For the rest of what I described to the techs, they recommended adjusting the valves.. now I just gotta figure out what covers I take off to do that and I'd be set. :cool:

Thanks windfall for your post. It has given me the confirmation I need.. now I know for sure what I've got in my driveway. :)


Feb 7, 2005
I picked up an abused MY82 XT250 (3y1 stamping). First bike for me. Rattles like hell from the top end. Was instructed by the local dealership to check the valve clearances, as its quite common them going out and chattering on the old bikes, so they say. I've ordered a manual, just waiting for UPS to bring it.

My question, since this is my first foray into the bike world, where and how would I go about this? I am mechanically inclined, and dont feel as though I'd have any problem doing this if I knew where to start.

Can anybody post up pics and or link me to a writeup or something where I can get a feel for what covers I should remove to do this? I know what my clearances should be (as per sticker in the sidecover), just how to actually do it is what I lack.

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Feb 7, 2005
The manual is quite useful. Anything to read is better than nothing. One can never learn too much. :)

However, when it comes to valve adjustment (the original subject of this thread before it was merged with a different thread), the manual says:

"Valve clearance adjustment
The correct valve clearance changes with use, resulting in improper fuel/air supply or engine noise. To prevent this, the valve clearance must be adjusted regularly. This adjustment however, should be left to a professional Yamaha service technician."

Heh.. thats just about useless. With all I've read about how easy it is, I'm surprised that its not shown. I'm also surprised there isnt a documented HOWTO or the like about this anywhere online. *shrug*

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Only the Owners manual is online so the info is fairly limited. It's worth investing in the Yamaha service manual for your bike.
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