Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
updated 11:15 a.m. CT, Fri., May. 16, 2008
GENEVA - Obesity contributes to global warming, too.

Click here if you dare.

Al had better start loosing some weight to equal out his carbon credits!


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Obese people are more flatulent too... thus more contribution.

It really is easy to understand. The human race is evil... except the ones that are pointing that out... those people are good and honest... even with their inefficient homes and private jets.

Damn elitists.



Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
While I don't buy in 100% I think there is some merit to the idea. I don't see that it was saying it was THE problem just a tiny piece of the puzzle which I reasonable. For example is it more efficient to drive a V10 F350 4x4 crew cab 60 miles round trip to your office each day or a Prius?


May 10, 2007
Depends if that 60 miles is highway. Hybrids aren't designed for highway. Besides, the F350 is just way cooler! It would also make a difference if the driver weighed 600lbs. I'm sure with an obese driver on the highway an F350 would probly get better economy than a Prius.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001

Given the source (MSNBC), I am surprised they acknowledged obesity as a worldwide problem. I generally expect them to blame all of the world’s problems on white males from the Midwest.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
XRpredator said:
they did, you fatasses :nener:

I'd rather be fat below the waist than fat from the neck up :nener:


Aug 18, 2007
i thought thin people, who exercised more would be worse for the environment, since they exhale so much more deadly carbon dioxide while exercising. The beauty of global warming is you can blame almost everything, usually in the most contradictory fashion, and still be right.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Mr. Banshee guy, you are more correct than you think . . . Check this:
Substituting bicycling for driving is frequently promoted as a means of reducing energy consumption and the associated degradation of the environment. This paper estimates the magnitude of this effect. The analysis takes account of the first-order effects due to the dramatically lower energy requirements of transportation by bicycle relative to automobiles. The environmental benefits of human power are, however, strongly coupled to the environmental costs of increased population, due to increased longevity of those who engage in physical activity. Paradoxically, increased use of human power for transportation is unlikely to reduce substantially the use of energy because of this second-order effect. Humanpowered transportation is therefore less an environmental issue and more an issue of public health. The interplay between longevity and environmental impact is a central feature of the conflicting societal objectives of improving human health and increasing environmental sustainability.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
See it's a regular think tank around here! :)


Apr 14, 2002
With all the PO'd fat people trying to run over the skinny healthy people who are using their bikes for transportation I think they are over estimating the life expectancy.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
The interplay between longevity and environmental impact is a central feature of the conflicting societal objectives of improving human health and increasing environmental sustainability.

Yeah, just think of what a great place the world will be once we are all dead and gone! :whoa:


Aug 18, 2007
How anyone can take global warming seriously is mindblowing and angering. The ideas they come up with are laughable to any rational person.

Seriously who the heck came up with the idea that CO2 is bad? A LARGE percentage of life on earth lives off of it!!!! And what makes it worse, is the 3 people who are likely to be leader of the country seem to believe this fairly tale!!!

The local news has a "going green" segment every week. The ideas presented are so pointless, and impractical...and they think they are saving the world!!..I just want to throw the F-ing TV right out the window!!!!

Preventing Global warming is like masturbation. It feels good at the time, but you are really just screwing yourself...


Sep 30, 2006
RebelBanshee said:
How anyone can take global warming seriously is mindblowing and angering. The ideas they come up with are laughable to any rational person.

Seriously who the heck came up with the idea that CO2 is bad? A LARGE percentage of life on earth lives off of it!!!! And what makes it worse, is the 3 people who are likely to be leader of the country seem to believe this fairly tale!!!

The local news has a "going green" segment every week. The ideas presented are so pointless, and impractical...and they think they are saving the world!!..I just want to throw the F-ing TV right out the window!!!!

Preventing Global warming is like masturbation. It feels good at the time, but you are really just screwing yourself...

CO2 is fine when it is balanced with the oxygen input of trees and other plants, but when were burning through our fossil fuels faster than the ever shrinking number of trees can keep up with, we get the green house effect


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
RebelBanshee said:
How anyone can take global warming seriously is mindblowing and angering. The ideas they come up with are laughable to any rational person.

Seriously who the heck came up with the idea that CO2 is bad? A LARGE percentage of life on earth lives off of it!!!!

Dear Mr.Science: Nitrogen composes 78% of the earths atmosphere- and yet, it is also a key ingredient in ammonia, nitric acid, ammonia, key amino acids (and thus protein) etc. Now, if you'd like we could put you in a room filled with either plain old co2 or plain old nitrogen, and see what happens...Or...perhaps you are now curious enough to break out a text book or qualify your mastery of chemistry in some way??

RebelBanshee said:
Preventing Global warming is like masturbation. It feels good at the time, but you are really just screwing yourself...

You say that like its a bad thing.

As if.


Aug 18, 2007
OK so obviously if the whole earth was CO2 things would be rough. However, the amount of CO2 made from burning fossil fuels is insignificant to the amount made naturally by volcanoes, livestock. etc.

Oddly the Earth has been cooling for the last couple years, although it was warming for awhile, but before that it was cooling....and there was the ice age, we warmed alittle after that too....hmm maybe climates change on their own!

In the 70s there was a "consensuses" that we were headed into another ice age..they wanted to put soot on the ice caps to keep them from getting too big.

Then there was the hole in the ozone layer that was going to let in to much sun light and fry us. Now we have too much greenhouse effect, so the heat is staying in....Sounds like we screwed up by saving the ozone layer, at least we didn't put soot on the ice caps!

Getting back to the point, we can all agree no one likes fat chicks.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
Bottom line…..there are a bunch of very arrogant people in this world who cannot accept that they live in a dynamic natural world over which they have little or no influence.

BTW, have you noticed how “global warming” has now become “climate change”?

IMO, this issue has nothing to do with concern over the Earth’s well being. Instead, it is an attack on our way of life. If you beat climate change junk science into submission, another attack will happen as soon as some watermelon (green on the outside, red on the inside) finds an unexplained natural phenomenon that causes concern. The attacks will be endless as there are those (living among us) who just plain hate our country and our way of life.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
dpaxson said:
CO2 is fine when it is balanced with the oxygen input of trees and other plants, but when were burning through our fossil fuels faster than the ever shrinking number of trees can keep up with, we get the green house effect
So you are saying that it's the vegan's fault right? I mean they are the ones that say to eat the plant life and well plant life is the solution to the CO2 and since the vegans are EATING THE SOLUTION it's got to be their fault! :bang:


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Can I throw in 2 pineapples and a coconut

dpaxson said:
CO2 is fine when it is balanced with the oxygen input of trees and other plants, but when were burning through our fossil fuels faster than the ever shrinking number of trees can keep up with, we get the green house effect

All terrestrial vegetation store approx. 600 billion tons of CO2 and contributes approx. 20% to the oxygen in the atmosphere.

Over 1 trillion tons of CO2 is stored in all surface waters with another 40 billion being store in deep ocean, this in conjuction with marine plants and organism contribute the remaining 80% of the oxygen in our atmosphere.

Now, as much as you/we are suppose to believe that trees are the life source for this planet, the truth is, they're just nice to sit under


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
No wonder Bundy hates trees and trying to kill them with his body!


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
JPIVEY said:
Now, as much as you/we are suppose to believe that trees are the life source for this planet, the truth is, they're just nice to sit under
and we have more of them now than we've ever had, and some would contend that we have too many.

Remember (or maybe you don't since you may not have had the university-level plant science classes like I had), plants have two processes: They make use carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and make oxygen, but they also use oxygen and make carbon dioxide when they use the products (sugars) that they've photosynthesized.

What does this mean? Nothing, really. Just thought I'd share. :)
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