Of the entire reading there really wasn't any sort of evidence of what it is about ORVs that ruin the "Fragil Ecosystem". The really only thing that was stressed is that ORVs are loud and disruptive. They just want all these parks for themselves and be undisturbed by loud noise while they watch bugs Bump N' Uglies. Please send them funds so they can take your parks away.
You think that feller was an idiot. I was flipping thru channels the other day and some shirt-less helmet-less guy try to climb some steep hill on a three wheeler. The three wheeler couldn't make it so when he is going back down the hill he tries to stop by turning the tire. Of course the thing flips and rolls over him. One of his friends starts running that way and of course the friend has a can of something I'm betting is alcoholic in his hand. Then the guys girlfriend has the nerve to say "good thing they stopped making those dangerous machines". I swear some people need to be shot to keep them from breeding.
Sorry to get off topic I looked around the site I find it hard to beleive that 55% of Americans don't want ORV's in national forests. I beleive they are taking the poll out of context or they influenced people before taking the poll. It seems that at least around here that many people support ORVs
Yep it's just like when they interview people on TV who are stupid just to get emotional opinions. It is best when they go interview people at a high school. Then you get some stupid kid who says something like "That is bad we shouldn't do it". That is one of the things that irks me, putting halfwits who havn't even researched what they are talking about on TV. That is why polls are so unreliable as a guidline of peoples wants. Somebody given any topic could thru selective calling and how they present the facts show that a majority of Americans agree with them.
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