Your Worst Day!!


Aug 8, 2000
First race of the season I crashed out (first DNF) by going head first into a tree (first KO riding my dirtbike) and bent my brand new pro-taper handlebars. Had to drive over 6 hours to the race too. Plus it was on Mother's Day and while my parents came with me, my mom wasn't happy that I KO'd myself.


Oct 19, 2006
My worst day is when my bike or a friend's bike breaks down. I've only been let down a few times, my TT225 tossed a gear thrice (the second and third times were a dealer's fault) and more recently the CR250 lost an axle nut. I'm guessing the axle nut vibrated off because the sand whip mount failed.


Mar 21, 2007
my worst day riding was my 2nd day ever riding it was on my crf230, i was going through a really hard trail (basicly riding over my head) i was doing great but i was alittle wobbly then i ended up gasing it and my handle bar side sweeped a tree and it bent my gear shift broke my clutch bent my handle bar and my foot peg so i had to wait to get a new clutch plus that thing was a B**** to get out of their


Sep 9, 2006
I was ridin good that day. It wasent freezing, but it wasent hot. The bike was running strong. blowing around the house as fas as i could. Was doing some burnouts in the mud and then i came up the hill. Turned went across the top of the hill Tured to go down...And then.....:whoa:....It happend. Shifted from first to second, Winding it out, just about to shift to third... POP bike shuts off... :( Broke a ring... Sidelined the bike for 2 mounths until i could get the $150 to fix the cylinder/piston/rings/sparkplug.... That was a long 2 mounths..

I know... not that bad.... but it was MY worst experience... No accidents worth bragging over for me...


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
My worst day riding was still a great day! I did jump down a very tall very vertical sand pit and had my front wheel come off (old days here kids). It was a pretty hard landing, knocked me out for a few seconds and knocked the wind out of me but we found the axle & nut, reassembled everything and jammed a large thorn in place of the missing cotter pin and continued to have fun.


It's been awhile...
Dec 1, 2004
The worst day?

Oh, thats when my wife went swimming with her 6 month old CRF230. The bike went completely underwater. $1300 to rebuild. Still had a great time that day though. Seeing her covered with muddy water and laughing was priceless.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
My worst day, in fact all of my worst days at the track have nothing to do with me riding but being a parent. Ranked based on how hard it was as a parent to deal with the situation and aftermath:

  1. Friday of Dirtweek 2004 when LazyBoy (my son) cartwheels through the rhythmn section at Cooperland breaking his right femur. Getting surgery (Plate and wire) in a foreign country and the associated issues with insurance etc just added to the experience.
  2. A few days short of Two weeks prior to departure for Ditweek 2003 when he gets cross rutted on the finish line during practice at a local track and breaks his Tib/Fib in multiple places requiring surgery and pins.
  3. A few races into his return to the track in 2005 when someone elses mistake causes a first turn pile up and he goes over the bars, end result bent the plate he had installed in scenario #1 which re-broke the femur.
  4. Open practice before first race of 2006 when he does a lawn dart impersonation while practicing the sand whoops and breaks his collarbone. Not a big deal medically but facing his mother and grandparents was a bigger challenge :bang:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I've had more "worst days" that affected me than I have the boy . . .
  • Crashed partway through the last lap of the Fruit of the Loom Zoom, seperating my left shoulder. In a Chad Reed The Warrior-Like performance, I gutted out the rest of the lap, only to lose my front end in the grass track section and booger up my right shoulder. Wiping was a painful chore for a while afterward.
  • First lap of the Chuck Compton Memorial Tag Team Race and some dorkus malorkus thinks two bikes can fit where one barely does on a rocky uphill, his front tire gets hung up in my kickstand, we both go down and my ankle feels like it is backwards all the sudden. Didn't get to ride the rest of the summer
The boy's worst:
  • Halfway through the Elk River Fun Run, he eats it going down the rocky road near Elk Butte Lookout. Mom wraps it up, Dad makes him toughen up and ride the 20 miles out. Come to find out the pain was as bad as he said it was, since he managed to break his radius. Tough little bugger. Of course, I felt like a day old dog turd for not finding him an easier way out.

Squirrel Girl

Oct 17, 2006
My worst day riding (and it was still pretty good) was when my husband wanted me to go on one last ride, I was getting over cracked ribs (not DB related) but had ridden all the day before with hardly any pain, but I told him I was too tired from staying up late at the campfire. After assuring me we would "take it easy" I was downing coffee and gearing up. I should have trusted my first judgment though as halfway through the ride I was so exhausted I put my foot down while going over a 24" wide bridge and hit the only spot that didn't have the log foot railing! Well I fell 6' flat onto my back on a rock, my bike hanging upside down suspended over me with my leg twisted in my wheel. Luck was the only thing that prevented me from going for a cold swim and having my bike fall on me! After extracting myself and dragging my bike back up, we continued on, my leg being a little sore now but otherwise O.K., till I rounded a blind corner and got hit head on by another bike, the guy's fender going straight into aforementioned leg! He had glanced over his shoulder looking for his buddy, he was very apologetic, we untangled our bikes from their embrace and NO damage! I was laughing now, get my bike back in one piece! Bad ride, great day.


Apr 3, 2007

WOW! im suprised you lived through all that, tough chick.. tough chick..


Apr 3, 2007
but anyways, my worst day was when i had just put new forks on my bike, and a pipe. and went up into a canyon just up from my house and was comin down on the way home with a couple buddies and came around a corner and had to swerve out of the way of a jeep. therefore, losing control and sending me, and my bike, off an 18 foot drop landing on my bike and puncturing my leg. it was so nasty, the foot pedal snapped my leg bone in half on impact and to make it horse my pipe was punctured by a piece of rubar. I was pissed!


Apr 8, 2005
MX worst day - age 34 - broke my wrist without even crashing at a friend's practice track. I recently found out from John Curea that my inner fork cartridge had been leaking and had very little oil in it - thus the break over a small/medium double.

Bicycle worst day - age 12 - crashed BMX bike into a creek. Three broken teeth, unconscious in the creek, woke up 45 minutes later at the hospital with a nasty concussion and a nose full of dried blood that had to be picked out.


Aug 29, 2003
The worst day at a Harescramble is a tie. ONE: I was Four laps into the race washed out the front tire and killed the bike. Went to start it and come to the realization to the clanking sound the lap prior and found that the kick starter had fallen off. Pushed it two miles to the pits in sand. No hills to bump start it. I was in 7th out of 21 in my class.

Second: Same race a month later. Got good start, went six laps and was in 4th. Last lap in a real tight zig zag section between a bunch of sapplings. Got to close to one and it went in between my visor and front of helmet. It hit me in the face and ripped a chunk of my nose off. I stoped and seven guys that were right behind me went flying by.

Worst day riding. I jumped my bike off of a small hill in our feild. I penciled it and did about 3 cart wheels. I think my bike did one. It knocked me for a loop, and to this day I have scar tissue on my left side. My dad thought that it was funny.


Jul 25, 2006
Well my worst day I was just goofing off back in 84 riding my XR 200, the only honda I've ever owned :coocoo: . This dirt road through the woods from my house had always had a 30' wide flat strip of grass on one side of it and I would always wind it out up through there for about a mile. I got through the woods to the grassy strip and tore loose not knowing what laid ahead :whoa: . About a half mile into it was no dif than any other day when, a freshly dug drain ditch about 3' deep and the same wide popped into view, by the time I seen it, it was to late. The front end went in hitting the other side, the bike stoped on a dime and I planted face first into the other side and kept skidding knocking out or breaking all my top and bottom front teeth, and yes I had a full face helmet on and it was full of grass that I plowed up. I could hardly walk from where my thighs and ribs raked across the bars, my left wrist was badly sprained, I thought I had broke my shoulder but turns out it was only outa joint, both elbows had no skin left on them, I broke the pinky finger on my right hand. I was by myself and to say the least not sure what shape I was in, I really thought I was gona die right there, I could not for the life of me catch my breath. Thank God for a very rare passer by that stoped to help.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
My worst day riding was that time when I sold my soul to the devil for a finisher pin at the 3rd annual "Oh My God 100", I believe that was 1978 or maybe 79, coulda even been 1980. But the point is I was still trying to race my 1975 CZ 250, the Falta replica for all you aficionados. I didn’t realize how outdated the stupid thing was because I was trying to make payments on a house while working for a building supply company and making only $4.50 an hour and I hadn’t paid much attention to developments in the two-wheeld off-road world. My bike was in pieces for a couple of years, finally I managed to get a new clutch basket from what had been Bellflower CZ but was now called Bellflower Yamaha. I laced up some new wheels, and got a bore job and a new piston to go with my new clutch and sweet new yellow frame and polished aluminum tank. Truth be told, the ole Falta was outdated in 1975 when it was new.

My downfall was the new “snail pipe” that Pete sold me at the old MX and Enduro shop. Little did I know that Pete had done some underworld bargaining of his own. It seems his meager profits from the sale of Maico, Penton, CZ, and the so called “Indian” were going straight up his nose. Don’t get me wrong, I liked Pete and he always treated me right. Of course he double screwed a few people too. But I digress. As bad luck would have it, the snail pipe was not made for a 250, it was for a 400. Not being of abundant mechanical skills and possessing an even less sufficient understanding of the Czech language and traditions…I attempted to install the pipe on the mighty Falta. Me and the teenage welder at the corner gas station agreed that all I needed was a nice big shim welded into the pipe and it would fit like Trojan on an elephant. And so it did.

I failed to make it 20 yards past the first check at the 3rd annual OMGhunnert. A one piece CZ engine is much slower than the already slow CZ engine. I must admit that I was a bit surprised by the modern bikes of the time and how they dwarfed my air-shocked pride and joy. But I still couldn’t accept not even finishing the race.

That’s when I met him, El Diablo. You’re probably expecting a really great story of how the deal went down. But it was rather uneventful, you just sign the papers and BOOM, you trade a little finisher pin for your soul.

The real story is how I got my sole back from the King of The Underworld. But I’ll save that one for another day.
Last edited:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
VintageDirt said:
. . . That’s when I met him, El Diablo. You’re probably expecting a really great story of how the deal went down.
Did you ever hear the story that happened not long ago
'bout the man with a tan, El diablo de Mexico
And this man played his hand and he lived by the luck of the draw
Now and then and again found him steppin' outside the law
Hey! hey!


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
I always did know how to kill a thread.

may cam 10

Jul 16, 2007
the worst day i ever had was when i went to a local track to ride with a friend, i had just got my yamaha cr50 completely decked out, top of the line little 50. i was just killin it i was doin really good for my first time at a track. then i tried to hit a double and went over the bars, broke the bars broke my visor tore the kick start off and completely ruined the bars. took bout $400 to fix all the damage including the bars. its safe to say i take that double very carefully now. but it wasnt that bad


May 16, 2007
my worst day wasent as bad for me as it was for my buddys. me and myneghbor wanted to ride with his brother and his freinds but they were leaving and we had to go change our oil. so they said when we get back we will all go for a ride. it was very rare that we got to ride with them and we will never turn down a ride with any of them. so about half an hour later one of them comes back and his tire is almost off the rim so he gets his truck and head to go home. then anather half an our goes buy and anather one comes back and he has a flat to and his uncle had one so he went to get the truck and on the way he got a flat. so when the first kid came back with the truck we notice that my freinds brother also has a flat so 4 of the guys got flats. and on the may home my other neighbor is stuck in a ditch with 2 flats. it was a very bad day.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
VintageDirt said:
I always did know how to kill a thread.
I still wanna hear how you got your soul back. Did you get to keep the finisher pin in the process?


Dude Guy Bub
Damn Yankees
Mar 31, 2007
The Worst Day that Keeps repeating Itself

Well heres my story: I woke up to a beautiful morning, sun shining, birds chirping. I walk outside with a smile on my face so large I checked clearance on the garage door to make sure I could fit through. Quickly hitting the electric door opener to the garage, the sound of a rusty chain rolling over a dry sprocket pierced my ears, the door opened slow and loudly. It was then that the same smile I had moments ago had turned to about the size of a two week old dry booger (very small). I realized I did not yet have a dirt bike:(


Nov 4, 2000
HubertGarfunkleIII said:
there can never be a bad day of riding. every time that we get to go riding is a privelege. and therefore a good day!

As long as you live to tell about, and I agree!

I think I have you all beat.... OK maybe some..

How about riding at a track towards the end of the day, and the track owner pulls a loader behind a table top ( with no flaggers or any warning signs of course) and you happen to be the next one over it? (into the top part of the bucket) 2 broken legs, severed ligaments, and a few months in a wheelchair. The worst part - a totaled 98 KX250, that was a sweet bike!

Any you know was still a great day because I thank god the brain ( my wife will disagree) and the spine, were un-injured, and I can still ride and do 98% of what I used to. (except jogging!)

It is always a good day to be alive. Alive and riding is preferred tho.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
I've had some bad days, got the scars (physical and emotional ones) to prove it too. But my worst day? Hmmm, guess that would have to be the second day of the Buffalo 500 dual-sport ride outside of Columbus, IN back in '98 or '99. I was riding with this guy whose name I forget. This was one of those rides where you had to know how to use a roll chart because the club only had about 2 or 3 arrows on the whole route.

Anyway we came out of the first or second trail section and followed the group of 4 riders that were just ahead of us. Ten miles of backroads later we pull into a driveway. One of the guys comes over and asks if we were on the d/s ride. Turns out they were just some locals out trail riding.

After riding around most of Southern Indiana, and stopping at ever gas and sip along the way for directions, we finally get back on course. We were following what we thought were the very last riders, a father and daughter riding identical XT225s, going over this gnarly jeep road with huge ruts on either side. The father, who was in his late 60s, falls into a rut, breaks his leg and starts going into shock. The guy I was riding with was an EMT, so we stayed there waiting for the sweep riders. After an hour of waiting the daughter and I decided to ride ahead and get help. We got to a main road and flagged down a pickup truck carrying what looked like extras from the movie Deliverance. It was actually a family on their way back from church. They turned out to be really nice people and drove their 2-wheel drive pickup up this rutted jeep road where we loaded the guy into the back so they could take him to the hospital.

After that we continued along the ride, skipping all the trail sections, until we got to the lunch stop and told a club member about the guy with the broken leg. Evidently they had gotten lost and were behind the sweep riders. At the lunch stop all that was left was a bag of potato chips that I split with the other guy. From there we called it a day, rode back to the start, loaded up and headed home.

Since I was starving and hadn't eaten anything since breakfast I stopped at this Chinese buffet place outside of Columbus. Not sure if it was the beef, the chicken or the pork, but something had me rushing for the toilet before I even made it to Indianapolis. That was one miserable drive home, stopping at every rest area between Indy and Kankakee.
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