Your Worst Day!!


Jul 16, 2007
Mine was driving all the way out to Glamis and was stoked the whole way there since it was going to be the 2nd ride on my new bike at the time, 2001 YZ426F. I did a quick warm up session with my bike when we got there... And then, after about 15 minutes after arriving in Glamis, I thought I'd be nice and warm my mom's quad up for her. That's where it went wrong... I still don't know to this date, what I hit... But it sent by front over end, and for some reason, I didn't let go of the bars on the quad. I ended up crashing... and I didn't think I was hurt until I started the quad back up and couldn't pull the clutch in. I took of my glove and realized my hand was super swollen already. I figured I could still ride, just needed sometime to regain strength. My mom is a nurse, and she was freaking out, telling me it was broken. But it didn't hurt, so I said, Let's stay ((since she wanted to take me to the hosp.)) and I'll ride tomorrow. None the less, I wasn't able to ride all weekend. I was confined to a sand rail. And when I went to the doctors on Monday, there was nothing he could do to set the bone since it had already started healing and he was going to have to break it again and set it. I said, Heck with that I'll be fine. Now... I have no knuckle on my left hand. Over all, not that bad... Only part that made it bad was I only got one "warm up" ride on my bike all weekend. :whoa:
- Heather


Jun 9, 2004
Let's just say that by the time the day was over it involved one wrecked CR250, one broken femur, a brand-new set of Thor Core riding gear & a SixSixOne Pressure Suit falling victim to the trauma unit doctor's scissors, a finger up my butt to look for internal bleeding, and a catheter to drain out/violate the other end.

Needless to say, it was not a good day.

It is also the gift that keeps on giving, as I'm having another surgery on that leg on August 6th to get the rod removed and a new one installed, which should hopefully get the bone properly healed this time and let me get on with my life.


Jul 16, 2007
mtk said:
It is also the gift that keeps on giving, as I'm having another surgery on that leg on August 6th to get the rod removed and a new one installed, which should hopefully get the bone properly healed this time and let me get on with my life.

Good luck with that!! Hope you have a speedy recovery!
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