YZ 250F or 2 stroke 250?


Dec 14, 2002
Hi all!!

I know you've probably heard this one alot..and i've done a search..didnt find what i needed, so here we go. I'm about 6'1 190lbs, limited riding experience...ridden bikes a few times 2 & 4 stroke, lots of quad's (banshee, raptor, 400EX etc) i've been wanting a bike for a while..and now i've got enough saved to get one. I'll be riding a little woods..but mostly riding tracks and moto. ..For my size/weight/experience what do you guys think would be better for me? And what mods, if any, would you recommend? Thanks for all your imput!!


Apr 17, 2002
250f would be a good starter bike but I think you would be better on a 250. 250 generates quite a bit more power so its there if you need it and you won't have to rev it out so much which is not a beginner friendly way to ride. Of course the 4stroke may be a good beginner bike cause its tamer than a 250 but what happens when you want more power?


Oct 21, 2002
It sounds like you are in the same situation I was last summer. I hadn’t ridden bikes since the mid 80s but started riding quads a couple of years ago. I got the bike bug; wanted to go faster, jump further and be able to ride more places. I stumbled into a 2001 RM250. It was in perfect condition and it hadn’t been ridden much. It had the aftermarket parts that I would have put on anyway, and the price was right so I bought it. Now when I get back on my 400EX, it feels like I am dragging an anchor, it’s slow and it beats me up compared to the bike. As for what type of bike to get; if you have the money, the four-stroke bikes look great. Some of my buddies bought CRF450s this winter so I am excited to try them this summer. Will you be satisfied with the power of a YZ250F? A two-stroke 250 will have more power. I know the first time I got on my bike I thought I would never use all that power but I am slowly learning to use it. You may consider the YZ450F, I understand they have more power than the YZ250. The cost-effective solution is a two-stroke. The local shop has new 02 RM & KX 250s for $4500, they had a CR for a couple hundred more and the YZs are going for full retail. I am really impressed with the power of the new two-strokes, lots of it and it’s smooth and controllable. I may try a CRF450 for 2004 although they do cost more.


Dec 14, 2002
I appreciate the feedback guys! I see both your points. I just didnt know whether it would be better for me to begin on the 4 stroke and learning good riding technique as i go or just get a 2 stroke and get used to the power and riding style/technique of a 2 stroke 250 since i'd probably be looking for more power after i got back into the "groove" of riding. I dunno...Its something i'll have to think about before i make an opinion. Hopefully with the quality information from this site..i'll be able to make the right decision..N E ways, keep the info coming! Thanks guys!
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