Yz250f spring rate question???


Oct 22, 2004
Hello all,
I have a 2002 YZ250f and I am having problems with the rear wheel dancing alot on me. I weigh 135lbs. with gear. I found out that the stock spring rate on my bike is setup for a rider that wegh 185lbs. I have set the sag and I have adjusted the comp and reb. settings. I still have a problem in the woods with a ton of woops. Any ideas? Will changing the spring rate help. I have added an extra 10mm of sag to the bike but, I have not tested it yet.


Oct 22, 2004
Cool, I guess that is what I will do.

1 more question! I thought I was adjusting the rebound and compression settings on the shock but, now after doing some reading I am not sure. It looks like there is only hi.lo speed compression settings. Which one is which (upper adjustment and lower adjustment) How do you set rebound? Also what would be the proper procedure for setting up?


Jun 21, 2003
Sounds like you need to get the manual out and set the compression and rebound to the stock settings. The rear wheel dancing could be a rebound issue. Start at the stock reb setting, and then first try turning it a couple clicks faster.

The low speed compression is the screwdriver adjustment on the ressy. If it has high speed, it needs a socket. The rebound is on the bottom of the shock.


May 2, 2001
Definitely get a suspension expert to look at the bike (if there's one nearby). I weigh 143 lbs. and have an 03 YZ250F. The stock springs beat me up! Had to respring for my weight and it's much better now. Best $$ you'll spend on the bike. I forget what springs are on the fork, but the shock is a 4.6. Springs and revalving cost me $450.00. Hope this helps.
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