Zuki Crankshaft


Oct 8, 2004
I have an 01 RM250.

Where can I find a crankshaft for this? I have searched online at everywhere I can think of and I can't find one for my bike--Under $450.00

I have to split the motor cases because my piston broke. I must have had piston slap and/or a worn out piston because the skirt broke completely off and it found its way down into the bottom of the bike where it promptly seized the motor.

Since I have to be in there, I thought I would replace the crank and bearings but I am having trouble finding a crank for a decent price. Any help would be nice.

Yes, I will be doing the top end as well and a new connecting rod and bearings. The cylinder and head are fine. And no, I can't move anything because its seized up tight--fortunately I was going slow so I don't think I damaged anything too badly.

I don't know if the crank can be rebuilt/trued--I would rather buy a new one and slap it in if the price isn't too high. I am mechanically adept, but this is my first two stroke, and I have a feeling it was abused by the previous rider.


Jul 6, 2004
my only question is are you sure the crank bearings are seized or has the piece of piston just wedged inbetween the case and crank down in there. sorry i cant help you with your real ?.


Jan 27, 2000


Oct 8, 2004
Guys, guys.

I have been to all the big sites: Dennis Kirk, Motorsport...etc. They don't carry crankshafts for my bike--I don't know why. I know I can get a hot rod from Wiseco, but Wiseco doesn't make a crank for it.

Does anyone know where I can find a crank besides the dealer? I am willing to try links, but I'm being honest when I say that I have tried most of the links.

Anyone else have a Suzuki and have this same problem. I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world that has had to replace their crank on a 01 Suzuki RM250.


Jun 7, 2003
Sorry, but you did ask if you could rebuild it. After market cranks are fairly new and there only availible for a few models at this time. I could'nt find one for my ktm either.


Oct 8, 2004
Yeah, I meant I didn't know if I could replace it, or if I would have to rebuild it.

I got it all sorted out. I talked to Eric Gorr this morning and he told me that a rebuild would run me about $400.00--thats well within my budget for the repair. I just have to wait for my Christmas bonus to come in. LOL.

Thanks for the help guys.

BTWay, I still don't know if an aftermarket crankshaft is made. Eric Gorr said something about a Hot-Rod kit for the bike would be used if it needed it, but that the crank would probably get rebuilt. Sounds good to me.

02'Cr Rider

Nov 20, 2001
I just replaced my 03 rm 250 crank,I bought it from midwest action cycle 1-800-323-0078 .I paid $ 289.00 it was the best deal i can find, i think the crank price was for 01-03 rm250's.I had the crank within one week.Great service.


Apr 10, 2002
If you can find the Suzuki part number for the compete assembly, you should look on the www.ronayers.com website. You can plug the number into their search box and it will give you a price. I saw the part for $430-ish on BikeBandit, but it doesn't give the Suzuki part number, just the BikeBandit part number. I have found ronayers.com to be quite cheaper on Kawasaki KDX parts than BikeBandit. For example, a 1998 Suzuki DR650 crankshaft is $477.90 on BikeBandit, but $363.40 on www.ronayers.com. (ronayers had the microfiche for that bike)

Hope this helps.


Oct 8, 2004
Thank you much guys. I can bookmark those pages for later. I am going to let Eric Gorr's shop rebuild it since I don't have the time to learn how to do it. I'm mechanically adept, but I am also rebuilding my 79 Jeep, and I have my house to work on. Balance that with 50+ hour a week job and wanting to start higher education and I think I can send the bike repair out this time. ;)

I appreciate the links. I'm sure I will need them sometime in the future, plus my buddys have 03 RM250's. :cool:


Feb 18, 2004
for future refrence try calling a canadian dealer and see how much they will charge. if the deal is good you are close enough to drive up or let them ship it to you it is worth a try any way . our dollar has gone up a little but youres is still worth more :cool: and you can take more across dutie free .just a thought anyway .