
Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
OK, This book may offend some folks(mainly those of a more liberal orientation), but other then that I'm on page 50 and have laughed out loud numerous times. Phil calls a spade a spade and gives you a "real life" unobstructed veiw of the interworkings in Iraq!
I look forward to finishing it! Below is the link to Amazon with some of the reveiws.

On a personal note I went to school with Mr Kiver (I use Mr now for he has my respect). He was a couple grades below me and we were not close yet the way he writes, calling a spade a spade, his character, and just his points of veiw have not changed since he and I were on the soccer team together. This is 100% who I remember Phil as!

Book Description
Phil Kiver’s real life, moment-to-moment journal of his assignment as an Army journalist in Iraq is honest, irreverent—gripping and emotional one moment—a howl the next. Kiver, pictured above, in Iraq, with one of his heroes, Oliver North, doesn’t dress for company. His journals are raw reaction, impression, and introspection. This, folks, is what it feels like to be Phil Kiver in this war in Iraq—missing his wife, lounging at one of Sadam’s pools, angry with the brass, witnessing the deaths of children and comrades, nighttime explosions too close for comfort, pasta with the Italians, toasting the fallen with the Ukrainians. It’s a delirium of experience with this journalist sorting through the rubble and smoke in search of the story that will one day be history.
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