
Mar 20, 2005
i have a 1980 kdx 250, its my first bike (im 17 years old) and im very happy with it. i am amazed at the power this thing has, its all stock (execpt for the missing spark arrester that fell off after biiiiiigg wheelie :nod: )

im having a problem with the clutch being too tight. does anyone have anytricks to loosen it up? also any other 1980 250 riders out there who have any input or tricks about the bike?

Parker d

Dirt Bike Dan

Aug 18, 2004
Do you mean hard to pull the lever in? The cable probably needs lubricated; easiest done with... a cable luber. Get one from the local stealership. You can use cable lube, wd-40, etc. Check to make sure the cable doesn't bind and is routed properly.
You should go through all the bikes bearings ASAP, replace and grease as necessary. I'm currently replacing my swingarm bearings (very expensive, had to cut the pivot out...). has parts diagrams, great resource.
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