
Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
 Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia): A
French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he thought we
(Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to provoke a war in
Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn't be able to count on
the support of France.
I told him that it didn't surprise me. Since we had come to France's
rescue in World War I, World War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their
ingratitude and jealousy was due to surface, again, at some point in the
near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of faggots for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not words,
would do whatever it had to do, and France's support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact that
this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the other
way around.
He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told him if he would
like to, I would meet him outside in front of the Burger King and whip
his ass in front of the entire Multi-National Brigade East, thus
demonstrating that even the smallest American had more fight in him than
the average Frenchman.
He called me a barbarian cowboy and walked away in a huff.
With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Dad, tell mom I love her,

Your loving daughter
Lt. Col. Mary Beth Johnson USMC



LMAO! Yep. I was married to one of those once. She damn sure would rip ya a new one if you deserved it, too. :thumb:


It's all about the dirt..
Nov 20, 2001
LMAO!!! :aj:

We're not war mongers in the states, but when there is a bully in the neighborhood, he needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later. I think Sept. 11th and Bin Laden are a fine example of what wait and see will get ya!

I was e-mailed this earlier today.

Jay Leno said, "It's no surprise the French won't help us get Saddam
Hussein out of Iraq. They didn't help us get Germany out of France, either.
Still, it's essential for them to join us in the war against Iraq. They can
teach the Iraqis how to surrender.

That last one is more than a joke. It's shrewd commentary. It captures
why the French make such poor allies. When they pulled out of NATO 40 years
ago and declared Americans must close down their bases in France, Secretary
of State Powell had a bitterly caustic response of late. Should we dig up the
graves of American soldiers in Normandy, too, and take them home?
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May 6, 2001
You're damn right we should. The fact that the frogs have forgotten what lies overlooking the English Channel, et al is an abomination.

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