AAAAARGHHHH!!! Where do I start?

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
Ever literally wanted to beat somebody until they begged you to go ahead and kill them, then just laugh in their face, spit on them and beat them some more???
My son (No_Mo) is back in off campus placement (detention for hard juvies) because he was sick yesterday and came home from school. He signed himself out at the office, came home and called his mom, who proceeded to call the school and let them know. They did not say a word about it not being policy or anything, just said "OK, we got the msg."
Today he gets to school and is called to the office. They are giving him 3 days detention in OCP , he can't even come on to the school grounds. The reason??? He didn't get his mom's permission to check out of school first.
Since my wife works at home she went to the school and promptly got the brush-off from three levels of administration. No_Mo offered to take licks to get back into school but they said no since he had not requested them before they sent him to OCP! Our next move is to the school board, who is about as interested in people as I am about root canals. I have been down this path before with these bumpkins only to have them side with the administration.
Heck, we even got a lawyer last time to see if we could do anything. Basically, the Texas Education Code gives the local schools the right to run the school as they see fit, as long as it's within the guidelines of the Code which are pretty ambiguous. The school system takes the approach of "zero tolerance" with students that are not atheletes. Students who are varsity football players get preferential treatment. Parents of varsity football players know this and are not willing to let their kids be judged equally. :silly:
Don't know what to do, last time I put the house up for sale but couldn't unload it. Too many new homes going in around here. :whiner:

Screwed in Celina :uh:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Slo' mo tell No'mo to go puke on the principals desk first next time then maybe they'll get the point.


Oct 7, 1999
Some schools and teachers, I have found, think they can do whatever they like. Often, regrettably, because they can, as you have found out. :mad: That's why they fight so desperately against school choice -- they know they'll be left in droves or forced to shape up. I'm lucky, we have some good schools and good people around here. But sometimes even here you need to stand up to them.


Oct 31, 2000
Uh, if your wife works at home why did your son have to call her when he got home yesteday? Is this a first offense? When I was in HS I couldn't sign myself out until I was 18. Something doesn't sound right in this situation.



Feb 9, 2000
What are the alternatives Slo-Mo, can't you get him into another school, or get his high school diploma through another means.

Now leaving school without permission first does sound like he did something wrong. Still 3 days OCP detention sound ridiculous.

Man, I do not look forward to the days when my son hits that age. I can just see the trouble ahead.

In my day there was no detention, I think two of the best would have been the appropriate punishment. I think I got 4 once for playing hooky. never did quite make the max, 6 of the best, you had to really EARN that privilege.


Sep 20, 2001
You need to get front and center in the principal’s office. Be heard! Granted, they have a policy for checking out and it wasn't strictly followed. However, why did the administration let him leave without permission in the first place?

I feel your pain concerning the double standards when handing out punishment. We have the same problem in our school. Even more reason to get front and center, just be even toned and matter of fact when doing so.

Good Luck,


Sponsoring Member
Apr 20, 2001
Being from Celina, it's amazing they even notice him if he doesn't play football.

For those not from the area, this little town in N. Texas is about nothing else but winning state championships.


Feb 9, 2000
Got no good charter schools in your area, they had something on TV last night about some girl who was trying to graduate a year early so that her dying dad could see her graduate. A few months out from graduation she gets drunk, drives to school, gets her friends drunk or drinking, her punishment, one years suspension from school, zero tolerance, had to finish off her school year at a charter school - still got to graduate and her dad was there ! :ugg:

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
Originally posted by Tommygun
Do you have a local community newspaper to tell your story to after the principal/board route?

This is my next course of action. Right now I'm working on the letter, but all I can come up with is DIE, BASTAGE, DIE!!! :think


Mod Ban
Nov 20, 2001
i had a in house suspension ( when they keep you in a little room all day ) its for kids who like normal suspension (like me) i told the secratary that i felt sick she thought it was bull and didnt care 5 min later i puked all over her office and she felt like a a**


Jan 14, 2002
kdx357, a few years ago I did the same thing. I asked my teacher if I could go to the school nurse because I felt sick. She thought I was bsing her so she said no. I laid my head down on my desk (because I was not feeling tto good) and she got mad at me and made me sit in the chair right next to her to keep me from goofing off. I threw up on her desk and she sent me to the principal's office because she said i purpousely threw up on her desk. I got suspended for 3 days. (BTW I wan in 3rd grade). My parents got so pissed at the school that we switched to a private school. Now no more problems with this sort of stuff, as the parents pretty much ruled the school, and our headmaster is a real nice guy.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
The school and it's administration are responsible for your child while you have intrusted him to them. If something had happened to your son on the way home, then they the school, and yes the administration personally would be responsible. As an administrator I for one am not going to risk MY childs home by not following the policy about students leaving without permission. It happens almost daily here. They recieve detention when they do it. It doesn't take two minutes to come to the office and have them call the childs parent.

It's real easy to sit and criticize someone about how they do their job until you do it. In our school there are 5400 chances in a day for a student to not go where they are suppose to. Without strict policies the place would turn to chaos. Most people can't control their own kids but yet they want to tell trained,experienced people how to control several hundred at one time. :think :think :think :think


Sep 22, 2000
Real Life Experience

If there is nothing else to be learned from this, your son will learn that no matter what the right thing to do may be--debating rules with the ones who make up the rules is a dead end road, they can simply change them at their will! :(

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
Originally posted by txvintage
Being from Celina, it's amazing they even notice him if he doesn't play football.

For those not from the area, this little town in N. Texas is about nothing else but winning state championships.

Txvintage, you might be interested to lear that G.A. Moore resigned yesterday to go over to Pilot Point.
(Celina's most hated rival!) :) :)


Sponsoring Member
Apr 20, 2001
Originally posted by slo' mo

Txvintage, you might be interested to lear that G.A. Moore resigned yesterday to go over to Pilot Point.
(Celina's most hated rival!) :) :)

Move, this could develop into a feud type range war from days gone past.

Gotta love Texas. Where else could a high school football coach make 100K while an Algebra teacher in the same school rakes in 35K.

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
check your e-mail. I am not trying to start a war on school administration. A wise person once said there are two sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in between.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
I just got home from a weekend ride. Sorry for the delay. No problem at all. I talked to everyone around the campfire about my feelings about people and their responce towards administration. I know I take it too personal. It's a hard job to forget at 5:00. Good luck. I did send you an email.


May 8, 2001

G.A. is not going over to but BACK to pilot point. i dont know what is in his "program" but in 1982 he took somebody that i knew personally and turned him into an all-state tight end in one year. i played baseball, basketball, and football with this kid for years and he is was an ok athlete. he leaves our school for pilot point and in one year becomes an all state tightend.


Sep 30, 2001
My son was suspended from school for ten days when he and his buddy found a jacket of one of their classmates. My son's buddy wears the jacket to the next period to taunt the owner a bit (12-year-old-boys). Gave the jacket back. The kid's mom was furoius and demanded justice. My son and his buddy were suspended. My wife and I were down there the next day. We tried to understand their logic. My son had never been in trouble at the school. The principal would not budge. When we left, the principal would not unlock the gate for my wife and I to walk directly to our car. Told us to go down the street several blocks and walk around. The school was in the projects (busing). My wife and I had to walk several blocks through the projects that were rampant with crime.

I didn't waste my time complaining because I figured out exactly what it was all about.

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