Advise on Job after college... HELP!!!

sick 96 250

Damn Yankees
Jul 16, 2004
This is prob a wierd topic but right now I am looking for a job since I have graduated college this past semester. I have a communications media degree which seems to be a pain in the a$$ finding a job in. I've done television work, graphic work and a few other things while I was in school. My field covers so much stuff its hard to narrow down anything. Sometimes I think I shouldn;t of went to college because I kinda see myself doing nothing that i went for. I love working on stuff, cars, dirt bikes, quads, snowmobiles, etc. I seem to really excell in those areas and learn something new everytime I do it. I guess its because i enjoy it the most. I did an internship at the Pa Convention Center over the summer in the IT deparment and enjoyed the people but not the work itself. I guess i just wasn't meant for that line of work. Right now I sell a lot of stuff on **** such as dirt bikes, quads, parts and other little things but it isn;t really an income. Kinda like I'll be broke for a week or two then have a good amount of money another week. I occasionlly work at my buddies cabinet shop which is off and on, been doing that since I was 15.
I guess my main question is, all you who have been through this situation how did you approach a career after schooling? I tried using the job search engines but seems to be all garbage. I've been on several interviews for sales and advertising positions but their all in left field. Always commission only work where I get to drive hundreds of miles a week for horrible pay etc. Just trying to see how to approach this real world thing the correct way. For now I'm ok but need more of a steady salary.

Sorry for the long post and hope someone has some decent ideas, i really dont want to hear any jokes about this unless their actually meaningfull. Thanx for your time.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Go to Vegas and work in the promotions department in a big resort!

sick 96 250

Damn Yankees
Jul 16, 2004
Patman said:
Go to Vegas and work in the promotions department in a big resort!
Thats funny you mention that... my X girlfriend moved out there and works in the entertainment business(stripper) she's been tryin to get me out that way for a while now, says she can get me something with promotions cause she knows a lot of people, but I would prob lose my mind out there, or be broke. So thats kinda out of the question :laugh:

sick 96 250

Damn Yankees
Jul 16, 2004
RM_guy said:
Hey bud I've seen you...don't strip :p :laugh:

:rotfl: :rotfl: I wasn't goin to RM_GUY!!!! Geeze that would be just wrong!!!! :laugh: I do have a chance to go out that way if I ever want(not to strip), maybe work at a casino or something along those lines.


Apr 23, 2004
Don't worry about finding a "career" based on what your degree is in. Something like 60 or 70% of college grads do not work in the field thier degree is for; but don't think your degree is worthless either. It shows you worked for, and followed through to accomplish something. Any employer likes ambition, and a degree is proof of that in most cases.

Don't be so flustered. College is tough (if you're there for the right reasons). Secondary education is a business, and the problem is, you, like just about everyone else attending, bought into thier sales pitch which set your expectations too high. Yeah, there are those lucky few who land jobs making 80k per year right off the bat, but they are a lucky few because thier degree is in the "right" field at the time they graduate, and everything comes together. Thier personallity, contacts, intelligence type, and degree fit the bill. That "right" choice of a major depends on the economy. There's no possible way for anyone, let alone a 17 or 18 year old to accurately predict the economy 4, 5 or more years down the road.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
You're not likely to get your "dream job" right now, but figure out what that is and look for jobs that would be logical stepping stones to get to that job.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
What about production work as an entry level supervisor or Team Lead? Most companys only hire college degrees for supervisor positions. You can learn what you need to know on the job. Pay is usually pretty good. You don't have to worry about the communications degree. You just need work experience right now and this type of job will give you the following skills:

-Problem Solving
-Leading People
-Team Orientation Skills
-Productivity/Budgeting/Goal Setting
-Output/Production Environment
-Working with a cross-funtional group

I could go on. I just want to stress that you really just need some "WORK EXPERIENCE" then you can move on to other things when you are in a better position to market yourself. Good luck.


Jan 14, 2005
My only advise is no one cares if you have a degree. Companys want people with experiance so be willing to start at the bottom (with poor pay), gain valuable experiance then work your way into a better paying position.
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