
A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by Jaybird
What exactly is a redneck?
And, btw...what do you have against rednecks?


I live in what is considered "The Prime Place to find Them," Eastern, KY and though I may post jokes I have yet to see one. Who knows I may be one, but what exactly is a "Red Neck?"

Most of the people around my area are hard working individuals who take pride in what they do.

Nephron, despite your education, I would consider how you post further to this forum, fervor excluded. You stated your position well, yes it is about citizens, but it is also about the thin gray line that separates the Church from the State. You can do a search on any engine to find "MacWorld vs. Jihad" and find arguments against the forcing of "Nationalism" on other countries.

The hard line to follow is about American Citizens trying to alter the law to follow their belief's and that is WRONG!

The Separation of Church and State was specifically conscribed just for that.

Language issues don't bother me, this country was built on them. English Vs Native American. Heck, that is what my ancestors had to learn while the British over ran my homeland of both Scotland and Ireland. Much to the chagrin of others I like Gaelic. I don't know any of it but I like hearing it spoken.

While stationed in Germany I had to learn to at least understand the language. I don't have a problem with peoples from other countries being here.

What I do have a problem with is people acting out and telling others they don't belong.

I suggest you read what is written on the Statue of Liberty. Our doors are open to everyone who is willing to make the sacrifice to become a citizen.

To those that wish to enter our country, or in Canada's respect, illegally, I would be happy to either slam the door in your face or arrest you.



Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Rednecks aren't a particular people, Jaybird. It's a behavior. And yes, I despise them all.

:think: :|

Hah, man if that were worth a response I would give you one. :debil:

Maybe once you teach me how to speak Neanderthal ill post back.

Rednecks aren't a particular people, Jaybird. It's a behavior

Just curious, who gave you this magical power to label all these people? Redneck was a term used by the Urban people as a derogatory referece towards the uneducated farmers way back in the day.
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Jun 11, 2002
Just to add a little twist to this already volatile conversation, but the bill of rights and or the constitution, as well as no legal book or document ever printed, says the words "seperation of church and state". In the original documents our for fathers wrote it was designated that no established government or ruling party may or have the right to set up or limit any religion. That is much different then church vs. state. Seperation of church and state would mean that the state (Gov.) would have absolutley no decision making ability over the church. EX: a church or religious matter couldn't be brought before the court system at any time, they would not be able to make a ruling. For example if there was seperation of C and S, then the state couldn't ban prayer in schools, or the reading of the bible in school. Saying a prayer before a high school football game wouldn't make national headlines, or as in the state of California, the school district couldn't make a 2 week class about the religion of Islam mandatory, meaning students had to wear typical Muslim garb to school and assume Muslim names. Just thought I would tell you all the difference.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Originally posted by nephron
Rednecks aren't a particular people, Jaybird. It's a behavior. And yes, I despise them all. Do I stand higher than them? I consider someone with an open mind who gives every human a shot irregardless of race, culture, country of origin, or even language better than what at least I understand as a redneck.

Just some answers...

From what I can gather from your post, a redneck would be someone who does not have an open mind, and holds contemptual predjudice for at least one type of human being.

I don't know, man...perhaps you better give me more information. It's not looking good for the home team at this juncture.

I know you see where I'm going with this, and if not...perhaps you should sit back and re-evaluate a bit. If I'm missing your point, then by all means, fill me in.


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
During the summer, I where a T-shirt when I work out in the field! Thus I develop a pretty "Red-Neck" :p

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by CanadianRidr
Redneck was a term used by the Urban people as a derogatory referece towards the uneducated farmers way back in the day.

CR - To take it a step further. Rednecks are often viewed as simple and closed minded individuals that are incapable and/or unwilling to accept change. If indeed that is the definition of a redneck, I have just described all the folks that support GAGs, want to stop the WTO, rule in many countries of the world, and support fundamentalist religions around the world.

I define a redneck as a simple hardworking individual that trusts with his gut, seals a deal with a handshake, and keeps his end of any bargain (good or bad). If that is a redneck, it may explain why Irish hasn't seen one, as there are not many left.

I think the word that should be used in Nephron's comments is prejudice. There are many people in this world that are prejudiced against others. In extreme cases, we tend to define them as r****t. We really don’t need r****t and/or r****m in this world, and we would all be better off if we could tone down the prejudice. To that point I agree with Nephron’s position.

That being said, America was founded on, among others, the principal that success will come to those that work hard to achieve success. There are many people, both poor and wealthy, that abuse this principal. Many rich people coast through life on the coattails of their ancestors while many poor people coast through life in a similar manner. No where in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution of the United States (to the best of my knowledge) does it mention entitlements.

Everyone deserves a fair and equitable shot at success. There are too many people, worldwide, that want the trappings of success without adopting the principals that make success possible.

I recently read an article comparing work hours in Europe and the Americas (Canada and the US). We work something just shy of 50 hours a week on average and the number is expected to rise over the next decade, while Europe is around 34 hours per week and shrinking.

Productivity is what the information age is about. Those that do not understand this and do not adapt will drop by the wayside, much like many of the species that have refused to adapt throughout history. Adapting to the principals of the society in which you live is a fundamental requirement for success.

Look at the success achieved by the Vietnamese boat people. Most arrived with only the clothes on their back and many have gone on to become the valedictorians of the high schools and colleges they attended (the majority in mathematics, sciences and engineering). No underwater basket weaving for them, they understand what it takes to achieve success.

Meanwhile many folks with the American birthright coast through life complaining that they don’t have all the success they see on the TV sitcoms, while many people in other countries view us as imperialistic because we are the economic engine of the world, and they want to destroy us.

To paraphrase Economics in One Lesson, which I recently read ......
In 1760, when cotton-spinning machinery was invented, it was estimated that there were 5,200 spinners using spinning wheels. Twenty-seven years later there were (according to a study by the English Parliament) 320,000 people involved in the spinning and weaving of cotton.

Nevermind the increase in number of people involved in the production and transport of the raw and/or finished goods. That was at the infancy of the machine age and we now stand at the infancy of the information age.

Moore’s law defined the growth of the microchip and likely the growth demand in human productivity as well. Education and personal responsibility for individual growth are going to be the hallmarks of success in the coming years IMHO.

There is little room for those that do not want to adapt to their surroundings.
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Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Tony--yes, my "loose" use of the term redneck was simply meant to imply prejudice or bigotry.

Jaybird--I see you're trying to direct my comments and opinion into a smaller and more singular, simple concept--trying to take my use of the word "redneck" and run with it, baby! Run with it! Drive me into a corner....

...wrong. Slow down, pal. I would be willing to bet there are few here that have a broader experience of that term than me--raised on a farm and from a small town, then ascending to one of the highest points in medicine. I saw and heard it all. I went through Kali, after all, and had all those guys nicknaming me things like "backwoods", etc. I went through the same realization of hippocracy that you're trying to push on me, Jaybird--only many more times harshly and long time ago. I was always pissed about how these guys could give rights out to every little special interest group and how they would, in one breath, scold someone for prejudice against (say) an illegal alien, IV drug abuser or homosexual from Hillcrest, while making fun of some stereotypical midwesterner or southerner. I took those comments somewhat personally, and so I have been there. So when I say redneck, again I'm not talking about a person based on their culture, language...etc. I'm talking about an bigot, or prejudiced person.

So no, don't take this there, Jaybird. You're wrong about my intentions here. Been there, done that. Long time ago. Despite what you're trying to say,  it's OK and not "prejudiced" or "bigotry" to dislike a person (or even a group of people, eg KKK) for their behavior--behavior's one of the only things we're all held accountable for, and therefore can change.



Dec 31, 1969
Well I'm confused.
Rednecks aren't a particular people, Jaybird. It's a behavior. And yes, I despise them all.
I consider someone with an open mind who gives every human a shot irregardless of race, culture, country of origin, or even language better than what at least I understand as a redneck.
I'm talking about an bigot, or prejudiced person.

Replace redneck with gay and where are ya?


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
I'm a white trash redneck and proud of it.

I just chalk the derogatory comments I see as coming from the ignorance of people who think they know much more than they do. There is a reason people like that don't run the country or make a difference in the world (except to irritate).



AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I think ol' CanadianRider's heart is in the right place. As to "everyone coming to America learn English"--I agree with that. We really shouldn't have to cater to all the other languages. Imagine how much less paperwork there'd be if there wasn't 18 different forms because of the different languages.

As to English vs. Indian (feathers, not dots), well, sad to say, but they lost. It's a sad state of affairs, but they're getting even with the white devils with their casinos. I guess when Mexico takes us over, we can adopt Spanish as our national language.


Feb 9, 2000
XRP, more likely a "Mexican" USA taking over or assimilating Mexico - gotta see this from a perspective of strength !! ;)


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
According to Webster' New World Dictionary, the word "redneck" was derived from the characteristic sunburned neck aquired in the fields by farm laborers.
It's slang term references: "a poor, white, rural Southerner, often, specifically, one regarded as ignorant, bigoted,violent, etc..."

I have trouble with the sterotyical referencing of Southern, white men as rednecks.
First, The term to me is just as derogatory as the "N" word is to a black person. (and if you look, many dictionary's have completely eliminated that word from their pages...and perhaps rightly so) But I can take derogatory remarks becasue I feel confident in myself and my choices, as I'm certain that most all good black folk in the world do the same.

Also, lets look at the term "ignorant"....  Ignorance merely describes one that has a lack of knowlege. Is that a bad behavior? Is it possible to be lacking in knowlege and still be a good person? I think so. Especially since there is not one person on God's green that can claim they know all. So in one respect or another, we are all ignorant to some extent. I too am ignorant.

Bigoted....well, bigoted means that a person is narrow minded. Also a bigot can be one that holds blindly to a certain creed. Is that also a bad behavior? I guess that would depend on the context of ones bigotry. To have the mindset that is portrayed by the author of the original document in this post, is not a bad behavior to me. He is simply stating his opinion on the situation described.
Since I happen to believe in what the author is saying, and agree with his stance, I too am bigoted.

Violent...well, I guess if one chooses to fight for what they believe in, they can be considered violent. I for sure would fight for my family, as well as for my Country. I actually offered up a few years of my service to my government to be violent, in the name of my country, in an official capacity. So, I guess I too am violent.

When it comes to geography, I am not considered a Southerner. I was born and now live in Southern Indiana, which is not considered a Southern state. However, if I were to chose between Northern life and Southern, I can assure you I would chose the latter, having experienced both worlds. (please noone take offence, I simply stating my bigoted preference here:) )

So...I guess that I can be considered a redneck....and as Ivan, I'm DAMN PROUD IF IT!

God Bless America...and to all the rest, if you can't run with the big dawgs...stay on the stinkin' pourch!

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
Originally posted by nephron
There's a big difference between being a LIBERAL democrat, and being a Christian Republican with an OPEN MIND and practicing the absence of hippocracy. On the other hand, I don't judge those who do. And as you see, I'm very tolerant of hippocritical ignorants.

Nephron, not trying to call you out,but being Christian means you are required to have a very narrow view of those things you say you tolerate. True, we are not to judge, for that right is not our's but tolerance for those things this country was NOT founded upon is what landed us in the middle of this today.

Mo - the heterosexual white over 40 male Christian ignorant hypocrite


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by BunduBasher
XRP, more likely a "Mexican" USA taking over or assimilating Mexico - gotta see this from a perspective of strength !! ;)

Shhhhh.....Why did you think we were loaning them all that money?

Mexico: "Sorry Senior, we cannot pay you back."

US: Thats o-k, the clause on the bottom of the loans has a buy option written into it in case of default."
:) :)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Nothing makes me happier than to tell some of the various language speaking folks around here the phrase: "Sorry but I only speak redneck english, if you need my help find a dictionary." Then when they start talking about me in spanish I play dumb for a bit (just as they do with the english language) and then disagrre in their tongue :p

Senior KX Rider

Super Power AssClown
Nov 9, 1999
Originally posted by richkx250
Just to add a little twist to this already volatile conversation, but the bill of rights and or the constitution, as well as no legal book or document ever printed, says the words "seperation of church and state". In the original documents our for fathers wrote it was designated that no established government or ruling party may or have the right to set up or limit any religion.

AMEN TO THAT :thumb:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Well, I must say, I applaud all envolved in this discussion.  Many replies have been right up to the edge of inappropriateness, yet, none have crossed the line. :)
I for one fall within the "redneck" catagory and I'm not at all ashamed of it.  I've experienced some of the same darogatory remarks that Nephron has experienced and indeed, it has made me a much better person.  Ignorance and stupidity rarely are the same thing.  I aggree in the "intended" context of the editorial(as I see it) and clearly understand the reasoning behind it.  If I chose to "pick" it apart, I could easily do so but see no need.

There are many economic advantages for having English are national language but the political disadvantages will likely win out.  Many politicians talk about how they will change things but really only "want/need" your vote every two years so they can maintain the status quo. 

"Sorry but I only speak redneck english, if you need my help find a dictionary."

Probably the best way to handle it.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Brian - I don't have a redneck dictionary, but I did recently aquire a really fine Cajun dictionary that we can use to understand Randy at DW. :laugh:

Oops, another thought. I know I keep mentioning books but The Nine Nations of North America by Joel Garreau is an excellent book about the various loyalities and interests that divide North and Central America just below the surface. It is now just over 20 years old, but as relevant today as the day it was published.
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A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by Tony Eeds
Brian - I don't have a redneck dictionary, but I did recently aquire a really fine Cajun dictionary that we can use to understand Randy at DW. :laugh:

Loan it to me so I can properly order my "Lobsters." :) :thumb:


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
for one fall within the "redneck" catagory and I'm not at all ashamed of it.

[hick voice on] Look....we all ride motorized dirt cycles, drive 4x4 pick em up trucks, WE ARE ALL REDNECKS :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: [hick voice off]

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
Originally posted by CanadianRidr

[hick voice on] Look....we all ride motorized dirt cycles, drive 4x4 pick em up trucks, WE ARE ALL REDNECKS :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: [hick voice off]

There you go! Speaking of things you have no knowledge about! A hick is not a redneck! A redneck can be a hick, a hick can even be a redneck, but not ALL rednecks are hicks. Canadians can be hicks, but not rednecks. :silly:

All in fun, of course! :)


Jun 11, 2002
Well SLO MO and SENIOR KX, I may only be 28 but I would like to be added to the heterosexual white male, Christian ignorant hypocrite. And I wuld like to point out that I do not dispise the sinner I dispise the sinful act they choose to follow. Since you are a Christian you know that the Bible says that GOD HATES SIN. And if what you believe is tolerance means putting up with sin then therefore that means that you are tolerating sin, and that is a sin in itself. And by definition a hypocrite is someone who acts one way yet speaks another. I believe that I have said nothing to differ from my actions, and since Nephron you don't know me it would be hard for you to JUDGE my ways. Didn't you mention something about judging people.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Hey Slo'mo, this is for confusing me :moon: haha.....umm that moon was in a typical heterosexual funny kinda way so don't think of it any other way. HAHA! :laugh: :thumb:
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