
A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
YZ400guy, was complaining about the ammount of force he needed to pull his clutch lever. I did a major adjustment down low and changed out the crappy stock finger adjustment with one with a cinch on it with about a nikles width of free play. He is still complaining of the drag/ammount of force used to pull the clutch. The cable was lubed with a graphite based semi wet lube and there are no kinks in the cable. Is there an interior problem(in the housing) or is Adam a little long off the weight bench?


I felt that clutch pull at TB.  It is a bit heavy.  The best bang for the buck he will get is this:  New cable, new perch if his is worn at all, and to lengthen the actuating arm on the case.  There was a thread here a couple weeks ago with links to pictures I put on my site.  If he wants me to mod the clutch arm for him, pull it off and mail it to me.  I can turn it around in a day.  I think I am going to do mine to get away from the lever mods since I have bent my lever about three times now, and bent it back (with heat, of course).  I figger she's got about ne more bend in her and it will be all over!


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Lou, I thought of lengthening the arm, is it costly? I have also recomended to him to go to the Hydraulic clutch, any info on that?
I have the cable that I bought from Thump earlier in the year so that will be the first thing I replace, the baggies anf rubber bands are packed to lube it when I get down there Friday night. When I looked at it it seemed to be a lightly used cable from the bike he was parting out. I have the lever and perch on the Zinger, LOL. The only problem with his lever is that it was shortened due to the Busters he has on the bars. What does your mod do?


Oct 31, 2001
I bought the HEBO hydraulic clutch from erider for @ $200.00. The only thing I have had to do is clean the perch and lever after riding. The pull has been easy and constant since I install it about 6 months ago. I know that it is a bit pricey, but I can pull the clutch with one finger all day with no problems. I will definitely put this clutch on ever bike that I own from now on.


The clutch arm mod is free, you just need a small hunk of steel and a welder.  If you guys want, send it to me on a Monday and I should have it back to you on Friday.  Also, another tip:  See if the cable goes behind the lower left radiator mount.  If it does, move it to the front of that mount and hold it in place with a zip-tie.  That will take some of the radius out of that bend.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Morning Big Lou,
I am in Clarksville at the moment and will advise Adam ASAP.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Lou, I pulled the old one and put the one on that Thump sent me. I did the old school lube(two baggies and oil overnight) and then routed it correctly. Talk about an improvement! The old one had worn through the sheathing in the angle bend of the cable near the frame and was dragging. The pull is about 1/2 of what you felt at TB and works fine now. Adam will send you the actuator in Dec. or Jan. Actually I probably will, I do the work on his bike :) :thumb:


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
I talked with Adam today and he is hemming and hawwing over wheather or not to pull the actuator arm for a week or so. I am going to try and make it down there and pull it on the 2nd weekend of Dec. before I fly home to the land of the frozen chozen for X-Mas. If I am able to make things mesh it will be in the mail that week. Don't worry about the turn around time for the holidays, work on it when you can.

I'll be in touch! :thumb:

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