Do you feel wierd buying matching gear?


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Originally posted by mxbundy

I work construction and I always try to have all my power tools from the same manufacturer also.

Now that's normal. Personally, I'm a Makita man. It's teal, or nothin at all. I'd actually prefer to be a Milwaukee guy, there's something about the name & lightning bolt logo that look cool to me. But my first power tool was a Makita cordless, & I just went from there. My brother in law the contractor uses DeWalt. Which, I think is funny, because DeWalt is a spin-off of Black & Decker, who thought their brand was more assocaited with homeowners & amateurs (it was, & therefore contractors wouldn't buy it). Now DeWalt is huge with contractors. Go figure.

Same goes for stereo equipment. I like Yamaha components & Klipsch speakers. I could never buy anything else. That would be totally amateur. Because I'm all pro and all :silly: Still, it makes me feel good.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Heck, Zio, even I wear matching gear! Dark, slimming colors nowadays, but matching nonetheless. :D


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.
Yeah i`m a Dewalt guy.
My goal is that everytime one of my corded tools goes south, I replace it with cordless one. All I need is a rotohammer and jigsaw to complete the conversion.



Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
I also couldn't buy a pair of pants that had too much black on them. I'm really worried about being hot. Any black anywhere (especially in the crotch) is a no-no. In the winter, I can layer. But In the summer, sitting at the truck in the hot sun, or stopped on the trail- I hate that feeling.

JP- I'm fine. I don't need counseling. And there's also nothing wrong with not eating eggs because they're embryos, or meat that you can ID any parts like veins (which pretty much leaves me with nugget, fish sticks & hamburgers). Totally normal.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Fishsticks? "Mechanically separated fish parts." You know what that means?

Lips and a**holes. :scream:

BTW. . . nice work, bratt! I'll get that mojo to ya tomorrow. I've reached my mo limit for the day already.
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Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Dang, bratt beat me too it! The Donger!! :)

Oh and zio, it if makes you feel any better, I can only eat colored type candy (m&ms, skittles, etc.) in rainbow color order. ;)

I prefer my jersey and pants to match but I hate having to wear brand spankin' new gear the first time. I feel too 'clean' but nothing heading for the first mud bog doesn't cure! :)

PS. You DO NOT want to ever witness bundy eating eggs and grits! (Where's that green 'I feel ill' smilie?)


Feb 23, 2002
Originally posted by zio

And for the record, JMD- I feel weird all the time. I feel weird right now. I'm wearing boxer briefs and they're bunching up and I don't think I like where things are going. Maybe I should try a thong.


originally posted by LorinAs to the underwear matching the socks, I cant seem to find tube socks in brown.

:moon: :uh: :eek:


Sep 15, 2000
I buy whatever Ebay has cheap :) In my case I got a pair of Shift "Seth Enslow" freestyle pants for $25.01 :) Not to bad...

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
0 i don't know about you. i bought all thor clothing 'cause it was cheap,(before i bought me first new bike i rode in street clothes,no one deserves riding gear unless they buy new, or like me can't ride, but still looks "oh-so good" just standing around) now i got a i'm hooked. but let me guess mr zio, you are one of those guys that rides a red bike and wears blue gear,right? no! that's wrong! i back the whole gr-animals perspective here.

super rat

Ass Clown at DRN
Mar 31, 2001
I wouldn't be caught dead wearing matching gear. Heck if it doesn't have duct tape on it I won't wear it. It's my trade mark I wear a white helmet with a duct tape racing stripe. As far as the tools go I have had nothing but bad luck with Dewalt. The only yellow tool I have left is a plate joiner (the zook is a toy not a tool). Jap tools for me hear on out.


Dec 31, 1969
Originally posted by Hucker
I buy whatever Ebay has cheap :) In my case I got a pair of Shift "Seth Enslow" freestyle pants for $25.01 :) Not to bad...
Seth pants? Man, you got hosed. :debil:


Oct 29, 2001
I have to match everything. I dont know why i just do. I have the Fox yamaha jersey and pants a blue HJC helmet, and blue Spy goggles.
Do you think blue is my favorite color?


Nov 7, 2000
I can't realy afford to match. Maybe some day I will, but I buy it as I need and whoever has it cheap I'll get it. Although my gear is white, black and gray with a few other colors thrown in it matchs quite well. This summer I will be springing for some vented gear. Matching glove, pants, and jersey, but then my boots and rest of my stuff won't match.

Zio, you got issues man.

The Donger - LOL


Dec 31, 1969
back when I was young and poor, nothing ever matched.
I'm with Bundy on that, never had more than a helmet and a pair of gloves. Always had the rat bike, etc. Now that some stuff is more in reach, I'm kind of a gear idiot. :( Of Course AJ/Service Honda (hard to beat on Thor stuff) and Jeff/MX South love me. :silly:


Jul 11, 2001
I got this great deal on matching Fox stuff, blue and orange to match my KTM. Then I notice that all the really fast woods riders are wearing ten-year-old gear with rips and duct tape, all mixed and not matched, and, yes, I almost felt like an idiot clown--almost. I try my best to get the new stuff dirty, but every time I wash it, it comes sickenly clean.


Apr 15, 2002

i got my gear before i got my bike, I was riding my brothers bike, but wanted my own, so i went with nuetral colors. :silly:

Then i got my yz, so i got pants that had blue in them. But then i dug up my JT pro series pball gloves. So now i have blue/white pants, white boots, yellow gloves, and a yellow dye jersey, or a black JT longsleeve shirt. Topped of with a black/silver,white oneal helmet. Now that i think about it the pants have red too..... :|

so thats like... Blue, red, silver, white, black, yellow.... OH and a clear roost guard. :eek:

i need to accessorize :)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
I match. :debil:
Green bike. Grey gloves, red helmet, blue pants & jersey, black boots, clear roost protector (just bought a new one, the other was purple), red kidney belt. Oh, and blue & white AXO kneeguards.

I either wear Fox or Acerbis jerseys, O'Neal, Fox or Thor pants and sometimes wear an orange Fox shirt, depending on what mood I'm in. I've got some No Fear cyan/white summer weight pants, but they're too white & I feel right dicky in them.

Now socks, we've got 10-13 pairs of them somewhere, but hardly ever have matching ones, because when I bought them, I had to get every colour and with two of us wearing them, it's a case of first found get worn.

Henk wears red or orange shirt, red pants, clear body armour, black boots, red gloves, yellow kidney belt (I got mine first and red was the only colour they had so he couldn't have one) and rides a blue bike (TM which he matches as well as he did the KTM).

I used to ride Yamaha, hence the blue. I've updated some gear, but no way can I imagine myself in green (it's hideous).

As for lollies/sweets/whateveryoucallthem, red ones first, then yellow then whatever comes to hand next.
Non-fashion conscious Michelle


Feb 14, 2001

I suffer from the same thing. I can't match. I feel like a dork. The only way I can match is if it mostly black. So I got Thor core 4 pant and jersey in the black with yellow. My boot are tech6 black, msr gloves black with yellow, and a fox pilot helmet it black with yellow. It all kind of matchs in a wierd kind of way. I can't even match my street cloth. I hate having a blue shirt with dark blue jeans, so I have light blue jeans. Help......
Oct 22, 2000

Red helmet
Red boots
Red jersey
Red pants
Red bike

That way I can't see the blood caused by my MANY falls! There is a method to the madness. :confused:


Feb 10, 2002
It doesn't really matter how you look, it's how fast you ride.
If you were the fastest and wore a clown outfit everyone would want
a clown outfit. Matching gear does look better, but you can mix and match.
The first thing people are staring at when I pull up are my 1974 High Point Alpinestars. I wouldn't trade them for the world, so comfort is very important, right up there with protection.

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