Jan 15, 2000
After almost 2 months of not riding I finally went again on Sunday. The track isn't open to the public yet but when it is I can tell it will be a very popular track. They have already spent a million dollars and counting. It isn't completly finished yet but it is pretty close. It's a very wide open track, I found myself in 5th gear looking for more to clear the big tabletops on more than one occasion. my friend had told me how big it was but when I got there I was blown away. For anybody that has been to Monster Mountain in Alabama, think of it like that only in the woods.

When I first got on the track I took a scouting lap to check the place out, after that it was on!

The starting line doesnt have gates yet but it is still there, you come out of that into the Talladega turn which is exactly like the one at Glen Helen except it is a left hander and it is very sandy, it is huge and 5th gear pinned if you have the guts. You have to be on the gas all the way through it or it is impossible to do the double after it.

The 40 foot double seems alot longer than it is because of the talladega turn ,I cased it and never tried again. then there is a very massive 80 foot tabletop with no take off, you have to hit it very very fast, I never made it all the way.

Next after a small left hander you have the step downs. The first two are only around 20 feet and can be done no problem, but the 3rd and the 4th are pretty big and they hurt even if you landed on the landing perfect, I quit doing them after 3 or so times.

Next is the fun part! A 5th gear pinned downhill with a little single at the flat spot in the bottom followed by a very rutted out uphill with a small double, another single at the top of the hill and a 90 degree turn leave you looking at the biggest downhill of the track. It is also a 5th gear pinned (or 6th gear for whoever has one.) and is steep enough to scare me the first time I saw it, by the end of the day I was hitting the bumps and getting air going down the hill and it was awesome going that fast. Then there is the 119' tabletop that has a face like the big triple at Monster Mountain. I only managed to make it all the way a few times because it scared the crap out of.

That is followed by a sweeping right hander and another downhill, that is long and fast but not very steep. Then there is the step up, it is 90 feet up a hill that is somewhere around 55-60 degrees (I'm not really sure but I do know that when I didn't jump it I could only make it up in 1st gear.) and it is tons of fun to jump because it doesn't matter how fast you are going when you hit it because you will never make it to the very top of the hill.

After that there is a left followed by two small singles then a very steep and sharp off camber left hander, slowest section on the track for me and I couldn't stand it, I really need to work on going faster though those.

Next up is a short straightaway followed by some whoops/rythem section however you want to take it, but they are big enough to double double single, single double double, or even triple double for the faster people with a small 10 foot tabletop at the end. as soon as you land you get on the gas for the uphill double or triple of you are crazy followed by a small "s" section with a little double into a right hander.

Next is the spectator/finish line tabletop which is probably the most fun jump I have ever done because it throws you way up in the air and you can hit it pretty fast because the landing is going down a hill. I went and jumped that thing countless times trying to do my best RC imitation, I scared myself getting the left side of my bike almost facing the dirt a few times.

That is how the track goes, I tried to work on my stamina by doing a few 8 lap motos and by the end of the day I could do 10 laps without really slowing down so I felt good about it. I had tons of fun and today I am tired and sore so that means it was a great day of riding and I hope to remember it for a long time.

Bring on DW 02! :yeehaw:


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Nice report, Jer. Is this track close to Greenville?

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Where?!? Off I-85?

When will it be open?

Do they have a phone number?

Did you practice your new jump that you'll unveil at DW called the "Twinkie Spanker"?


Jan 15, 2000
Mike, it is right off 85, once you get off the exit you are only about 10 minutes away. I have no idea when it will be open to the public but it shouldn't be too far away for now. As for the phone number I will have to get it from a friend, maybe if you call and ask they would let a few other people ride, right now it is all the locals that know each other.

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