Gorman (Hungry Valley) Loop Report (SoCa)


Apr 11, 2001
When Jr & I left home, the sky was blue; only ran into some fog 1/2 way on the drive up. Somehow we knew it was going to be a fine day for riding.

We pulled into the parking lot before 9am, & Dirt Bike Dave was already there, gearing up. It was a pleasure to meet up for a ride after talking about it for a while.

I was concerned the trails were going to be too greasy, but looking around it appeared they were just right; not too much rain & not too little.

After the usual hellos, we unpacked and geared up. Trailrdr (Greg) shows up , & a few min. later it's CPT Jack. Some photos were taken for historical purposes, to compare the present clean machines & happy, eager faces with what may be quite different thereafter. (If anyone can post pix, let me know so I can sent them to you for that purpose - I do not have that capability.)

Once ready, we headed up to Lower Broom, Mesa, Masons, Salt Lick, Cow, & Pronghorn Trails to the MX track. The conditions of the trails were just about perfect: no dust with traction galore. And it wasn't cold enough for enduro jackets either; the air fresh, with a breeze.

Practice was underway at the track, however, we were unable to spectate from such a distance, & they now want $ to get in (yes, just to spectate).

We resumed on Quail Pass, East Freeman, & Homstead trails. I led the group on a spur which dumped us onto the Backbone Trailhead, but it was closed due to the previous rain, so we circumvented the trail & rejoined at Vic's Cat trail. This trail drops in elevation across the beginnings of Freeman Overlook - a beautiful display of different soil colors brought about from years of erosion on an earthquake fault.

For the trails just mentioned, DB Dave handed me his CRE - nice suspension and flickable! The last time I could throw a bike around like this was with my '78 IT175. Funny how this CRE not only has more punch than my RMX, but it hooks up even better too. :cool:

Vic's dumps us into Badlands Trail, but before we go on, I give DB Dave his fine CRE back lest I break it or me...then CPT Jack offers up his Gas Gas - how can I resist? The tempation is too great for me, & I'm overcome :cool: Whoa! Another source of refined boost...and equally-matched fine- tuned suspension. Nice. Can I have not one but two of these?

We backtracked to camp for some chow, & then it was off again for a second loop. But before we left there was a poor fellow who couldn't get his XR started. CPT & DBD offered some assistance; even a bump-start attempt proved futile. He ended up leaving without riding.

'Jack had difficulties starting his sled, & it was traced to clogged carb vents. He ended up turning around a short ways from camp and heading home; Jr. said his throttle was sticking... :(

We went by the forest entrance (Tejon Trail), & everyone was game for a loop in the trees. Conditions were equally perfect. Jr. was beginning to hang back some, so I stayed with him; good thing as I was ripe for making little mistakes here & there. I ended up smacking a yucca plant the size of a basketball & rolled over as dead, then thought it would not be good for Jr. to see his dad display such weakness, so I picked it up quickly, tho not before he pulled up "what happened?" "Oh, this yucca came on out and tripped me up; or did I veer off & hit it? Either way, my "privates" hurt!" :eek: Moreover, my pride...I carried the rear from then on.

Trejon connected to Gold Hill, down to the paved road and back into Hungry Valley. I pointed out THE SPOT to DB Dave, the one that is like the Deleware National (enduro) "sluce". We didn't have time for it today, tho DBD would sure be game if we did. So far, Kiwi, Farmer John, The Eel, Trailrdr, & I have done exploits deep in the heart of that rock-and-water infested canyon. Any other manly-men out there want to give it a go?

Tataviam Trail was our next accomplishment, along with the Lower Scrub Oaks, Coyote, Sterling Canyon, & Road Runner Trails.

And with that, my friends, we ended a fine fun-filled day at camp.


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by placelast
I pointed out THE SPOT to DB Dave, the one that is like the Deleware National (enduro) "sluce". We didn't have time for it today, tho DBD would sure be game if we did. So far, Kiwi, Farmer John, The Eel, Trailrdr, & I have done exploits deep in the heart of that rock-and-water infested canyon. Any other manly-men out there want to give it a go?

I think you can add me to that list. It wasn't pretty but a buddy and I did that trail - I think - on a KTM 360 & my KX500. The pictures show more dabbing & bulldogging than riding....

Sounds like a great day. Someday I'll have to make the drive down to ride with everybody.


dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Excellent report, and thanks again for a great ride! That was just what I needed.

Brian, if you do make the drive down, I hope you get conditions as good as we had yesterday. :cool:


Oct 31, 2001
Great ride report. Those are some great trails up in the mountain area of Gorman. Just wondering why you didnt try Arrista or Snowy? I cant say Ive tried "The Spot" but would be intrested in knowing where that is so I can check it out next time Im there. Other than a few bike problems all in all you guys had a fun day of riding I would say.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
;) Sounds like a good, long day in the saddle ... I would have been there except for another fluke incident (I've been having more than my fair share of them lately). I took the Husky over to a local welder 'cause I recently broke off my damper tower. He welded on the new one real nice for me and even added small steering stop bumpers so the tower wouldn't be stressed by full turns. Unfortunately I dropped my gas tank as I was taking it off and when it landed the little nipple for the gas line snapped off. So - one thing fixed .... and another thing broken.


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Wow, Backbone was closed?! I've yet to ever see that happen. It must have been pretty bad. The worst I've ever seen it was that year you practically had to push us all up it! :confused:
Was there snow in the mountain tops yet?


Jan 30, 2000
Sounds like a fun day - I'm still struggling to work on my bike under the house eaves behind a tarp. Hopefully I'll get a ride in before Spanksgiving.

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
Nice report - you've got a way with words JG!

What a great ride - super tacky dirt, clear skies & not a speck of dust. Great group & I didn't take even a single soil sample. Doesn't get much better than that. Still, it's hard to shed that rookie feeling when you're riding with all really good riders.

Placelast ran a fast pace & I was gunning it to keep up, but Dave & Greg are pretty fast so I still felt slow at times - mostly in the turns (esp. downhill ) where I like to err on the side of caution. But the XC250 was really singing & it was never a problem to make up a little ground here & there. Dave's CRE 250 is a sweet machine. I'm really glad I got a chance to ride it. Engine-wise, it felt a couple notches higher in the "explosive" category, but it's a fun ride & handles great. They say GASGAS is a great turning bike, but his CRE was absolutely planted in turns. Really nice bite too, not sure whether thats tires or suspension set-up. I've got a new set of Michelin's in the garage waiting for the Spanksgiving event, so we'll see how much of a difference that makes.

Greg very graciously rode sweep most the morning. Thanks, it's always nice to have someone behind you - an eyewitness if you will, to tell the tale of your misfortunes in excrutiating play-by-play slow-motion detail. :p Luckily it never came to that although I thought I was going to blow thru a corner once or twice.

I've had this phantom starting problem the last few rides - it's always AFTER the 1st loop - and it was a real pain to start. Placelast helped me to get it going eventually but I had to bail b/c something just wasn't right & I wanted to try to sort it out. What kind of knucklehead leaves the choke on anyway?!!? *cough cough* :think: I did some playing around w/ the carb but still didn't solve the "gasping" issue. So I played around practicing kicker jumps & headed home early. Good thing too. I was tired from the hard pace placelast ran & am a bit sore (the good "rewarding" kind) today. Highlight of the ride: I'm following Dave when we come into the clear & he bust's out a killer wheelie for probably 75 yards. Wow, that cat can ride! :aj:

Thx gents! :thumb:
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Apr 11, 2001
NeVeRFiniNiSH: THE SPOT is not a trail per se, but rather a deadend canyon with overgrowth, & is so remote the rangers don't seem to patrol it; perhaps they are all too familiar with the indian legend of that canyon - which brings me to the 1st and only question from DBD lest I forget: is it legal? Well...why should it be? For those contemplating harnessing this beast, be forewarned it is not for the faint/weak of heart: it's legacy includes ripped jerseys, lost rubber, & torn graphics/seat covers.

Bodacious: Snowy & Arrastra were not included as this was intended to be an intermediate outing. Those two trails in themselves are not to be taken lightly.

(You)go(girl)speedracer: I have one failed Backbone attempt in my recent history. There are some strange soil up thar in them hills: one fateful day a few winters back, Shorty & I kept flippin' & floppin' there as the mud would pack up between the tires & fender/frames to a point where forward motion became impossible, so we called it quits by going over the west side down into the valley floor below. I vividly remember watching snow flakes melt on my enduro jacket from all that huffin' & puffin' just to get the bikes to a downhill where we could be removed from it's tenacious grip.

If they didn't close the trail when it's muddly like that, then the passing of bikes dries into awful ruts.


Apr 6, 2002
Man, I am sorry I missed it :( I need to do somthing about these dam migranes I've been getting, better check my diet :uh:

sounds like it was fun.


Jan 22, 2002
Nice report, placelast! :thumb:

I was there on Monday morning, Nov. 11.
We were driving back from Elsinore GP (to the Bay Area) and decided to stop for a short ride.
We rode from 8 am to 11 am. Too bad we didn't have a map and couldn't find trails we wanted to ride....like single track going through mountains. :ugg:

Next time I will bring a map with me and want to try some challenging trails, or should I post and ask a guide for us!?

Mini :confused:

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
John sent me a few pictures that I have posted in my gallery.

Jack - thanks for the compliments and it's too bad you missed the 2nd loop. We had some excellent single track. My odo read a little over 58 miles, with 30 of that in the second loop.

We picked up a solo rider on an '01 CR250 for the second loop, so we kept the group size at 5. I am pretty sure everyone had a great time!

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Here is a shot of John (placelast, on the right) and his son, David. After the helmets went on, the smiles remained. Conditions were sweet.


  • placelast and jr 50k.jpg
    placelast and jr 50k.jpg
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Apr 11, 2001
Next time I will bring a map with me and want to try some challenging trails, or should I post and ask a guide for us!?

Both post and ask for a guide; there are several of us who know the area and can show a northener or three around.

(I've been on travel a bunch since the summer so it's been rare to ride, let alone be around home.)

As far as maps, they can be had at the local stores, main entrances during the weekend, or at the ranger station. They may even mail one to you - call their office at 661-248-7007.


Jan 22, 2002
Thank you, placelast!
Actually we had a map at home, but we didn't have it with us.....because we didn't think we wanted to ride after racing GP.

When we started from the parking lot near Ranger Station (closed), I was looking for the trails going through the National Forest. But instead of going to the west, we headed to the east, and we ended up riding near Motocross Track. So we just rode around for a while and decided to go back.

How are the trails in the forest? Are there any single track with tight turns and steep hill? Or are they similar to the trails in the park?



Oct 31, 2000
Do a search on Snowy Trail.... Some 'nice' switchbacks just for you. The other fun one is Miller Jeep trail - felt like a pinball going up that. Just ask GSR about Arrasta or whatatrail....

The trails in the forest are really fun and usually well taken care of.



Jan 22, 2002

Sounds very nice!
Yes, before I go there next time, I will ask SoCal Wrecking Crew and GSR for more details.


CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
treacherous too if I recall ... ;)
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