
Nov 1, 2001
A tenth anniversary can be a very good thing! My riding partners wife called me monday, and asked what kind of bike he would want if he was getting a new bike. I wasn't sure, so I called him, and was able to coax the needed info out of him without him realizing what I was getting at. He's thinking I'm getting the new bike. So I talked with her, and she decided to do it, she got him a brand new '03 KTM125 SX.

I picked it up today, and brought it to his house. I let on like it was my bike, let him look it over and get all envious :p He asked me if I'd started it, I said no. Really hadn't. He thought I was nuts, and demanded I fire it up. I kept refusing, till his wife Finally said "He won't fire it up for its first time, because its YOURS! Happy Anniversary!" I've never seen him so stunned. We pulled it down off the truck, and wouldn't you know, she cranked right up on the first kick.

So I asked what he's doing with is '01 YZ 125. He said he's probalby going to sell it. Well, my other riding partner is right there too, and so I ask him, you wanna buy my '94 RM 125. He's just coming of an XR200, so it was perfect for him, and he instantly said yes. So I bought the YZ right on the spot, and sold my RM right there too.

So in one happy day my riding partner upgrades from an '96 XR200R to a '94 RM 125, I upgrade from the RM to the '01 YZ 125, and my lucky buddy gets a free upgrade from his YZ to a brand new KTM. What a day! I hope I can find a women that will buy my a bike for an anniversary some day!
:laugh: :thumb: ;) :aj:


Nov 20, 2001
Shhaawwweeeeet :aj:

My 10 year is coming up in May....hmmmmm.  How can I plant this in her mind.....


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Hey, keep it down!  Don't want the word getting around and having other husbands expect the same thing! :eek: 

Damn, our 10 year is coming up in August.  Does that mean we BOTH get new bikes?!! :yeehaw:



Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
That's a great story! What a thoughtful wife. And how great is that to have everyone get something new and cool?

So does the wife get the XR200? LOL

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