
Apr 28, 2001
My fellow spode Lorin was kind enough to invite me to ride MX practice at 59th this evening. Now I have had ambitions to do some Moto, since I haven't raced since 1978. Problem was I was chicken! The tracks have changed quite a bit since "back in the day". The jumps scare me, and in the back of my mind I know I need to be at work tomorrow. But.... what the heck. Last night I loaded up my trailer with my 426 and my 78 Elsinore (gotta ride a vintage bike dontcha know!) I had all my gear and the bikes with me at work today, so I could get more time in at the track

I arrived at about 5:30 and the nice lady at the gate asked if I was riding.... yup!...what class?? I reflected on that a moment and replied "Old and fat?" Beginner, she said and snagged my money. I pulled on in and Lorin directed me to a choice spot next to him. Hmmm... what's this, Lorin has a midget bike. I'm used to seeing him on a manly WR 500 Yammie. Nope, its a 98 YZ250. I heard he got it from some busted up guy in Texas. I unloaded the bikes as the fast guys took to the track. Ol' Robbie Reynard was out there ripping it up and making it look sooooo easy. Lorin kinda explained the ropes and we suited up and went to the staging area. We were next up. We were delayed for a bit though. One of the first group piled up on the finish line tabletop. We had to wait for the meat wagon and the poor guy was hauled off on a back board. OK great, I think... hope I don't do that. Anyway away we go. Hey... I'm having fun! this track has GREAT DIRT! The 426 is hooking up real good. I settle in with a few other guys...go like hell on the straights until you get to a jump... cram on the brakes and roll it, then on to the next. I spot Lorin picking up his bike in a turn, and yell howdy as I motor on by. I guess I can say I passed him like he was standing still! We survived moto 1 and went back to the pits to relax. I rode my Elsinore in moto 2 for a change. It's a blast! So much lighter than the 426. It hits the power band and wants to wheelie and slide sideways at the same time. Had a few guys almost take me out block passing in the turns. It's PRACTICE fercryinoutloud!! Anyway, I survived 3 practice Motos with out biting the dirt and drove home under my own power. It was fun, I'll be back..thanks for the invite Lorin!


Jun 25, 1999
Yup, he did pass me and I was standing still. I was trying to get used to the new, smaller bike and thought that one of the best tests would be to try a "hot start" by laying the bike over in the corner, killing it, and starting back up again. Bike passed the test, and I hope to not have to repeat it too many times in the near future. Altough not as bad as Justin's Gas Gas, the bike has to make quite a bit of noise to really start moving with any speed. I had to re-aquaint myself with that little lever on the left side of the handlebars (I thought it was just used when you stopped). All in all, I think that the yz might do real well with a little more time and some additional aggression in my riding. I did manage to bottom out the front suspension twice, so I MUST have been going fast. As to Butch, the first hour consisted of him talking about how he doesnt really ride much, while the last few consisted of showing me that he rides pretty darn good (neither one of us were hitting the bigger jumps). It ended up being a good practice session that I hope will be repeated again. One last, shiny note: I was able to ride a 2003 yzf 450 for almost 8 whole minutes!!! That whole starting thing isnt a joke. I think that you might even be able to start it using your hand. The weight (or lack of it) was awesome. The new four strokes are getting really good.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Passing Lorin is alot of fun. I've done it so much it has lost some of the fun though. ;) Sounds like you guys had fun.


Apr 14, 2001
Hey Lorin and OldMaicoNut,

Is the main MX track (59th and Douglas) still a SX style track? I have been there only once and it was a tough track!

I think on the Sunday (10/06/02) following DW'02 there is a OCCRA racing event there...

...and in less than a week (Sunday 09/08/02), OCCRA will be racing at the 500, B's go first!


Apr 28, 2001
The night track is SX styls, but the jumps are not too "do or die" They have another track that they run on in the cooler times of the year that is more of an outdoor-style. I think there is only one double at the finish line, but it's kinda long.


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
There're 2 doubles on that back track Butch. The finish line double eats a lot of people up. :) They got rid of the 80 fotter after lots of peeps got hurt on it.

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