
Jan 19, 2009
Hello guys.

I did a search, could not find what i'm looking after.

A while ago my friend bought this 98' CR125 as faulty (so it was cheap)

basically all is in place, but there's no spark. we have replaced coil and plug and ht lead, and now we are led to believe (by certain "experts") the magneto (is that how you guys call it ? ) is faulty.

we are both familiar with 4 stroke car and bike engines, but we dont know much about 2 strokes, and that magneto thing is a mystery. I understand that it servers a function of alternator and spark generating device ?

We dont seem to be able to work it out ourselves, and are elooking for some help. as in what to test, and how to test. what else might be causing the issue ?

any input appreciated,


Nov 10, 2008
first of all disconnect the kill switch and then see if you have spark,if you now have spark obviously you need a new kill switch. double check ALL connections and wiring including any chassis grounds ; no frayed wires,no worn insulation and connections clean and tight. If you still have no spark then you will need to get an ohmmeter and a manual.
You will need to check the resistance of the ignition coils A manual should tell you what the ohmmeter should read when you connect it to the certain wires the manual tells you to check.
If you see a bad wire you know it is bad, if you see a good wire it still might be bad and you use an ohmmeter to check the resistance of the wire to see if it is shorted(low resistance) or broken/corroded (high resistance or infinite).That would need a schemetic and values to compare against.


Dec 21, 2005
give george erl a call. He owns uptite racing out of california. He is very patient and helpful over the phone. He knows these things inside and out. He helped me many times with my husqvarna.

His phone is best to get a hold of him 1-714-540-2920

It's worth the call.


Jan 19, 2009
Hello Guys.
Long time no update.
After fiddling with bike no-end, I found out that ignition coil (part of stator in magneto) has no resistance = wire burned through.

I unwound a little bit and found the break to be just couple (10s) of turns into the winding.

The rest (good part) of the winding has 66 ohms.
I wonder whether that's enough.

As the number of turns gets smaller the spark will get weaker. I unwound 2 ohms worth of wire, so % wise it's very small change in actual wire. I can possibly join the bit i unwound (and fix the breakage of course)..., and it will be pretty much as good as it was before....

what i'm concerned with is that i read some diy guide for rewinding stator (for some other engine) and they recommended 250-300 ohms total resistance, as the more coils - the better the spark.

I'll update as we progress...
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