Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
It has been a real crazy couple of weeks here in Waco. Those of you that know me, know that I was a musician before I was a moto head. I spent several years playing music before I got back into motorcycles, a 25 year break to be exact. In 2000 I took a reinterest in motorcycles and have since gotten real involved with it here in Waco. I'm now in my 4th year as president of the Waco Eagles Motorcycle club (off road private club). Each year in December we have a play day at the track (similar to what we use to do at the Dirt Weeks) and we use that as a toy drove. This year was huge for us. We not only had more toys than we could use, we raised a lot of cash. So much that we adopted a family to sponsor for Christmas. Sounds good so far, right? Here comes the crazy part.

Last Monday night it got real cold here. After band practice I took a trip out to the track to turn off the water si pipes wouldn't freeze. As I pulled into the locked property I noticed the curtains in my RV flapping in the breeze. Someone had broken into our motorhomes at the track and vandalized them. They also helped themselves to one of my guitars I had left out there over night. As I shined the light around, my heart sank to my feet when I found the door where we kept the toys, it was open. Scumbags had hit us and hit hard. Aside from trashing RV's and taking my guitar, they stole the kids toys.

For every bad thing that hapens, there must be some good, here's how it's going down. I began doing TV interviews locally and money started pouring in. Then I got a call from FOX news in DC, they wanted to take our story national. As a result we were able to help another 11 families. As an added bonus for me, Brian Wilson on Fox DC turns out to be a guitar player and is friends with Paul Reed Smith of PRS guitars. During my live interview PRS surprised me with a Custom 24, West Street Limited Edition PRS guitar. Got it in the mail today. I also got my name in 2 national guitar mags like I'm somebody
Modern Guitars
guitar player

I'm so pumped! Just wanted to share. I feel somewhat over compensated and certainly not worthy. If anyone here is a guitar player, consider PRS for your next purchase. These are stand up people!


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Glad to hear it worked out for the best in the end. It's also nice to see dedicated people like yourself rewarded with a kind gesture like this one from PRS.


May 10, 2007
Jeff Gilbert said:
I'm so pumped! Just wanted to share. I feel somewhat over compensated and certainly not worthy. If anyone here is a guitar player, consider PRS for your next purchase. These are stand up people!

You had it comin' man. Congrats on the new guitar. :cool:


May 19, 2006
What magazines were they?? An excuse to pick up a couple of guitar magazines is always welcome. I bought a PRS about eight years ago and it's about the only electric I pick up anymore. Great guitars.
I love a happy ending!


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Sounds like it worked out in the end Jeff and that's what it's really all about. Good things happening to and for good people! :cool:
Apr 30, 2007
What a fantastic read :)

I've noticed, as a general rule, that those who put a little extra into life or give a little more than what is "required" end up reaping some incredible rewards.

Glad to hear of another example of this in real life!! Thanks for sharing!


Apr 1, 2006
Thats really awesome bro! You deserve that fiddle. I have a PRS custom 22 and they're great guitars! there's a pic of it in the gallery actually.

I've been robbed twice and I know the feeling of losing hard earned musical gear. I couldn't imagine losing all the toys people took the time to donate.

kudo's to you Jeff!!!


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Good things happen to Good People! Congrats for the all your efforts raising money and I'm sorry to hear about your loss. When your trying to help others, it is a real kick in the nads for the theives to donate to their own cause. Sounds like Santa has been keepin' an eye on you and Tigger, Merry Christmas my friend!

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Well done Jeff, on all counts. :cool: :cool:


Moderator / SuperPowers
Jun 9, 1999
Good things come to good people. :cool:


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