Idaho Owyhee Wilderness Opposition Letters needed


Aug 13, 1999
Time is running out! We need letters and/or phone calls to our Idaho Congressional delegation by the end of March to be effective!

Owyhee County is ready to submit their Wilderness plan, called the Owyhee
Initiative to Congress this spring. The recreation group, representing
motorized access, People for the Owyhee's was given a token
place in the discussions and voting. In fact, there were four
environmental groups, four grazing interest groups, one group representing
outfitting and one group, the People for the Owyhees. The votes on
important issues were always 9 to 1, with recreation losing big time.

Access to public lands is at stake for other areas of Idaho with this
Wilderness bill. The Boulder-White Clouds Wilderness bill has been
introduced in Congress and the environmentalists are eyeing the Clearwater
Range in Northern Idaho for Wilderness designation. Don't let this happen
to Idaho. We need letters to our congressional delegation NOW to let them
know that the terms of the Owyhee Inititiative are unacceptable!

Please use the templates linked at the bottom of this message to help
write your own letter or use the linked form letter to send to Senator
Larry Craig, Senator Mike Crapo, and Congressman Butch Otter. It is
better to send a letter that is written in your own words, and to make it
easier, just cut and paste from the attached template letter to help make
your points. Either email or send hard copies of your letter to each
person. Be sure to mention in your letter that, "I am an Idahoan....."

Please forward this message on to your friends and buddies who have an
interest in recreation on public lands, whether or not it is Owyhee
County. To be most effective, our congressional delegation must receive
your letter in March - don't wait!

Or, use the following link to use a letter generator to prepare your letter.


Feb 16, 2005
this lack of public land access is starting to piss me off. If i was a resident of Idaho still I would do everything to stop this legislation. :pissed: This is how eviromentalist start in a state. then before long every thing goes to the :uh:
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