
Sep 16, 2006
This hobby has gotten far too expensive, and I have decided to start applying for jobs. :laugh:

I landed an interview for tomorrow, and the job is at Domo. A gas station, hey we all gotta start some where. :cool:

I need some tips on interviews, this will be my second interview I've ever done. The first one, I absolutely blew. How I ever got the job is a mystery to me, I think it's just because by hiring me, they saved on stools and ladders. :whoa:

I already know the basics (manners, dress appropriately, talk clearly, be mature etc.) but I need some tips on how to "wow" the interviewer. What will make the interviewer realize that I really want the job?

Thanks for all tips. :)


Play with gravity
Apr 26, 2004
Look natural and not as if you prepared it like an English class oral project if you know what I mean. Look happy and confident. A little sense of humor can always help (depending on the interviewer). Don't forget, your best two qualities should be hard working and reliable. Good luck :cool:


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Just relax and answer the questions as straight forward as possible. I really don't feel you need to wow the interviewer more than make them realize your a decent kid with a half decent head on your shoulders. They have a very high turnover rate for staff as a rule and if it's the station closest to you they have gone through a ton of staff of late. If you hit panic mode in the interview you can tell them you'll volunteer for all the weekend shifts the other kid they have there that races (one of my son's buddies works at the Domo nearest you) can't or won't work :laugh:


Sep 16, 2006
Yes, it's the River East location. 1441 Henderson Highway to be exact.

Domo seems like a cool place to work, their website says a lot about their business. Apparently there are tons of bonuses and different events within the staff. I'm really excited as this was my first choice to work. The person I was talking to today seemed really cool and she's interviewing me tomorrow. :cool:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Answer this question:
"Why should we hire you?"

Do YOU believe the answer? Then they should and you'll be fine.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
Most interviews end with this question:

“Do you have any questions for me/us?”

Prepare for that question by writing out a short list of thoughtful questions beforehand. It impresses them every time when you pull out a list of questions (even a short one) in response to their final question.

Also, do some research in advance via the internet. It sounds like you may be on top of this already. Take opportunities to demonstrate your new-found knowledge about their organization during the conversation.

Finally, send them a short thank you note. Put it in the mail the same day so they receive it ASAP. Do it even if they have offered you a job at the interview.


Apr 3, 2007
I didn't read anybody else's responses, so I'm just going to say be as honest as possible, honestly will take you a long way.


Mar 26, 2007
From my previous employment experience I'm going to guess the gas station owner wants someone with the following qualifications:

1. Honest
2. Dependable
3. Hard working

Ask yourself what makes an honest, dependable, hard working person?

Now don't lie, but explain to the interviewee what makes you those 3 things. Don't wait for him to ask if you are honest. When he asks why he should hire you, spell out for him exactly why you are honest, dependable, and hard working. Above all don't lie or BS the guy.

Obviously it doesn't take a college degree to operate a gas station, but it does take someone who has 1,2 and 3. They don't teach 1,2 and 3 in college really.

You would be surprised how many employers just want some who will show up every day and get the job done. Aka someone he can just trust and depend on.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
Sadly, these days, just showing up for the interview on time and not high on something will probably wow them more than anything.

Just be yourself. If you take pride in the things you do and who you are, it will show and they'll want to hire you.


Sep 16, 2006
Interview went well. Halfway through she stopped, just to tell me everything was going very good. She's calling me back tomorrow, just has to clear some stuff up with her boss.


Play with gravity
Apr 26, 2004
Glad it went well for you Elliot! Some cash for yourself and the bike is a good thing. :cool:


Feb 16, 2001
Hi Moose,I just want to say that I am very impressed with you attitude about working and all.In a day and age when some have an attitude of entitlement,I find your post refreshing.All your preperation,an excitement that goes along with it and a wiilingness to do what it have a future ahead of you.In time you will find your passion and things will make a way for you.keep up the good work.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
02yz426f said:
my advice for working at a gas station is not to get shot.




Sep 16, 2006
Given that I started this thread, may as well finish it with the end results.

They couldn't employ me because I am 15. The rule at first was you could work at 15 with a workers permit. (Easily attained at my school) But it was switched to 16 due to working alone during the night shift(s).

But in her words the interview was "great, and the references were even better". She told me to give her a call on my Birthday and I'll definitely have a job.



Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Sorry it didn't work out but at least you have the confidence of knowing you did well. I know my son had a hard time finding work prior to his 16th birthday as well, seems like restaurants were about the only hope. Likely a little late but the area Golf courses also tend to hire a bunch of kids for the summer to work in the back shop cleaning clubs and picking up range balls etc.


Play with gravity
Apr 26, 2004
I work on a golf course. I get to cut grass with a variety of machines (including a tractor with a 10 feet wide "blade trailer" :boss: ) and I absolutely love it. I work outside and my shift is over at 1 or 2 O'clock (okay I need to start at 5 or 6 AM though). After that, I head to the local MX park and work there until 5. I don't think I could stand working indoors during summer.


Jul 20, 2004
Start your own little business doing jobs... mowing grass, cleaning gutters, painting fences, etc. etc., do some low budget advertising (flyers, whatever)...ask all your customers for referrals and leave them a couple business cards to give to neighbors/friends to recommend you. It will give you flexible hours and pays in cash, and hopefully you'll start to develop skills that will lead you to own your own business later in life instead of being someone's employee. Hint: most of those kids racing out of the big trailers towed by duelies have fathers that are business don't typically get a rig like that being an engineer, etc.

PS...learn the #1 rule in business...go the extra mile for all your customers...clean up well after yourself, take pride in your work.


Sep 16, 2006
Okiewan said:
He means being range targets :p

That couldn't be more true. :laugh:

I was only going to hold this job until June, I already have a summer job lined up with my grandpa in Saskatoon. So this wouldn't of worked. I put my resume in before march, hoping i'd start work then. But the good news is, when I get back, and turn 16 (July) I'll have a job lined up for me. :nod:

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