Kennedy Meadows July 4th W/E Report


Apr 11, 2001
My usual Friday work day is a half day-er, and the time was well used to do some last minute new-to-me bike preparations, and load up. There was more I wanted to do for the bike but it was close enough for government work, and getting there before dark was more pressing.

At 2:30pm I said goodbye to my wife and started off on this first leg to one of the shops on the way in Bakersfield to purchase # plate backgrounds, mainly to preserve the plastic rather than for appearances as I have a tendency to scrape gravel on them. Imagine that. MapQuest did me wrong as the shop was on the other side of the freeway than shown(?!) which was discovered after stopping twice for directions; made it ½ hour before the shop closed, and asked if I could plug in my heat gun, only to find the ambient 105-degree temp. in this late afternoon adequate to make coffee even in the shade! Oh: and I had to stop at Trader Joes for some fermented grape juice; bottles of the better vintages were forgotten at home, along with my perfect pillow.

Gasoline prices are always more favorable as it is naturally occurring in this county of California, along with cotton, alfalfa, and, did I mention the heat? But don’t take that wrongly as I was once a valley dweller, and the best produce in the country is sourced here, and you know I mean that, being a farm boy myself.

The rest of my 240-mile journey to the highlands was uneventful other than the usual scenic formations of Red Rock Canyon, beyond Jawbone, and Cantil, the place of my second and final interview with that consumer products company which has a symbol of a wing, usually red, and whose name starts with an “H” and ends with an “A” and has “OND” sandwiched in between the aforementioned alpha characters.

Nine-Mile Canyon was traffic-free at this hour, though there was one casualty: that being a Chevy, whilst pulling a trailer, had a damaged radiator. Another vehicle, with the distressed party, accompanied them in their wait for a new radiator, on its way, so they said, and therefore I continued on.

The sun had already set by the time Fish Creek Camp was reached, and circling around all the sites did not reveal MrLuckey’s (Eddie) pickup and trailer – hmmm…seeing most spots were taken, perhaps he moved on? As I turned to head further west to the other campgrounds, I spotted a pie-plate with “DRN – TROY” as in Troy Campground, written on it. Ah! So a little more up the road to discover regular Troy Campground is closed for work (it’s been years – enough already), and spot another pie plate on the overflow-side of the road with DRN on it. As I meandered down the dirt road there’s a bend and Eddie comes out to welcome me. Good to see ya! He directs me to/suggests I use the tent-side of our wagon circle, adjacent to Kelsorat (Scott). They helped me setup as darkness was quickly approaching, and Scott offered up some foodstuff, and it escapes me what it was nonetheless you know it would have been good coming from his hands.

As we later gathered around the fire, we wondered if Quick Mick and Getmetoca (Natalie) would find us, though they did come trough in spite of an excursion into Barstow. Then TheEel (Eric), and MXBundy showed a short bit later with his fine wife & kids in tow. Then Trailjunkie (Chris). Things got rather blurry for me, as it was way, way past my bedtime. For that reason I do not remember when Thumbs (Tony ) and Julie arrived. Speaking of beddie-bye, it was shocking to crawl into my sleeping bag at the late hour of 2:30am, and they were still going around the fire.

Did anyone else notice how cold it got at night? Yet it was pleasantly perfect during the day at our 8k’ campsite. Kav, who showed up Saturday to spend the night, said it got down to 7 deg. C, or 45 deg. F, for us who may be conversion challenged.

Next morning I couldn’t sleep past my normal early waking hour and therefore got up to take a short hike on the huge rock pile nearby – a great place for the kids to play, supervised, of course. There were lichen in orange, green/yellow, black, and gray spread across the granite and other big stones. One stone was fashioned as an overhead table with pillars on the left and right. The tallest spot afforded a view looking down on smaller adjacent surrounding pines.

As I finished off breakfast, the three of us present having the Knucklehead gene (Eel, Kelso, and yours truly) brainstormed our morning loop, which we were to do on our own as the other campers had not yet risen from their rest. We quietly left camp going north on Beach Ridge, connected to Albanita, and (regular) Beach Trails, which ends at Oso Meadows. Lots of water and wildflowers this year! Then we headed east on Blackrock. At one trail break Eel wanted to try my new ride, and it was my first time on his Gas Gas, with a tall seat to beat the band – I liked it in the way it provides a more commanding position. At Albanita Trail we switched back and headed towards camp again going the opposite way on Beach Ridge for a total of just under 40-miles of morning single track. But before arriving from this last leg I remembered a spot where a Husaberg went over the side a few years ago, and at that time Jr. and I helped the owner get his bike back up and on the trail; now it was my turn when we came upon Mick and Natalie coming from camp, and after a brief chat, as opposing wagons lined up on a narrow mountain pass, they leaned over and I went on by (thank you!) – then in error I grabbed too much throttle and placed my bike precariously on the trail’s edge (there was a slight turn and I was going straight), and not wanting to suffer the same fate as that ‘berg owner, I dismounted and pushed my new baby towards the uphill side whilst I sacrificed myself to the drop off, and did a subsequent roll/flip into down-slope bushes – what an act that must have been to behold. They helped me remount and we went our ways.

Many others had showed while we were away: 2Strok4fun (Chris), his lovely wife and sons; Scar Tissue (Tim) solo this year; 426pilot & family; BigShafft & family; Thumbs (Tony) and the best aunt anyone would want (Julie) – did I miss anyone? Oh: Kav came too but I cannot remember when; in any event we have a good-sized group.

I decided to pass on the afternoon loop as my lack of sleep caught up with me, and Mick needed a bike to make the ride anyways. It wasn’t until the evening when viewing the DirtWeek video whereupon it’s revealed to me he’s quite the rider – able to take a bike to its limit! - verified by the black streaks on the rear fender underside. Ouch. Though I’m truly responsible for that, having a new lighter-than-stock rear spring for my featherweight frame, besides the previous owner installation of a tall and rather oversized tire, or tyre as Mick would say it.

There was a night ride planned, yet it never materialized, as there was too much socializing to do and little enthusiasm due to the long daytime loops.

Chris had chicken going in his smoker, and Bundy tri tip on a Weber; between the two I was able graze uptown relative my own bachelor-like cuisine, which never made it out of the can - I am happy.

Next morning a more complete Knucklehead Crew formed with Chris, Tim and I trucking to the westward trail head; Eric and Scott took Mahogany, Rattlesnake and Beach Trails to our rendezvous point, Bonita Meadow. And it was sure “bonita”; muy bonita this time of year with magenta-colored flowers. 426pilot (John) and Big Schaffe (Ryan?) were going to try to meet up with us later for our second loop out of Bonita.

Eric was low on coolant so we refilled with the melted ice water found at the bottom of his ice chest before heading out on our first collective loop of this fine morning. We went up Boone Mdw, Trout Creek (outrageous views of the creek, flowing over rocks and between trees). Scott decided to head back as he needed to get home, so we said our goodbyes, then went up Sherman Pass Trail; a brief rest at the overlook afforded a view of Mt. Whitney from a southwest angle. After some small chat with other dirt and road bikers, we continued south on Cannel Trail and got to see some of the best wildflower shows in the various meadows, and the trail was just as good with multiple creek crossings and fewer whoops than elsewhere. One short section contained many rocks, though nothing troubling. And one of the meadows had stripes of purple flowers from one end to the other. The trail ended at a campground where it turned into a dirt road, with others converging. There were many camping there, and at one site, a volleyball net was not only set up but being used by those in attendance as we passed by. Friendly folks abound, many with bikes themselves. We cooled off by dipping our heads in the creek while munching on dates and almonds.

A ranger-pickup passed through, and they passed out maps to those asking like our crew. We concluded to continue on further would not produce like beauty as the road lost elevation, moreover a dual-sport ride not to our particular liking. Eel was having odd reservations about returning the same way, even though it was the only one back; strange, as he is a competent rider - it did not make sense why he thought thus.

Backtracking to Trout Creek, we hung a left to loop around Bonita Mdw. I offered Chris my new ride, which allowed me to try out the cheater bike firsthand and settle the source of his winning ways once and for all. Well, this bike of his certainly plays a part, being setup thus with the Rekluse autoclutch, and trials tire, along with his savvy jetting and riding skills, so the secret is out: it’s a combining factor of all the aforementioned – some have all the tools, and know how to use them, I suppose.

After a brief minute of railing left-right-left-right through trees, we arrive back at the pickup. And amazingly, John and Ryan(?) showed shortly thereafter. We took the opportunity to eat lunch (thanks for the chicken, Chris) and refill Eel’s radiator.

We began backtracking and then took the Schaefer Trail spur towards Stony Meadow. Eric’s bike was smoking profusely, and I suggested he return back to the truck and wait for us as he may have lost a head gasket. Schaefer Trail beyond Trout Creek Trail had seen little use thus far this season. The Dome Wilderness fire from years ago had allowed the undergrowth of lupine to reach handlebar height, and was quite dense. Chris became belly-impaled by a wayward branch and was having some pain; I told him if he wanted to head back, let me know and I would accompany him. Before Schaefer Trail’s end we branched off down Cedar Canyon Trail, with hopes of eventually going north on Rincon Trail all the way to the end near the Golden Trout Wilderness, but today it was not to be, as this downhill run had not seen any maintenance in what looked like years, and was making demands upon us like no other thus far with many a downed timber to bypass. At one small wet and muddy creek crossing, there were short but steep rock faces on both the in and out sides, with a downed log thrown in to make passage difficult. John, Ryan(?), and Chris cleaned it, and it was my turn – no problem, I thought. On the far side my back tire kicked out, and my ride and slapped the flat uphill rock on its left side. “OOOoooohhh” says the spectators; and with a restart and pushing help, we made it up the other side only to find my shift lever (or gear selector, as Mick would have it) bent forward. I had packed in another in my fanny pack (again, for Mick: bum bag); this practice of carrying a spare came from having lost another/learned from my experiences at Clear Creek. I proceeded to replace it while Tim, John and Ryan(?) continued downward further in a gung-ho fashion; Chris and I were to head back after the shifter replacement.

As we were heading back up I was having balance difficulties with the switchbacks and concluded I had lost my confidence – good we were going returning to cut my losses. Chris was right with me and it was encouraging to see he was always right there on my tail. We waited at the last trail branch for Tim to return up, which he did a few minutes later. He said at the first log-heave after we separated he decided to turn back, as the trail was getting more and more gnarly with the loss of elevation. Ryan(?) showed a brief time later, along with John. We then resumed our return, me doing sweep.

We stopped at what appeared to be a tree where the top had been hit by lightning; the upper tip on the forest floor burning. Chris had hiked down to put out the flame, and Ryan(?) rode his bike down to roost soil for the same purpose. Between the two they had pretty much put it out.

We found Eric back at the pickup and had used the time by employing his social skills in making some wimmin friends during our absence - not one but two! Now there ya go, fellow, being the handsome Canadian-Mountie look-alike he is. Fine as they were, I’d say the gals back at camp rate higher on the scale – not to diminish Eric’s choice of conversation, nor these ladies in particular – just an observation on my part, and to fill you all in on how hot our ladies are.

We load up Eric’s dead horse while thereafter he rides Chris’ back to camp. He never showed back at camp; odd and that had us concerned. Turns out he got a flat but a mile or two away from our last sightings, but we left before he made his way back to our last place of contact at Bonita Meadow. Chris later got word at camp via John and Ryan(?), and returned to pick him up.

The un-suiting progress was rather slow but I eventually made it to the camp shower setup on the far perimeter. Whoever set this up: thanks! I like the discrete and privacy curtain. As it would be, some kids happened to go rock climbing nearby, perhaps unaware of my presence, or maybe they were but thought nothing of it – good I was in my swim trunks. In any event: no harm done as I remained in my trunks for the duration of my showering procedure, brought along on this trip for this very reason; and they got to climb rocks and while I showered modestly.

The folks were again cooking up a storm with Bundy doing steaks (thanks! I forgive you for changing/spilling CRF oil on my step stool), Kav deep-frying a turkey (thanks for the matches, friend; and thanks for my first-ever deep-fried turkey experience – it was delicious!) and the gals were doing all the fixins’. I inadvertently pulled a rude one by assuming Kim’s (Chris’ wife) wine cup she had placed on my table was mine! So sorry gal – that was quite kind of you to let me have it but between the day’s trailing and conversation with Mick, that was still awfully assuming of me me.

That Mick guy is quite the bloke, and kept me entertained all of dinner; my only regret is between the DirtWeek videos and me not being an night person I had to cut the conversation relatively short and call it a night – but I certainly want to pick it up again where we left off, eh mate? I believe it was when you were driving your $100 motorcar in the Vancouver snowstorm.

Since this was my last SoCA outing (I have a job transfer/promotion and will be moving in two weeks) and was planning to leave no later than 7am Monday, I made my way around camp to say goodbye to my friends; some of it was rather difficult to do as there were some fond memories built – good times surely had, and you all will be missed and certainly not forgotten – thanks!


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Great to see Placelast start us off with the ride reports as I always enjoy his recaps. Plus, I’m a bit partial to placelast because he knew what “membrillo” was thanks to his wife’s cultural gravitations. :cool:

My favorite Australian in the whole wide world (Quick Mick) has moved back to California within the past week or so, and luckily for me, he was keen to come along on the excursion sensing I was in need of some trail support, bike and attitude adjustments, and a longing for the good old days when we used to ride in a larger group of friends on a very regular basis. It’s good to have you back!

Since he arrived in the US dirtbike-less, I had lent my KTM400 to Mick the previous week so that he could enjoy some seat time up in the wilderness of Oregon with some of his friends. He returned the bike to me with new Maxxis front and rear tires (He informed me that he’d “rode the knobblies” off the tires up in Oregon), new shroud graphics, and a host of other nice things like a pull strap on the seat for wrassling the bike off hillsides, and a lower subframe (I had “mentioned” I was looking to have the work done…and voila!) Mick has always been generous to his friends.

The plan was to leave Modesto around noon on Friday and arrive at KM by 7 PM. I had whipped up a batch of Chile Verde and a peach cobbler to go with the other groceries I’d packed. I was excited with the prospect of setting up a camp kitchen with Mr. Luckey and he and I had chatted on the phone at least six times prior to our departures to coordinate the cooking agenda, firepower, and menus.

Mick and I left a little later than planned and spent the next 7-8 hours catching up and talking about the old times, future plans, big ideas and a host of other topics. The miles sped by and once in the burg of Mojave, I pointed to a gas station hoping to get some bags of ice and some beef jerky. We pulled off, got what we needed then hit the road. Turns out we should have turned onto 395, but I pointed us in the wrong direction and about 20 miles later started seeing signs for Barstow and Las Vegas. One small detour later, and we were back on the right road toward our destination of Kennedy Meadows.

It was dark by the time we hauled up 9 Mile Road and I was thankful not to have to see the cliff drop on the left. We finally find Fish Camp and Fish Camp overflow but do not see Mr. Luckey or anyone else we know. We pull up to some amicable campfire dwellers and ask if they’ve seen anyone from “DRN” A short while later, we find The Eel and then we find out from some other campers that there’s a sign on the entry post that says “DRN – TROY” Thumbs and Julie along with Mrs. MXBUNDY and one of the kids are also found nearby searching for the main party.

Soon enough, we pull into Troy Overflow and find the main DRN campsites that Mr. Luckey has roped off for us. Near the glow of the campfire, we see old friends Placelast, Kelsorat, Mr. Luckey, and Chris (DirtJunkie)…soon enough the campfire is joined by the Bundy’s, Thumbs and Julie, The Eel. I get The Captain out and hone my bartending skills for anyone who might have a little captain in ‘em (raising right knee now ;) ). Sure enough, it’s 2:30 am and time to hit the sleeping bag. I am looking forward to working on skill drills with Mick and maybe some trail time the following morning.

Saturday morning, Nikita (Mr. Luckey’s Malamute) wakes me up with licks to the face. I smell coffee and look outside the tent to see Mr. Luckey already has some coffee brewing so I start another pot knowing my own propensity for the caffeinated nectar. None of it goes to waste! A small group of us dine on crispy bacon and fried eggs. Mr. Lucky and I have both brought the obligatory salsa selections to go with, his green, mine red.

Mr. Luckey lends Mick his KTM SX400 and we head out to a flat road to work on drills. My confidence and skill levels need a boost and Mick has me working on clutch control, rear brakes, and turns for about an hour. We head up Mahogany trail and put the skills to use over again a few more times. We’re reviewing the lessons on the side of the trail when our camp mates, placelast, The Eel, and Kelsorat join us from the opposite direction. We chat for a bit, make room for them on the trail to get by. The loose edge of the trail gives way under placelast’s rear tire and we have fun watching placelast toss his bike and take the tumble himself rather than risk any damage to his new KTM350. Good save!

Back at camp, another ride is organized for the riders looking for some fast trail action. I opt to go for a fun trail ride with MrsMXBUNDY, her two daughters Delaney and Brinna and her neice and nephew. I will lead and Mrs. Bundy will sweep. We head out of Troy and over to the fun connector trail that takes us over to Fish Camp. Keeping the four children between us was at times challenging as their skill levels were all at different rates, but the experienced MrsMXBundy did a fantastic job of sweeping and communicating, and soon enough, the five of us were in sync with the ebb and flow of a small group trail ride meandering through the forest. Nine very fun miles later, I was rewarded back at camp with a rousing “Thank You Natalie!!!” loads of smiles, and small palms of high fives for leading the group on the ride. (Priceless!).

After everyone returned to camp, Kelsorat is feeling some pain after a bout with a tree so I fixed him up with The Captain. This must have done the trick because a while later, he had a smile on his face and wandered into my camp kitchen rattling the ice cubes in his cup seeking just one more. (Yes! I have converted another)

Throughout the course of the day, Kav, Scar Tissue (Tim), 426 Pilot and family, Big Schafft and family, 2Strok4Fun and family have also arrived at the DRN Campground. I make the rounds getting to know the new people who I have not met before. Turns out 426Pilot’s wife and I share the same name!

Sunday morning starts out similarly to the day before (good morning licks from Nikita, hot camp coffee, eggs and bacon). Today, a small group (Bundy, DirtJunkie, Mick, Mr. Luckey, and myself) will do some fun trails. Mr. Luckey and Mick will lead/sweep me as I am in need of some herding/shuttling at times. It’s on this one 75-yard rocky uphill section strewn with large rocks and roots that I was able to finally use my newly found clutch control skills. It was this very section two years prior that kicked my butt and I think it was Mr. Luckey or Farmer John who had to eventually finish the job and ride my bike up for me. It was an incredibly empowering feeling to get up the rocky trail on my own and also have a cheering section waiting for me at the top upon completion.

The day was shadowed by a possibly broken foot for Chris (Dirtjunkie) and a nauseating headache for MXBundy. Dirtjunkie’s foot was later swollen and bruised all the way across the top of the foot to the ankle. A head on near miss between Mick and some other fast guy out on the trails resulted in a severely dented header pipe on Thumb’s KTM200, but no injuries, thank goodness.

The evening’s camp potluck starred Kav’s incredible deep fried turkey, some killer MXBundy Steaks, Corn on the cob, salads, 2Stroke4Fun’s smoked salmon planks with capers and onions, Mr. Luckey’s Sausage and Peppers, and some wonderful roasted vegetables brought by 426Pilot’s wife. Did I miss anything? Eddie and I were low on propane for the gas lantern, so I pulled out my trusty NiteRider HID helmet light, previously used for 24 hour races, but in this case, duct taped to the top of the easy-up, it made tremendously good camp lighting. :boss:

I remember looking around at all the familiar faces and friends deep in conversations, laughing, eating, drinking, and having one hell of a good time. This is what it’s all about for me, the friendship, the camaraderie and the good times. :ride:

The Captain and the Two-Buck Chuck flowed like hot lava and by the end of the evening (which lasted until sunrise for some….) included some other creative concoctions like Mountain Dew and Midori.

The next morning was slow to start as the night had been long, and ultimately no one wanted to start the task of pulling down tents and the camp kitchen or to start saying our goodbye’s. But start we did, and eventually the Kennedy Meadows campground was returned to it’s pristine state. Mick and I said our farewells and headed down the hill around 1:30 PM intent on finding a Starbucks by the time we hit Bakersfield.

Thanks to everyone for a tremendous time. Placelast, your impending move to another state will create a void, so we are fully expecting you to return now and then! Best of luck to you!
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Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
MARK!!! What the heck you doing in here? Long time no see buddy :( I seriously need a vacation to TENN later this year...maybe around LL time!!

I've started my ride report but probably wont get it finished until tomorrow.


Apr 6, 2002
Ill have more report later, but in the mean time since I cant color with words like the others, Ill post some pics of the mentioned rocks...


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Oct 17, 2002
MrLuckey said:
MARK!!! What the heck you doing in here? Long time no see buddy :( I seriously need a vacation to TENN later this year...maybe around LL time!!

I've started my ride report but probably wont get it finished until tomorrow.

OK... I'll bite... I'm at a loss as to your identity! BUT, coming to TN at LL time would be most great.. The last ride (Spring) was Tony the Tiger Grreeaaat.... The last fall ride was, err.. less than..

Lemme take a stab... you and Aussie? Kiwi?

I'm gonna think about this all night...damnit!...



Mar 1, 2001
Another fine 4th at KM!
Yanno when your on the desert floor and it's over a 100 degrees at 9:30pm then 9 miles later it's in the fifty's you know your home.
Picking up my bike from Honda of Santa Barbara (at the last minute)of course; I called the KiWi bird to rub it in a little cuz he couldn't go to find out where people were staying. His advice was forget where everyone else is at, stay near Eddie & Natalie they sho do put on some fine vittles and that is one smart bird. In fact everyone did!
Two really good loops each day, Nataliel tamed her "dragon" the evil rock section. Turns out my foot is broken, although I finished more than half of the 50+miler with Mic (someone had to make sure he sideswiped at least one bike). I saw "the section" you could have put in a passing lane...hmmm they must not have been in first gear!
Great friends, food, weather & riding if you didn't make it shame on you!
See ya next year!


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Chris, so sorry to hear about the broken foot. :( Thanks again for the hospitality with your trailer and your great sense of humor! Keep the foot iced! Do you need to wear a cast?


Mar 1, 2001
Hey Nat; not a cast but a ace bandage that had plaster on it, then another ace and a boot and crutches. It felt better sliding my foot in a sandal to tell you the truth.
Oh well they said only 4 weeks!


Jul 26, 1999
MrLuckey said:
MARK!!! What the heck you doing in here? Long time no see buddy :( I seriously need a vacation to TENN later this year...maybe around LL time!!

You do that and I'll try to be there. I haven't ridden my bike since the last time we were all there last April! :(


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Nikita and I headed up early to find a great place for all of our folks over at Fish Creek. Imagine my suprise at 10:00 AM Friday when I found the place entirely full. My drive through Troy overflow was maddening as every decent sized place was taken also. Finally about 200 yds from the end I spied a nice large spot complete with a very cool rock formation. Signs were put up at Fish Creek and Troy (I think only 1 person saw them tho lol). I had plenty of time to get some firewood, setup a shower and get our camp spot all decked out while Nik explored the surroundings. Finally Scott shows up and we somehow manage to get his tent figured out :) Chris, Bundy, Placelast pulled in during the next couple hours. Mick and Natty were well overdue and causing some worry but they finally arrive with Eel and Bundy/Tony parties right behind. Friday night saw most of us staying up until after 2:00 pm catching up. Saturday morning the early crew hauled out of camp for a short 40 miler while 2-stroke, Bigschafft and family and his buddy and family all pulled in. Three more good sized trailers and they all fit in nicely. Scar and Kav straggled in at some point also. be continued

PS Natty - Nikita is a Siberian Husky :)
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Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Saturday morning Natty and I threw together a mad breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausage and a slew of other stuff while Mick appeared to fix every detail on all the bikes in camp. He even changed Natties rear tire twice just to make sure it was right lmao! Somewhere around 1:00 a bunch of us ripped out of camp for a little 50 miler that didn't see us arriving back at camp until after 6:00. Scott managed to try and mow down a tree ala Bundy but used his chest, shoulders and head instead of the pegs. We rested while he got his wits about him and he decided to continue on. Down at the river crossing Mick was the only one that decided crossing was a good idea and put on a good show for all. With a few of us running rich I think 3-4 ended up on reserve before the ride was over.

Saturday evening was rejetting, fixing minor details on bikes, HOT showers for everyone and then the cooking started. Bundy family Tri-Tip and corn on the cob and Natty Chili Verde were definitely the headliners.

Saturday nights fire was a bit more subdued as most of us turned in a bit earlier. be continued

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
A great trip. One of the best I can remember. Mostly due to the outstanding cooking. Plus I really liked being over at Troy, with the group camp set up.

We had a great ride on Sunday. Started out by trucking the bikes in to a remote location to spend more time on the better trails. Ended up on trail that were "off the map" as usual. 30 miles on the first loop. Back to the truck and did another 20 on the 2nd. Though that last 20 really worked us. we went down Rincon, which is a extremely rugged trail. Filled with up cut log crossings shear cliffs and boulder hopping. After 2stroke went off the course twice, and placelast crashed twice. they decided to head back. we continued on for maybe another mile. The trail got worse and worse. I decided to head back solo and looped out climbing an off camber boulder coming out of a V valley with a big log an creek at the bottom. After a 6ft free fall I landed on the log and my bike upside down on top of me. (wheels uphill) That could have been realy bad. I wiggled out from under my bike and after some exhausting heaving got going again. Going back up Rincon was a challnege. Especially when tired.

We came across a log that was exploded by lightning that was still burning. Chris shoved dirt on the open flames to put them out.

We got back to the truck and headed back to camp.

A normal ride for us,
2stroke was fast but sampled several bushes, I crashed the hardest and did the most crash damage, Placelast held the pace and entertained with his flying W's and hill side dirt samples, and of course Eel blew up his bike again. Then, for extra points, proceeded to break Chris's as well. :cool: :) :rotfl:

Back a camp , Bundy really came through with some Margarita's and Julie and Kim tee'd up some app's.

Thanks everyone for the food and excellent cooking. I had a really great time.


Apr 6, 2002
Getting out on time seems always a difficult thing to do for me and my family and with trying to finish a renovation to the kids room and getting the house and yard ready for a upcoming surprise party it was especially difficult to attempt to get ready to leave, let alone leave on time. I was surprised when we were able to pull away at 5:20 am, I was targeting 5:00 to hopefully beat some traffic along with some of the heat desert will generate this time of year. The drive out was uneventful with only 1 stop to grab some fast food breakfast sandwiches. We head up 9 mile canyon and I try to keep my attention to the potentially deadly road as DJ asks me the 10,000 questions ranging from “where does the water in the big water pipe come from?” to “How are the trees growing back from the fire?” OK. Mommy, can you field a few? I got to drive. We arrive at Fish Creek CG at about 10:20, made good time for pulling up the trailer and family. I do notice the DRN- TROY paper plate sign on the bottom of a long string of plate signs. I choose to ignore the TROY portion of the sign thinking maybe somebody is expecting a friend named Troy. Alright, I should have caught it but I have been working off of little sleep for about 10 days now (first excuse of many) Of course there were no familiar rigs / people in Fish but some friendly people offered some soon to be emptied spots. We pull in to Troy overflow (how long has Troy been down for now?) and immediately spot the DRN plate pointing to the left. Thank you for those that took the time to post the directions. I pull up to the spigot in Troy O.F. that someone at Fish said was functioning and proceed to take as much water as I can hold. I spot the familiar vehicles and find that a nice “cull-de-sac” location has been chosen. After some discussion about where to park, I set up and level the trailer only to find that I ended up taking up more than my share of the allotted real estate. (there should be some excuse here but I just dont have a good one) Big schaft and family with 426 pilot and family arrive later and maneuver their rigs into the little space I left for them. Seeing as I wasn’t planning to do any riding on this Saturday, I was able to relax soak up the Sierra fresh air and a few Sierra Nevada’s of the liquid variety, and hang out and socialize with Big Schaft and 426 pilots (but rides a 450) families. Nice people and have some younger kids and dogs that my boys will torment/ play with.

Kim, my wife informed me prior to this trip that at the time the battery in the John Deere (the electric car that I said I would never get kids before I had kids) is out, so is the fuel on my 2 wheeled toy. Good thing I made a trip to Wally world to buy a 75 amp hr marine battery to power the battery consuming kids toy, as the provided 12 amp hr battery was done before sunset on Saturday.

Some of the gang, Placelast, The Eel, KelsoRat and others returned from their afternoon trip thru the forest. The dirt on all of their faces showed the telltale dusty conditions this area can be known for. We catch up some and I am curious to find how Placelast, (John) is enjoying his new to him KTM rfs big bore 350 something (I remember enjoying a short blast in the dez on this mount, nice), John seems pleased so far. Scar shows up around 4:30 after a hell trip thru holiday traffic and searing heat. Kav shows up and I spot the large fryer he posted about, mmmm this is getting good. I toss some chicken on the smoker and after a couple hours notice the slow progress of the cooking. Seems as tho the mixed hardwood isn’t jetted for the 8000 elevation and didn’t start as hot as it should. I result in turning the smoker into a direct fire bbq and get them finished up in time to eat before it gets too dark. It turns out nothing more than passable but heck it will make easy snakins between loops tomorrow.

That evening is typical campfire fare but did lack some of the drawn out conversations that only a group of internet and tech minded geeks find interesting usually resulting in sending the girls of to an early bed. Some marshmallow roastin, stargazing and good ol’ hangin out, then I hit the bed relatively early.


426 Pilot

Apr 27, 2000
What's up everyone. I can't believe a week has already gone by since the trip. I just wanted to thank everyone for the hospitality and letting some newbies join up with the group for the weekend. I had met a couple of you before this trip, but it's always good to put everyone elses DRN names with their actual names and faces.

The camping spot you all grabbed was perfect for the size of group we had, especially for the kids so they could run around in the middle of the camp area. Thanks to 2 stroke (Chris) for helping us wedge our (Big Schafft and I) trailers in behind yours.

The riding was great and was exactly what I needed and was found to be "as advertised". It was very similar to some of the nor cal riding areas I have grown accustomed to. I would love to go back right after a rain storm!!! Big Schafft and I pretty much rode on our own but we found our way around just fine thanks to the maps we had. We did meet up with 2 stroke, place last, Eel, and Scar Tissue for a ride on Sunday. We met up after that nice long rocky uphill at a camp thats name has slipped my mind. We were amazed to find all of those guys at the truck after just returning from their first ride. I was sure that we would find the truck with the windshield wiper up (indicating they had come and gone on the 2nd ride).

Well, we had a great ride. It's too bad that Eel had to turn back.The smoke from his bike was worst than the dust :laugh: ... anyway, I wanted to thank 2-smoke, place last and scar tissue for letting us tag along on the ride. The terrain was far better than what we had ridden the day before. We got into some pretty technical stuff and started losing riders left and right. It turned out to be a good idea to turn back as the 450 was starting to wear me out a bit and Big Schafft started winning the Rabbit versus the Tortoise battle again. Once we got back into flowing 2nd and 3rd gear terrain, my energy came back. The guys pointed us in an alternate direction rather than going right back to the camp area and it was a great suggestion. The ride was perfect. Thanks again for showing us around.

We also got a nice ride in on Monday before hitting the road.. I don't remember what trail we started on, but we ended up coming back on Jackass... fun trail.

The evenings were just as fun as the riding and I really enjoyed the campfire conversations with everyone.

All in all, good trip, good people, good riding. I would love to do it again.

See Ya,



Apr 6, 2002
Well, I never got to part 2, the ride report, been tooo busy.
I did want to add a couple of things:

MXBundy's tri-tip :cool: :cool: melt in your mouth delicious, best Ive had. I made some tri last weekend for a surprise party, it was good, really good, but as my wife said "Not quite Bundy good"

Also a correction: The roast veggies were done by Kim my wife, want to make sure she gets credit.

As always I enjoy the riding up there but this time the camp set up made for good socializing with great peeps.

A sad goodbye to Placelast John, who BTW I think should take Natty's screen name -GetmetoCA- Hope to see you in Nov If I do T-giving in EP.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
2strok4fun said:
Well, I never got to part 2, the ride report, been tooo busy.
I did want to add a couple of things:

Also a correction: The roast veggies were done by Kim my wife, want to make sure she gets credit.

Yes indeed! and you and Kim also get credit for jug #2 O' The Captain (The one that shut us all down!)

It was great to see you two and of course the boys...I won't be forgetting the youngest one telling me "Every night when I go to sleep I grow a little bit" ;)


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Ace, you can fish FOR SURE!!!! The fishing that I am aware of is out of Fish Camp, there is a creek right there! That is usually where we stay, but it was full up this year. If you camp at Troy, it is just an easy dirt ride using the connector trails or about 1 mile or less if you drive your vehicle over. Fish Camp has better campsites with picnic tables and fire pits and more running water / restrooms, but there are also restrooms and water at Troy, just fewer.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
There are creeks in many places throughout the riding area, as you can see on this map.

The west side of the trail network is harder to get to from LA but there are places to camp over there especially if you don't mind hiking a few miles to fish.

Bonita Meadows very central to the trail network.

Rincon Camp is not good, IMO, so avoid that one. Much lower elevation, rough road in and out.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
While I could not make the 4th of July ride, I have been up to KM the last 3 weekends. It has been awesome!

Here is a pic from Saturday. This is on Shaeffer Trail, near Corral Meadow. Approx. 8,500'.

A few more pics are in this thread

When we left at 3:00 pm it was 55 degrees! We were staged at 8,800' near Sherman Pass Road.


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