Let's talk football-I LOATHE Elvis Grbac.



OK, this may be a bit of a regional flame, but i have to say this:
I cannot believe that a NO-TALENT ASS CLOWN like Elvis Grbac a) Made it into the playoffs and b) That he is advancing in the playoffs.

First off, he is just riding the wave of Baltimores running game and stellar defense. Secondly, how he got hired by a world champion team I'll never know.

Now-The history behind my beef. I must add that at least half the blame for my loathing of said clown has to be shared by our former head coach, Marty Schottenhiemer, who I still believe was one of the best coaches there ever was. For some reason, though, he just couldn't win in the playoffs. Remember a few years ago when the Chiefs had the best record in all of football? Remember who got them there? It was none other than Rich Gannon. Gannon got his chance when Elvis left the building for many weeks due to a broken collar bone. When Elvis was healthy again, it just so happened to be week 2 of the playoffs (KC got a first round bye because of their league-leading record). So coach Marty decides to play our "Future of quarterbacking", Elvis. Well, mediocre play and poor clock management cost us a close game at home against those hated Denver Broncos. All because Elvis was our "starting" quarterback. Hooey, I say.

I think back to one of those "NFL Films" shows about the mighty Pittsburgh Steelers of the 70's and early 80's where the pointed out how during a Super Bowl, Terry Bradshaw kept going to his receiver who had made so many catches during the regular season and had made it possible for them to get as far as they did. Bradshaw's statement was that when he was growing up in the south, his parents had taught him a saying "You dance with the one who brung ya." Well, Marty ignored that very sound advice and threw the timing of a well-oiled football team right out the window by giving Elvis the start.

So that's the story. That's why I am really upset that the Dolfish did not spank the Ravens today. I would absolutely HATE to see Elvis come away from this season with a championship ring.

On the flip-side, my boy Tony "The Goose" Siragusa, gets much love and respect from one big Gumba to another.


Dec 2, 1999
Big Lou i feel your pain buddy, i couldnt believe it last year when Trent Dilfer led the Ravens to the championship. Im from Michigan so i know how big a stiff Elvis is, but i guess the Ravens are proving again you dont need a quarterback.

P.S. I was always a big Derrick Thomas fan until i read that he left
something like 7 kids with 6 different mothers when he died, a real
solid citizen, must have went to the Shawn Kemp parenting class.

Lets hope for better playoff games than
the college bowl game



Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
Big Lou,
Elvis has one more week to survive. The revived Steel Curtain defense from Pittsburgh will stop the running game and make Elvis look foolish. His stats from the Miami game were NOT impressive 11-33 for 147 yards.
Next week will be a battle of the defenses and a low scoring game, but Baltimore will be going home.
I hope the Goose has a good last game. I hear he is retiring due to nagging injuries.

Mike Jr.


It's a double-edged sword.

I love to root for The Goose, but I don't want Elvis riding on his back all the way to a championship.

Derrick Thomas really did a lot of great things here in the Kansas City community, but after his death, news of all the kids came out and now his mother is sueing GM after the crash. He was speeding in a snowstorm and wasn't wearing his seatbelt.:silly: Plus, we all referred to him as a "thug" on the field. The general concensus was that he only played great when the Chiefs were winning already.

But let's not get sidetracked here, let's get back to some Elvis-bashing!:p

FAS-I agree, the steel curtain is gonna close the show for the Ravens. If not, how sweet would it be to see Rich Gannon and the *shudder* Raiders do the job on them? Hmmm....:think
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AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Lou, you're just mad because the Seahawks finished ahead of the Chiefs. :p

Now we're going to the NFC. Hopefully Holmgren will get his act together.

(and you'd be rooting for Grbac if he was still in KC! :confused: )


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
Elvis is a stiff, but so was Dilfer.

I sure wish the Raiders had not lost three straight games. I sure enjoy watching the Raider fans at home!!!!:p

I am still hoping for a Raiders and Rams Super Bowl, but it will probably be Pittsburgh.

Elvis is a bum!!! I had to add another Elvis bash for Big Lou.


Elvis is a "Finger Pointer".

He did it in KC and he does it in Baltimore. Nothing gets you loved by your teammates or your city more than placing the blame on them rather than yourself. His numbers are pretty poor for a playoff QB if you ask me.
I remember the sportscasters during the last regular season Ravens game commenting that Elvis was going to have to take it WAY up a notch if they were going to survive Miami. I guess the defense held it for them.


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
BigLou--you said it yourself. It was MARTY who put Elvis back in the playoffs a couple years ago, over a more mobile & much smarter Gannon. I can't BELIEVE you like Marty. What a dorky, boring, "cliche"-generating, lame-ass coach. He's terrible. His stupid "rules" are what specifically caused the playoff ruination of the Chiefs all those years. And what do they replace him with? Another dorky, boring....Marty-clone. Rigid, unoriginal "high-school" rules "of the game". Run right. Run left. punt. Occasional pass.

And by the way, wasn't he screwing some teenage chick the year he left? Talk about Hippocracy. Certain coaches can get away with stuff like that (aka Larry Brown, @ KU), but the rigid "king" of rules & the football moral authority? What a jackass. And remember, it was his decisiion that sent Gannon walking.

By the way, I'm a Raider fan. And I'm still benefiting from Marty's lame mistakes--today & for a long time to come. :p

ps--Today Marty was fired again. So sad. :debil:


I come and go
Aug 7, 2001
Big Lou Wrote:OK, this may be a bit of a regional flame, but i have to say this:
I cannot believe that a NO-TALENT ASS CLOWN like Elvis Grbac....

Lou, why are you putting that chode into the same ranks as ourselves? Have a little respect for NTAC!:think


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
I've disliked Elvis since he played for Michigan. On a last-minute invite I flew from Houston to L.A. for the '93 Rose Bowl only to see my beloved Huskies get beat by Elvis and the Wolverines. I think that was the last game Don James coached. :(

Oh, and Pred, about the Seahawks getting their act together, that's a good one! ;) :scream:
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Nephron, valid points.

I was drinking when I posted that, what can I say?! Actually, it was the double-threat of Marty and Jimmy-Ray's offensive "coordinating". Third and long on your own 2 yard line? Run it up the middle.:silly: Sometimes they'd get really daring and throw the old sideways pass out in the flat. Catch the ball five yards behind the line of scrimmage and then run seven yards for a whopping two-yard gain. It was just painful to watch. I thought Rich really pulled the team together and things were just clicking. Why they had to go and shake that up I'll never know. Oh, and let's not forget GM Carl Peterson. Problems like this usually start at the front office and head downhill from there.
As far as Marty and the tennager, unsubstantiated to the best of my knowledge.


Hey-We did have the league-leading rusher this season, Priest Holmes. Of course that and a plane ticket might get me to the playoffs!

Farmer John

T.C.F.<br>(tire changin' fool)
Mar 8, 2000
I like Grbac.
I think he should be the quarter back for Philly!
I think all the crappy players should play for Philly. :debil:


Dec 2, 1999
Hey Big Lou did you watch the game Sunday? Another Elvis game for the ages, oh well at least he didnt have as many interceptions as Favre.;)


Did you hear that loud "clanking" sound? That was the Steel Curtain slamming shut on the Ravens' season!:p

Cheers to "The Goose", though. I hope he gets his own cooking show or something. That would be a hoot!


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
Bye Bye Bad Birds - Ravens!


Heard on the radio this morning.....

Favre and the Packers were outscored by the Rams offense and defense. The cheeseheads lost twice in one game.

SUPERBOWL --- Rams vs. Steelers ---------- Should be a great game!!!

Was it a fumble?? NE vs Raiders. I say - YES!!!


Dec 2, 1999
Yes it was a fumble , but leave it to the NFL to come up with some obscure rule to shaft someone, I didnt care who won but the Raiders were screwed.


Jan 29, 2001
I'm no fan of Grbac

I'm not a fan of Grbac, in fact I'd probably rather have Dilfer. But it is probably hard to get good stats when your off-coordinator never calls anything except run up the middle. It also doesn't help to have ????, that's right does anyone actually know the Ravens' receivers? They should have a caught a lot of those passes Grbac threw, seemed like those 2 guys had hands made out of rocks that day. I also don't see why Cunningham was still on the bench during the Pit game. Don't tell me I stuck up for Grbac.

That being said, I hate the Baltimore thugs...I mean Ravens. Go Steelers.

Rams 34 over Philly 27
Steelers 24 over Pats 10

The Bowl, I want to say Pit, but I just can't b/c it is indoors on carper
Rams 27 Steelers 23


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
Elvis Siting

Here’s a freaky story:

I went out on a “date” with my wife a couple years ago. She wanted to do some shopping and then go for dinner. So, I was wandering around the kids clothing department at JC Penney and noticed football jerseys at half price. The only jersey I even considered buying for my son was an Evis Grbac Cheifs jersey (he played for U of M so he can’t be all bad). I carried it around for half an hour and then put it back since I figured my son wouldn’t know (or care) who he was.

An hour later, we were having dinner at a local Italian joint (Grand Rapids, MI). I was listening to a conversation between a young fellar and an older guy sitting next to us who were talking football. After while, out comes the owner of the restaurant carrying a football and a sharpie (autograph time) and the young guy at the table gets introduced as Elvis Grbac from the KC Chiefs!
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