Nov 24, 1999
I'm is the same boat. I have a 2000 RM 250 with less than id say 25 hours on it sitting in my garage. I have a 93 RMX 250 that has mega hours on it. I would travel for hours to get and hour or two of hard riding in. Time and money was no object. If they rode I was there. I would go with 3 hours of sleep and than drive and ride all day ,Than drive back home. All my free time was prepping the bike and getting things squared away around the house. I would camp out like 10-15 weekends a year just to get a few more hours in
I helped a fire company with their dice run trails. It was nothing to drive 85 miles one way and cut 15-20 mile of trail and arrow it than drive 85 miles back home. I was driving to Canada little over two and half hours to ride with MXDUDE and his fellow riders. Than I bought the RM250 in November of 99 and rode like 6 times during the winter in Canada. but April came and it was like such a drag to drive to Canada,Or any other place. I joined a mx track, 220.00 a year free open practice. I got out like 11 times this year. I keep thinking if keeping the bikes are worth it. I didnt ride from 1987-1992 and when I got back into it, It was great...I guess 7 years of running my tail off, took the fun out of it. Campmg lost its luster also.

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