
Mar 11, 2000
"Fact is bikes are better and riders can take then to limits Smith, DeCoster and Hannah couldn't"

This is not fact! Fact is men, more importantly true competitors like the champions you have listed and many more, are directly responsible for the quality of machine we buy today. They were capable of destroying there bikes and were constantly fixing and preping just to complete a day of racing. Even with the speeds, quality of bikes, high salaries, I do not believe the racing is any better or intense, from our predicessors. These men along with many others helped shape the americans into the dominant force of riders we are today. Unfortunately many of today's rider don't have any perspective on the history and progress of our sport. These men were idols and role models, emulated by thousands of us. I have as much respect today for them as I did back then, they truly are larger than life.


Aug 5, 2001
When I was in Daytona this year, I had the pleasure of being in the press box and having lunch with Glover, Hannah, Bell, Fonseca and several other "Greats".
I can tell you that every one of them was commenting on how RC was in a class by himself, and how he has elevated the sport to a new level. They couldn't believe some of the moves he was making.


Mar 11, 2000
I'm not sure what your point is? It just goes to show how humble and not hung on themselves they you really are. It does take anything away from thier achievments, nor vindicate your remarks.


Aug 5, 2001
I have never intended to take away from anyone. I have seen all of the riders I have mentioned race in thier day. As far as vindicating my remarks: Bikes are better today than they were in Hannahs day, therefor the riders can go faster, my example was drag racing. Look at the equipment today vs 15 years ago. The eqipment and technology is better and allows them to go faster. That was my point. That is a fact!


Dec 31, 1969
super rat

You missed my point. The thread started about Ricky getting boo'd. My post is about being a "popular" champion, which has a LOT of impact on the sport as a whole; drawing sponsors, drawing in new fans, etc., etc. Think you'll see Ricky doing mainstream TV spots (1800, Mazda, etc)? Do you think you might see Travis? Yup. Grant Langston? Yup. Mike Brown? Not a chance ;)


Aug 5, 2001

I hope for RC, Honda and the sport he gets some help.
You would think the he would have a mgr that might tell him that if he could be a little better in the "PR" dept he might even make some more $$$$!


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by KXKen
Bob Hannah? not a chance in todays world.
Unfortunately, we don't have a time machine to make the comparisons. We'll all have to go with our opinions.

And as far as Mike Brown doing some mainstream commercials . . . you don't think he'd be a good spokesman for the internet?

"Youtakethatdangol'mouseandyougetonthemwebsitesandthatdangol'mouse buttonstartsgoin'clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick . . ." :p


Jun 21, 2000
I dont care for RC, BUT, football, baseball, basketball, etc, etc, players all go where the money is, nothing wrong with it. Don't blame RC for going for the 2 mil a year deal, I'm sure he went for the money, and the big plus is Hondas are VERY competive. I would like to see jeremey beat him a few times this year and get his confidence back. I heard jeremy himself say at one of the supercross Interviews, "I'm getting second place and its like I am not even on the track" Should be a good season next year to watch.
I'm sure the Stress at the Top is Extremely High, they should get paid big, just like other top athelets.


Jan 6, 2001
Originally posted by XRpredator

Unfortunately, we don't have a time machine to make the comparisons. We'll all have to go with our opinions.

MXA June 99 Bob Hannah

"Jeremy is undoubtedly the greatest SX rider. He picked a good time because he's racing against a bunch of morons".

This sounds like a very stupid thing to say to me. Maybe it's just my OPINION but I never heard Ricky or Mike Brown says this kind of crap and I doubt very much you ever will.

Want some more Hannah quotes that wouldn't work today? I've got a bunch of them


Nov 15, 1999
I think that people that think RC should have stayed with Kawi -period no questions asked ,have alot of nerve.I mean who are they to say what this kid should do with his life? How can they possibly know what went on with RC and team Green behind the scenes. Carmichael made some preety strong comments against Kawi after he left. I'd like to know where the outcry was when Mcgrath left Honda- where's the loyalty MC???????? Somehow that was different? These guys have only a few years to race so why souldn't they feel free to work for who they prefer? Would he really go for the bucks
to ride a bike that was inferior(CR)? Doesn't RC know what's best for him?
Did Kawi "BUY" a few titles when they signed Emig?
If you worked for a company for 10 years and things slowly started to erode
with your relationship with the company-things you could only understand if you lived though it,you may feel it's time to move on. Another company offers you a better position ,better hours,equipment etc and more money.
you take it. Sound move. Some guy on the street calls you a traitor,no loyalty
a real dirtball for leaving. Obviously this person has no clue, yet somehow he knows what's best for me???? You would surely tell him where to go!
I'm just saying that RC knows whats best for him. I think if he was happy at
Team Green ,he would have stayed,period. Just my opinion.
Last edited:


May 30, 2001
The dude was booed by people that don't have the talent to race... I'm not sure that's much of a statement.

If the other riders had booed him... :D

But then again, You gotta be marketable. The people that booed we're the people being marketed to. So there is something to be said. Still, if he had his act together, he would have smoothed it out on the podium and everybody would have said, "Well, that's cool...the guy was just doing his job".


Seven OUT!
Dec 21, 2000
whether people were booing RC, Honda, or both, we wont know, and quite fankly, who cares. Fact of the matter, people were booing... it doesnt matter if was from racers that were jealous (as someone mentioned) or fans that were upset at honda or jealous that RC has been winning so much....
The fact is, that if you are being announed in a grand style, and the Boos are drowning out the cheers, that is very awkward. Every champion will hear boos, but for the most part, there is a helluva lot more cheering going on. I dont have anything against RC and I respect his talent, no doubt. But I admire the profesionalism of MC or Travis.. Travis has stated in an intvw how he has been going to "sponsorship speeches" . Basically training on how to conduct yourself to fans and especially on the Podium, to thank your SPONSORS....Some people in this chat dont feel that has anything to do with someone being a great rider.. I beg to differ. Society has a funny way of holding onto a blemish of someone and passing over their talents. I dont really agree with this, but it happens... Case in point... Ray Lewis, MLB of Ravens..MVP year, being considered one of the best to play the spot, but the general media tag him with the tainted image, sponsors wouldnt approach him as much. granted he gets some endorsements, but not what NFL defensive MVP and superbowl MVP... it just happens, and sponsorship is very important in MX/SX world.
...to say that the people booing dont have the talent to ride...so what, the whole audience probably doesnt have the talent to ride, but take away the audience, the fans on tv and so forth, and they will be outta jobs. so crowd approval is significant..... why do you think that Larry Linkogle of Metal Mulisha gets no support, granted he probably doesnt want any, but it is clear.... I hope that doesnt happen to RC, and I think he is smart enough not to let it happen to him.. He has tremendous sponsors, and the booing definately distubed him, for he said "If I saw someon broken down on the road, I would stop to help them" so it definatly caught him off guard.
Bottom line, My point is that, unfortunately, it is not just a race. there is more too it than most of probably know of.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
The logical extension of the 'marketing is so important' argument is only well spoken pretty boys can be factory riders.

Is that where the sport is headed?

If I want to watch schmoozers and pitchmen, I'll stay home and turn on the television. When I go to the races, I expect to see the best RIDERS on the best equipment, battling it out for the win on the track. I don't care who has the brightest smile and the best personality and who remembers his mother's birthday.


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Originally posted by dirt bike dave
The logical extension of the 'marketing is so important' argument is only well spoken pretty boys can be factory riders.

Is that where the sport is headed?

I certainly hope not, but I'm sure the factories will be encouraging more riders to take public speaking courses and make more frequent trips to their dentists.:)


Seven OUT!
Dec 21, 2000
i didnt say I like it either... Everysport is like that so get real. Look at nascar, their cars are so loaded with endorsements and such....
I could care less too...We go to see people race...
This discussion in this forum is about RC being booed..... And no matter what, he was significantly Boo'd. point - blank...
and he won... so that was his answer to the booing.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I guess people want to see our pros more NASCAR-like, though that could backfire as well. Look at the anti-Jeff Gordon contingent out there. :think


Nov 10, 2000
It wasn't only RC/Honda that got booed that night. When MC pulled up for a podium interview after he and Laracco mixed it up - and started whining, the boos rained down. I could hear it on the web-cast and the announcers mentioned it. The crowd was obviously full of people who subscribe to the policy that the price of admission gives you the right to boo all you want.

However, RC is a little rough around the edges when it comes to public appearances, to say the least.


Jul 11, 2001
Of course it's all fantasy, this business of who would have beaten who. Like arguing whether Ali would have beaten Marciano. And with so many changes in machines and track design, it's a lot more difficult than a boxing comparison.

Still, it's not entirely nonsensical. You can look at lots of factors: 1) the rider's mastery of the machinery of his time; 2) the ability to push the limits of the machine; 3) the ability to hang on when hanging it all out (like Hannah did; he learned how to get almost entirely out of shape and keep it going, because he was always almost out of control); 4) the ability to adapt to changing conditions (maybe most important when comparing different generations of riders, because it suggests how, for instance, DeCoster would have adapted to modern tracks. Answer: he would have smoked whoever he needed to to win); and leave us not forget that many of our past champions had the ability to ride the 65-horsepower open-class monsters at race speed, as well as the smaller bikes; 5) HEART; the rider's determination and grit, the willingness to do whatever it takes to win (refer to previous DeCoster note); 6) the competition the rider had to contend with; great adversaries make great champions, and a pretty good case can be made that too many of today's riders are content to take second place to MC or RC); 7) the rider's impact on the sport (again, refer to DeCoster, above).

Taking all this into consideration, it is ludicrous to call RC the best ever. He may yet prove to be, but the odds are against him. To win as many supercrosses as MC, he needs to have about five more years like last year, and who reasonably can expect that many repititions of a phenomenal year like that? Even to win as many REAL national championships as MC (and I don't count the 125s; sorry, but that's the B team), he's going to have to win five more. That's a stretch, too.

Look, I'm not saying the kid can't do it. I'm just saying it's way premature to start calling him the best ever. He has a long way to go to reach the stature of DeCoster, Robert, Hannah, or Torsten Hallman, who was there when motocross was invented. Let's wait and see.

super rat

Ass Clown at DRN
Mar 31, 2001
So i'm crazy big deal. I could give a crap how nice a rider is, i go to the races to see the best riders ride. If I want to see nice guys ride i go to a local race. Maybe I jumped the gun on calling RC the best ever, I just get mad at these jerks booing one of the gretest mxer to ever through a leg over a bike. I can only think of one rider who has won a national mx title 5 years in a row, think about that. Every class he has entered he has won for 5 years. Come on now with that B class crap, Lamson,the bomber B class who is crazy?:D


Jun 16, 1999
your right they should have never booed RC(one of the best MXers)that was wrong. and yes it is considered the B class that is a fact, and fact is, it was not the B class back then, just like the fact that RC is going faster now than Hannah did back when Hannah was racing.:D

super rat

Ass Clown at DRN
Mar 31, 2001
Dam I cant argue with facts, where do you get your facts from? So let me get this straight, back in the day we three A classes 125, 250 and 500. We lost the 500 cass and the 125 has become a B class, makes sense to me. I would like to see you guys tell brown or langston that they are b talent.:silly:


Jul 11, 2001
Umm, let's see: Brown was No. 1 in the 125 class. Where did he place in the U.S. Open? I submit that when the top six guys in the 250 class beat the 125 champion, one of those series is the B team. Do you see guys racing the 250 class for two years to get their skills up, finally winning the title and moving up to the 125 class where the real competition is? I rest my case. No disrespect meant to Brown or Langston, but facts is facts.

Also, why all this boo-hoo-ing about a little booing? Everybody's acting like this is tennis in the '50s, where only polite applause with white-gloved hands is permitted. Motocross fans have every right to express their approval or disapproval of top riders. When they approve, they cheer and applaud. How should they show their disapproval? That's free speech, baby, and it's supremely American for the common people to bring public figures down to earth with a little well-placed booing and cat-calling.

Let's face it; RC makes a lot more money than any of those guys booing. He's the one who wanted to be the king of motocross. Sometimes the peasants get unruly. It comes with the territory. Let's remember that it's those fans and their hard-earned money that pay for everything. They're entitled to make their feelings known.

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