Possible Free Riding Area in Brownfield Texas for Motocross And ATV's


Aug 3, 2007
My name is Charles and as many know there are not alot of places to ride in West Texas (Lubbock Area). Several people have developed the Brownfield Motocross and ATV association.
We are presenting the city counsel of Brownfield with a list of riders from around the area that would support a Free public riding area with three seperate tracks.
1) A track strictly for children
2) A track quads could run on
3) A track for motocross bikes to run on
They are talking about trying to hold between three and four sponserd events a year to start out. Again this would be considered a city park, but run by the Brownfield Motocross and ATV association.
We will meet with the consel in two weeks and to propose this idea. If we could start a list of interested people or you would have any suggestions, your help would be greatly appreciated to give everyone a safe/legal place to ride.
The possiblites for this could be endless with help and support from west texas riders. Any questions you can contact me

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