Tag-Team MX Teams Selection - What Do You Think?


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Originally posted by BSWIFT
Come on Sawblade, don't you want to rub a little plastic?

I little plastic rubbin is no problem. But a full on Tony Soprano wack is another! :eek:

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
My 2 cents..
keep it as simple as possible.
IE: if you are planning to have 3 person teams..(or whatever the number)

when they come to sign up for the event they draw a paper, or clothes pin out of a bucket.marked 1 2 or 3
you put the paper to the side until the next person draws.. after three you start over.. until everyone is signed up..
overall its for fun..I'd try and keep it uncomplicated as you can.
Jun 27, 2000
A.J. It would be nice if all the teams did'nt have somone out of the group inwhich they came with and ride together all the time. That way you will beable to meet other people. I can't wait.
How about those sheep... That was funny. I like the Idea if some team is really kicking around the track in a super fast way.... you know like you do.


Nov 17, 2000
I think what AJ is talking about would work, if you have 10 teams of 3, then have 30 slips of paper marked with: 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c etc, etc (like an enduro sign up except you get a number not a time) If I pick 7a, I'm on team 7:D Only problem is that you might have AJ, Billywho, and Okie all on the same team, in which case you'll have to have each of them tie one hand behing there backs:p

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
you have the idea..
i dint explain it very well...
but basically it comes out a random drawing ..
but easy to do?
in any case whatever you decide on Nikki will be fine..
its for fun!!! thats why i would keep it simple,just to keep you from having a headache organizing it,as we will all have fun regardless :)

i have to admit,scary as it is, i like the sheep idea..LOL

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
i'm for #2, 'cause i don't want anybody getting stuck with me on thier team without the knowledge that i am probably the greatest liability available at dirtweek. btw, i'm all for the sheep crossing thing, that'll be a good handy capper for me and my team. :D

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