
Dec 31, 1969
looked into the boxer shorts. Any idea what 75 pair of XXXL cost! Sheez... had to come up with something else. It'll be a surprise, there will be an exchange.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
How about we provide our own bigass boxers?

I have a (recently acquired) platinum glitter thong, but I promised SL99 that she'd have the first look. :D
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Jun 8, 1999
How about teams of 6 .. 1 lap each on your own bike ... Less boxers to buy... With 6 on a team we would have what maybe 7 or 8 teams total... Get 7 or 8 people to volunteer to bring 1 HUGE pair of boxers and we're there man ... Just a thought.


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Mikeb - if we do this event on Thusday - I'm guessing we will only have a total of 30-50 riders there and not sure how many will participate. So that's why I suggested teams of 2. I'm with Okie - I think we need to come up with something "special" to hand off - and maybe a goofy thing to do before/during the hand off (like the spinning the head on the bat thing - but something of our own silly-ness) :confused:

I also think it will be more fair to do the pick teams out of a hat thing. We can put everyone's names in there - then pick two at a time to form the teams. Just as long as noone whines... "ooh - I got stuck with a girl" :)


Mar 25, 2001
Good idea Nikki on picking names out of a hat for teammates. It will give everyone a chance to meet someone new instead of just hanging around the group you are traveling with.

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000

we go with jerseys/colored t-shirts? Rule is you gotta wear them under or over your CP but you have to have them on over your torso. That way the riders either put them on after removing helmet and CP, or have a tougher time getting them on/off with the helmet/CP on? Younger riders would have an advantage as thier smaller bodies would make it easier. Rip or tears would cost a lap penalty, so you couldn't plead ignorance.

Uh-oh, where does that leave me??? :scream:


I kinda like the "scrunchie" idea. Just as long as it's something that 1) Requires both riders to be stopped, and 2) Is safe to carry whilst moto-ing!


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Tag-team MX Egg Scramble!

I like the idea with the rider finishing the lap doing the bat circles. This could be the funniest thing ever. Better use thier own bikes. I guess we will need catchers for the bikes at the end of each lap. :think
How about a raw egg? Each team would have to carry a raw egg around the track and pass it off to the next rider. If the egg is broken, they get a new egg with a #2,3,... and so on. The team with the least amount of egg on them wins.
The egg could be carried in a lightly padded "small Pringles" can tapped to their helmet. Or we could use small paper bags taped to their chest protectors requiring that the bag be torn open to pass the egg to the next rider. Just think, this would be the first ever, "Tag-team MX egg scramble!"
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Jun 8, 1999
25 or 30 riders? ... Last year we had 20 + riders in the "headlight enduro" class alone. I bet you will have well over 50 riders in this event. I agree with you on the handoff .. It needs ot be funny for all of the non participants.Have the rider that just finished his lap get off the bike go round a bat and run 50 feet to hand off to the their teammate. I also agree with drawing out of a hat. I am sure "somebody" will whine BUT if they do we will just remind them that it is JUST FOR FUN .. GET A LIFE!!


Sponsoring Member
May 20, 2001

Colol! I have never even raced, and this sounds like a hoot! Can you take it to another level?? why not open it to all riders, young and us old guys?? the xxxl boxers are cool, how about a small cape? count me in! But i think I am one of those who wants to stay bonded with my machine. WOW! can't you just see that big cape flyin right now!:confused:


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000

I think I like the cape idea too. My wife would be tickled to make a few.

I don't MX, but I wouldn't turn this down for anything!:) Might even be able to get some of those ink jet iron-on transfers and have a Dirtweek logo on 'em.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I don't know how many real super mans I can do...and survive.

Do you think maybe the cape would help make us really fly? :think
Lil gust of wind may help us to find out! Would make for interesting get-offs though.

Somehow I don't think I want any restrictions around my neck....especially when I'm gasping for air!


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Tag Team Tuff Guy!

Count me in! This sounds like a hoot! I don't know about the superman cape, but I'm for using your own bike.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
sawblade, when they came up with tag team mx, they didn't mean the type that you and bswift were practicing.;)


Oct 9, 2000
The bats may not be a smart idea. The dizzyness, mixed with motorixed vehicles with spectators could be trouble. Just having a little fever and riding yesterday almost killed me literally. I got knocked out for a while and had to go to the hospital. I do not even want to imagine what riding completely dizzy would be like.:confused: :p
How about a simple one, change gloves or bar pads or something stupid like that. Then a person with big hands would be stuck with small gloves or a person with protapers would have to figure out how to get a normal bar pad to work. OR even a simple baton. That would be very difficult to carry while riding. I am sure that pwoplw would end up stuffing it in their pants though.
I guess if I can not be there, then I might as weel help out. Dang parents.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999

You wittnessed the "high speed version" of the tag team handoff. This of course was a demo to show technique, the Spode version of the "Kiss of Death" was just a bonus.:o


The bat thing sounds interesting and all, BUT, flying down the start chute WOT in 4th gear at a 45 degree angle into the fence might not be such a good idea!:scream: Would make for some great fotage for the DVD, but I think a hand-off is the way to go. Dead-bike handoff, maybe? Add a little harescramble flavor to it?


Mar 25, 2001
4th Gear WOT!!!!

I didn't think the new KTM 250 EXC had a 4th gear, at least on the model you bought. J/K

I am a little iffy on the bat spinning crossover idea as well. New track plus spinning yourself to a delirious daze? HMMMM, sounds like trouble, especially with BIG LOU attempting 4th gear WOT!!!:confused:
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Aug 23, 2001
Bat Spinning

I think the idea with the bat spinning is great. And I think some people are missing the point. You don't make yourself dizzy till after your lap. Once you make the lap, you have to spin around the bat, then walk, or try to, down to your teammate(s) to "tag" them for their lap...I think a lot of face plants would take place as the helmet would be really heavy after bending over to spin around a bat... I just hope I get my bike fixed in time to make it!


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
I agree - no bat/spinning idea (I myself get pretty bad motion sickness... so... :) )

I think we are going to hand off the pink scrunchies (hair ties us ladies wear around out ponytails - for those clueless men) because I believe that's what is going to be used for the team harescramble. You can easily put it around your wrist or grip or whatever.

I am still pondering a silly thing to do before/during the hand-off. Have more ideas??? Let's hear them! I think the final idea will be a surprise for Thursday at Dirtweek.

gnarlykaw - this event is open to everyone - we're on the schedule for Thursday at 1:30. Bring or borrow a bike and come join in! We will also need some "bike catchers" to volunteer too - they will be up close for the pass off action.

I'm thinking if we get 30-40 riders - we will do teams of 2 people - 6 laps total - each person does one lap and switches. If we get over 40 riders - we might be able to do teams of 3 - 9 laps total - each person still does one and switches. I would like to have about 15-20 teams. Not too many bikes on the track at once to keep it a little safer for the rookies being out there with some more experienced riders.

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