
Sep 18, 1999
The dock said that in about a year he will take the hardware out of my talus, tibia, and
fibula. He said it will take 6 weeks to heal after they take them out. Has anyone had screws
in their leg and then taken out. Do they make you wear a cast or just go easy on them for six


Sponsoring Member
Dec 15, 2000
My son had the screws taken out after recovering from a broken tibia. It was outpatient surgery,(no overnight stay in hospital). The bone had filled in the holes in 4 weeks and no casting was required. Unless there is a large amount of hardware in your case and the bone will weaken when they are removed, I wouldn't think you'll need a cast. If you have a rod in the tibia and want it removed, that is just as invasive a procedure as when it was put in. My son's tibial rod is still there although the screws are removed. Your doc is the best source of info in any case.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
I'll find out soon. I get my fixator off my tibia in about two weeks. I know I'm going to have to wear a boot not a cast. I assume it's to support the bone while the holes heal. I don't know. I never really asked about it since it seemed so far away. I have a screw in the other side of my tibia that will be permanent. I'm going for more xrays thursday. I'll see if I can get a copy. They look cool.


Aug 9, 1999
I just had the pins pulled out of my wrist from a recent surgery. the doc left my cast off and told me that it was ok to get back on the bike when ever i feel comfortable with it.

btw. the pins were exposed (out of the skin) and the doc pulled them out with a pair of pliers. craziest thing i have ever seen.


Sep 18, 1999
My doctor said that It will be surgery to take the pins, screws, and plate out.
There is a lot of metal in there, so hell have to put me to sleep. He said he will
probably do it in about a year. He said it would be six week without riding but
I forgot to ask him If I'll be able to walk on them or if I,ll be in the wheelchair
again, or have to wear the boots or a cast.Breaking Both of your ankles really
sucks.It has been 3 months since I did it And My left talus,
which broke into six peices still isnt fully healed.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
I have a plate and screws in my arm from '92. My doctor at the time said to wait one year, then have them removed or I could just leave them in. Obviously, I left them in.


Mar 10, 2000
It's alot easier when they take 'em out. The swelling will probably be alot less than when they had to go in and do the "reduction" of the original fractures. No worries. Get 'em yanked so they don't interfere with any tendon movement and you'll be riding in no time.

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