
Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
next week is my wife's birthday. i'm getting the standard "i don't want anything". why do they do this? on my birthday, i could make a list ten pages long of stuff i want. one of these days she's going to get exactly what she asks for...nothing. :|


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
So. . .buy her a bigass broom. :debil:


Feb 21, 2002
I hear ya. Us men shouldn't have to run around trying to buy something we know she doesn't really want. If they want something they should tell us. This is probably why I've never had luck with the ladies. :cool:


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
You need to figure out a gift that would appear to be for her, but in reality, it serves more of a purpose for you. :) I like Big Tuna's idea too.


Jan 22, 2002
They want to see an effort made. What works in my house is the kids and I bake her a cake and make her a card. Take the kids out and have them do the shopping but use a little discretion I am sure your wife doesn't want a POKIEMON character. Clean the house up well, you and the kids wear your good clothes when she comes home from work or wherever you send her to accomplish this stuff. You don't really need to spend money just time and thoughtfulness, but you can't go wrong with jewelry, flowersetc. Don't buy her clothes unless they are something that only you are going to see her in and make sure you tell her how much you can't wait to see her in them :thumb: Line up the babysitter and surprise her with dinner and dancing. Do/Buy something that you know she likes and enjoys,something that says this is something special for your special day because you are special to me.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Bruce! :scream: :)

On to the topic. I am still happily "single" after 5 blissful years of divorce :thumb: , but one thing I have learned is that she does want somethig. You just need to :think: figure out what it is. My current g/f just had her b-day in August, and she was the "I don't want anything type" too.
I took her to dinner and played dumb, untill she started the conversation about what her folks had given her etc. I kept up dumb cromagnon routine for a few mor minits untill I got the "high sign" from a couple of her sorority sisters and whamo! She was floored when half her sorority came out singing Happy B-day, cake and tickets to Spring Break that she thought she was going to miss(She graduates in Dec.) with her sorority. The secret is go to her friends and they will give ya all the details ;)



Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
She NEEDS a CRF450.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Yup, she wants something and the bad part is she has already told you what it was! Of course she did it in thta female way of dropping ever so subtle hints 7 months ago. Chances are that even 7 months ago the hints were such that only another female could have picked up on them.

Seriously though, spend some time and find something unusual that she would really like. Normal things that you can find in any department store or that only take 15 minutes to find/purchase won't cut it.

Does she like wine? Check out some of the Wine of the Month clubs.


Mar 27, 2002
Originally posted by jmics19067
Don't buy her clothes unless they are something that only you are going to see her in

I wouldn't advise that one! :| She'll think of that more as a birthday present for YOU! :think: The rest of jmics advice sounds good though! :thumb:


Nov 5, 2001
Originally posted by 2001yz250

I wouldn't advise that one! :| She'll think of that more as a birthday present for YOU! :think: The rest of jmics advice sounds good though! :thumb:

i think that is especially good advice, even if she doesnt want them you can still get some wear out of them! :o

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
I got my wife one of those gift certificates to a spa that included a massage, facial, manicure and pedicure, along with a lunch. Took her out to to a fun restaurant (Japanese steakhouse) and she was putty in my hands that night. By the time we got home she was so relaxed from the day at the spa and dinner I, uh, well, I got to stay up and watch Leno because she was snoring :think:


Jan 22, 2002
"Yup, she wants something and the bad part is she has already told you what it was! Of course she did it in thta female way of dropping ever so subtle hints 7 months ago. Chances are that even 7 months ago the hints were such that only another female could have picked up on them.

Seriously though, spend some time and find something unusual that she would really like. Normal things that you can find in any department store or that only take 15 minutes to find/purchase won't cut it."

truer words have never been spoken!!!!! Luckily my wife has given up on the idea that I could actually understand her subtle hints. Little things can play big part if properly presented. Hit the jackpot one year by getting a haircut and shaving and when she came home and said something about being all cleaned up I told her that "I don't want you to be embarassed by who is taking you out to dinner for your birthday".

Although the gift means something , presentation and effort is key. Have to try and eliminate all the normal day to day grind. Don't care if you buy her a gold watch with diamonds if she has to worry about scrubbing the toilet it is not going to be a good birthday.


Sep 7, 2001
Originally posted by mx547
next week is my wife's birthday. i'm getting the standard "i don't want anything". why do they do this? on my birthday, i could make a list ten pages long of stuff i want. one of these days she's going to get exactly what she asks for...nothing. :|

You could tell her that nothing would make you happier than to give her exactly what she wants, but unless she tells you, you won't know what that is.
Mx, you can't read her mind and if she is unwilling to tell you what she really wants than she gets what she deserves. But this could be a great opportunity to get her to talk about what she wants from you.
You sound willing to listen to her and your intentions are honorable, good luck :thumb:


Nov 5, 2001
which female "logic" are you working from fe-princess?

the female "logic" i am used to when i am in trouble is:

well, if you dont know whats wrong we me then i'm not gonna tell you!

with statements like that, is there any wonder us dudes are confused! :confused:


Sep 7, 2001
Originally posted by bclapham
which female "logic" are you working from fe-princess?
the female "logic" i am used to when i am in trouble is:
well, if you dont know whats wrong we me then i'm not gonna tell you!
with statements like that, is there any wonder us dudes are confused! :confused:
The"logic" I'm working from is that telling him exactly what I want or need instead of having him guess gets me there a lot quicker. You see, we both win. I get what I want and he feels good.
Making him guess looks like a slow death and a really boring and unhappy way to live. Not all woman are the same, although we are all taught the same rules as girls.
If I'm mad at him, I tell him exatcly why and what he did or what he said that made me feel mad, he apolgizes and we move on. I want him to do the same for me. Talking about how we really, really feel keeps us closer and I can always trust that he is telling me the truth and visa-versa... ;)


Mar 27, 2002
Too bad all women aren't like you Fe_princess, life would be much easier! :thumb: I think the dirtbike women are a special breed! Of course, if they get mad at you, they might decide to push you over a berm or into a tree while riding or roost you in the gravel! :eek:

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