Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Whew! Bentwheels was a slick mudder. Didn't need hand guards, pretty wide open. I actually was in first place for a while until I got hung up behind a Z rider in a mud slot and zing-zing, got passed by 2 guys in my class and thats where I stayed. I'm not much of a mud rider so I was surprised I ended up so well. Grant got stuck bad on the first lap and had to be near dead last in his class but eventually worked his way back up to fourth - he was riding very well. (He likse that KTM 200 XC) Nathan got 4 laps in, and hung in there and Erin ended up 5th. We all had fun but it took 3 hours to clean the bikes, that clay was every where. I thought rose city was sand, I was sorely mistaken. It was a good day any way. :cool:


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Bent wheels was SWEET perfect free flowing trail.

The race was too short, my partner and I both wanted more riding time (not that I am complaining about it being a tad shorter than 3 hours - we wanted much more)


5 Heavy Teams

5 Light Teams

Where is Shaggy?


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
Had an old injury crop up...I tore a lower abdomen/groin muscle real bad a few years back....did it again on the second lap :yikes: . Tried to glue my foot to the peg for the rest of the day and stand up. Already had a 4 x 4 bruise on my leg/stomach right after the race.

I know, wah-wah-wah.

That's the best conditions that BW has been in the last 15 years. There was no reason for one more lap though. Pouring rain and that crap just ruins bikes, and with Valley being next weekend, some of the casualties of another go around in the mud and rain would most likely not be able to make the trip to Valley, resulting in less numbers for them. I wouldn't bitch about finishing 12 minutes short of 3 hours there, Fredo. They were also "saving it" for the enduro next weekend.

I see you weren't sporting the new lid?

They did screw up the starting order for the "A" level solo their overall finishing positions will be changed. I'm working on it. In the mean time, I am not posting the 3 hour overall results. The M class positions will not change, but the V, S, C and A classes will, but only in the overall. Ugh. :whoa: These are the only classes effected.


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008

Sorry to hear about your injury, you won your class anyway :cool:

I was not bitching (re-read my post) I wanted another hour or 2 of racing, my partner was going to tackle me off the bike if he had to in order to get another lap prior to finding out I was on the last lap.

I was too lazy to transfer the bar code sticker on the new lid as I spent most of Saturday doing yard work and making more sections on my home track.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
Fred 1L,

I copied this post from Shaggy:

"sorry guys i could not make it i had some late week money issues so i couldnt make it. i will not be at rose city this weekend as i have to work but will be back at VTR"

Looks like you'll have more company next weekend. :cool:


Sep 4, 2006
i hear we will have the highest turnout of the season in light team at VTR im not namin names but the racin should be the tightest competition yet


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
Fred T....tell your daughter sorry from this old man. I think I may be responsible for poop in her britches!

I was wheelieing the ditch infront of where you were pitting. On the 4th or 5th lap, I came around the corner a little hot, went to wheelie the ditch and got all kinds of out of shape. I headed right at your daughter with a bad case of whiskey throttle. Ooooppppsss! :yikes: Sorry.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Yam7M said:
Fred T....tell your daughter sorry from this old man. I think I may be responsible for poop in her britches!

I was wheelieing the ditch infront of where you were pitting. On the 4th or 5th lap, I came around the corner a little hot, went to wheelie the ditch and got all kinds of out of shape. I headed right at your daughter with a bad case of whiskey throttle. Ooooppppsss! :yikes: Sorry.

No worries we hosed her off when we got home and she was just fine. She never mentioned it she's used to getting dirty on a dirt bike at the races any way.

She's getting better at giving me lap board information, this time she got my position right. :cool:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
I saw her standing there with the board. :cool:

Let her know that she's got a real good "stink eye" stare when she sees something she don't like! :nod: She takes a close second to my wife! :) That's awesome that she's giving you pit boards.

I thought your son looked real good too. He was riding real well.


Oct 2, 2005
Shagy100 said:
i hear we will have the highest turnout of the season in light team at VTR im not namin names but the racin should be the tightest competition yet
Team L & I will be laying down a Azz Whooping at VTR :nod:


Oct 2, 2005
Fred T said:
She's getting better at giving me lap board information, this time she got my position right. :cool:
Boy would I like to get my hands on your pit board - I could draw you some inspirational pictures ;)

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Wolverine423 said:
Boy would I like to get my hands on your pit board - I could draw you some inspirational pictures ;)

It would take you more than one of my slow azz laps to draw a damn picture. :nener: You gonna pull your face outta that bowl of roots and berrys and come ride one next weekend?


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
BRING IT ON :cool:

I have to admit some of you are losing credibility by talking the talk and not showing up.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
09oneL said:
BRING IT ON :cool:

I have to admit some of you are losing credibility by talking the talk and not showing up.

Hear-Hear :cool:

The bullshat stops when the green flag drops!

...or at least when we get the call to line up for the start....

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