Video-Photo slide show software????


Apr 6, 2002
Someone here I know has good suggestions.

Heres my sitch. My wife and I are not extremely puter tech savy. My wife has been doing these photo slide show projects for different events and friends and now is doing it for $$ and including video which we both know nothing about. Previously using Adobe Premier Elements on the PC. PC is somewhat old and tired so I shop for new equipment and software. I get Mucho info saying "What you really need is a Mac". Look at Mac and on the surface it seems to do a bunch of stuff wonderfully right out of the box. Purchase new iMac with a beautiful 24" screen. We start doing some photo/video projects and quickly learn iMovie 08 is *very* limited but is easy to use, except that it dosent integrate very well with other iLife programs like iDVD. :yell: Guess it is intended for the "load a crapy 2" short video to you tube crowd as opposed to dropping in 300 vacation photos and video.................

Well now I have a iMac with a beautiful 24" screen and searching for better photo/video editing software, and it seems Adobe has abandoned apple with the latest versions of their software. The iPhoto and iMovie programs work wonderfully in execution but lack seriously in finished product quality in the photo department, (it knocks down resolution to the level of my 5yo's fisher price camera).

If I dont make these projects using the iWhatever software, the photos look fantastic on screen, its just when you want to share the project to another computer or dvd it looks like crap. So far not so happy with the iPurchase, but did I mention it has a beautiful 24" screen?

software recommendations for mac or pc is welcome, and I dont want to spend thousands on pro level software.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
I personally use Premiere CS3. It seems that Adobe is supposed to be releasing an update for it in the next month or so that will allow it to run on the new version of MacOSX.

I run it on Windows XP, and have been quite happy.

You can see a pic of my setup in my gallery. It's absurd.

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