
Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.
A great race run in under epic conditions!
For me things were a little hectic getting ready to go. As usual I left a lot of things till the last minute to do.
Got home from work on Thursday and started in on the last steps on getting the bike ready. Well before I knew it, it was 10 at night before I was finished loading the truck. Was planning on leaving at around 2 am for the 18 hour drive to Washougal. After a little thought I just decided to go for it and leave right then. Said my good buys to the wife and kids and was on the road at 11 pm.
The drive was uneventful and I arrived at the track at around 4 pm. Then things started to get a little screwy. Bonehead called and said that he was running late. Which with Bonehead means that he is gonna be real late, seams he tends to underestimate. :confused:
After a while I fall asleep in my truck, and thats when Boney happens to arrive , so I guess he is driving all over the pits and I am asleep in the truck. Finally I awake and steo out side to have a look around and there he is. Seems he had been there for an hour looking for me.
With that comedy of errors behind us we started setting up camp. We finnaly got dinner started, Bonehead had brought a couple of New York steaks along and it was a good thing, Iwas ready to start begging for food. Let me tell you, those steaks dissapeared quick.
Next morning we awoke to discover it had rained through the night. Imagine that, rain in Wash. state! But the track looked good and I was looking forward to riding in some mud. Hasent rained down my way in months.
Bonehead started 2 rows ahead of me in the Vet expert class and I was in the 4th row in the Vet am. class. Both of us had full rows, 30 to 40 plus riders in each class.
They where gonna have a live engine start, but both feet had to be on the ground on the right side of your bike. Now this presented a big problem for our fearless friend Bonehead, being all of 5 feet nothin it took him three trys to get his leg over the bike after the flag went up. Imagine a short kinda rotund guy running along beside his bike and trying to hop on at the same time. It brought tears to my eyes from the laughing! :p
My start was better, I was 4th going into the first turn and third going into the woods. Man was it slick. One wrong move and you would be in the :uh: . You had ti stay as up right as possible on the bike, if you l tried to lean over at all, one or both tires would just go away. The ground was rocky with a layer of slime just on top. Perfect! :p
The 2 guys ahead of me, one with a McGrath look alike Yam, the other on a 400MXC where all over the place. my plan was tp just be patient and let these guys make the mistakes. It wasnt long.
After the start we had about a mile of woods and then the grass track. These guys were all over the place, both almost going down several times, too much throttle and not enough traction.
Just as we were going on to the grass track, mister MXC grabs way too big a hand full of throttle and swaps violently. Great one down one to go. we stay the same all through the 1.5 mile grass track. Me taking the inside if he went wide and then trying the out side if he went tight. Made for some good wheel to wheel racing.
But just as we went back into the woods, he over shoots a turn and goes down. Alright, a third of the way through the first lap and I am in the lead and pullin away!
A couple miles further I come out of the woods and there is Bonehead on side of the trail having a little prayer secession leaned over his bars. I found out later that he had over come his bad start and worked his way up to 5th when he bailed hard.
I yelled when I went buy and this gave him the motivation to rejoin the fray. Right after I passed Bonehead, there was this cool up hill jump that you could just hit pinned in 4th and land way up the hill, awesome. But at the top of the hill last years course went left and this years went right. Guess which way I went. :(
After busting threw the ribbon and getting it tangled up in my rear wheel, I finally manage to get turned around and back on course. Only now back in third place. I just out my head down and try ti ride as smooth as possible. in no time I am back on the tail of mister MXC. And he prombtly goes down and hands me second place. But mister YZ is gone, I will no longer see him and ultimatly he will beat me buy about 4 minutes. Guess he was able to smooth things out with nobody to pressure him and ride a good race. I just decide to do the same and try and make it to the finish in one piece, buy this time it had started to mist rain and things were truely getting slick.
Bonehead in the meantime was trying to catch up and ride with me when I came up on a bottle neck. A quick look around and there must be about 25 riders here. In my mind I am thinking that maybe mister YZ is among them, so I start elbowing my way to the front and just launch up the abroupt rock face that has everybody stalled and make it after a little bit of bulldoging.
Bonehead arrived on the scene and saw what I did and he just followed me up and cleaned it.
So here we go freight training threw the woods. We come to this one extremely steep bown hill with a left turn about half way down. There was a couple of course marshalls yelling at us to slow down, that there was a rider down at the bottom.
Well right there, right in front of me Bonehead trys to slow down, but the front wheel just locks up and he goes off the side of his bike and lands on his belly. Now imagine this he is sliding down on his belly right behind his bike in this slick yellowish clay mud. I still get a giggle when i think about it.
Well he gets going and we ride together some more untill I stall out in corner and take a couple of minutes to get going.
Just when you jump down back onto the MX track I hear a bike just pinned, it goes buy in a flash, its mister MXC back for some more. Well he is going way to fast to make the turn at the bottom and just yard sales it on the big bank that makes the bowl turn. I barely make it through as his bike tumbles back down on the track and barely misses me.
Had a couple more pretty uneventful laps except for the time that Bonehead just showered me with roost. He was trying to get around a guy and was going from one side of the track to the other going up this hill and it was like a fire hose of roost just pelting me.
Buy this time the sun had come out and the track had dried out some, so you could actually start to charge a little bit. But i got a little bit to agressive and almost went down in a corner and stalled the motor again. Well this time she just would not light off again and a couple of yellow plates went buy. She finally starts up and now I am pissed, my 2nd place is in jeopardy, so I put my head down and catch up to them a little before the the mx track but can not find a way around them.
We battle it out untill we come back on to the grass track. now I had just bought a steering damper from GPR the night before, so I decide to see if it is all it is cracked up to be. I just go ballistic pinned down the staights, flat tracking all the corners ( ol89r would have been proud ) and I just blow them both off in the weeds.
But not knowing how much time is left I try and ride defensively and make it to the end, I had used up alot of energy with the stalling of the bike and passing the two guys back.
Next time around I get the white flag and cruise the last lap for a second place in Vet Amature.
As for Bonehead, he made up a lot of ground on his class, but lets just say we both finished with 2`s in our final score. Now I am not saying if there was a zero in there some where. I think I will just let him tell his story!


ps. This is not even close to the end, there is a whole days worth of missadventures at the Tillamook trail ride the next day. Hopefully Endoquest will put quill to pad and write that one up!
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Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Very Cool Report Bundy,sounds like you had a great time/race, man just imagine rain and mud how cool is that ?


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Bundy in the Vet Am class? Darned sandbagger, you should have won that class walking away! Great report SANDBAGGER :p

When you coming out this way? I rode with CAL at a place called Turkey Bay (in Kentucky) that you guys would just love!


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.
Give me a break.
Bonehead rode the Vet ex. class. :| He was complaining about all the AA riders that were sandbagging his race.

I`ll be up there next year. I plan on riding my ass off to make it back to the EX. class. :aj:

Man, Eddie, things just arent working out like I want them too. My buds are leaving from down in Fla. this weekend for there yearly trip to the Hatfield-McCoy riding area. But work has been kinda slow the last couple months, so I am gonna sit this one out. I hope to make dirt week. Just depends if this work thing sorts it self out.
But HELL YEAH, you know I want to come visit and do some riding. My dream is to eventually ride in every state before I take that eternal dirt nap. :uh:



Jan 27, 2000
Congrats Bundy... ;) Great ride report.

What is this mud and rain stuff that you speak of???? :eek:

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
Bundy you da man. Good job up there. Thanks for the colorful report. The guy yard sales it! could totally picture it !

Are you going to the Carlsbad GP.

If so, what class are you in so I can sandbag even farther below you :moon:

Oh Yeah regarding that whole rain thing,
(Therston Howell voice on)
In our Irvine CC&R's, it clearly states there will be no rain in daylight hours, no hard rain for more than 3 hours at a time, and no rain is allowed at any incovienent time. Furthermore any rain that wishes an expection to these rules must give advance notice so our vehicles can be stored in there garages properly to avoid those dreadful rain spots.


Dec 4, 2000
Great report Bundy.
There are a few things that all of our fellow reader might want to know about this very eventful weekend. First of all, I commend Bundy for making such a long haul to Oregon/Washington for two days of riding. This alone rates high in the record for hours spent driving versus hours spent riding. To race on Saturday and then drive another 3 hours to the Tillamook State Forest for a 9-hour ride on Sunday is indeed worthy of "hardcore" status. Since I had decided not to race the WORCS round, Rapids and I went straight to Tillamook to scout trail for Sundays ride. Our Satuday ride began in cold rain but ended up in perfect conditions and a good course for Bundy's introduction to some serious woods riding in Oregon. We planned on running a ninety-mile trail ride with a gas stop and many "challenging" sections. We got back to camp and by late afternoon the Bundy and Bonehead show had arrived. They filled us in on all of the details about the race, it sounded like a good one. Hats off to Dave Hamel for pulling off a triple sanctioned event-OMRA,NMA and WORCS. the turnout was big and the race a success. As a promoter I know how important that is.
The Tillamook section of this report will have to be short since I don't have the time but suffice it to say that a long, hard day of riding was enjoyed by all. This particular section of the Coast Range is very dramatic and technical woods riding is the soup of the day. A few local buddies showed up also and we had a bitchen romp through the toolies. Lots of carnage and suffering.
As expected, Bundy did quite well in his new environment and repeatedly stated that the woods were "quite different" up here.
I always carry a few extra pacifiers in my fanny pack and I had fully expected to present this "gift" to Bundy but, alas, I had to give it to another rider who, forever shamed, bowed out at the gas stop. By 4:00 pm we had decided to head back in the general direction of camp (remember, we're still working folk and have to drive three hours to get home). Directly off of the gravel road to get back, however, is a little known trail called "Dick Crusher" that looked particularly enticing. Oh yes, you could tell by the deadfall and undisturbed pine needles that this trail hadn't seen a knobby for a couple of years! After deliberating for ten minutes we decided to go for it and see "whazzup". Sure enough, no one had been on it for a long time and the six or so of us paid the price by having to saw, heave and paddled our bikes through the unforgiving flotsam of Mother Nature's wrath. In other words, it was very adventurous!
After driving back to Eugene for three hours Bundy shacked up at my place and took off in the morning for the 15-hour drive home, what a dude! Hats off and thanks for coming up to the great NW!


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.

Yep, this weekend will be one for the history books.
Once again thanks goes out to Bonehead, Endo, Rapids and Pat for showing me such a good time!

the bunster


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by mxbundy
the bunster

The BUNSTER? The BUNSTER? Bwaahaahaa - Please don't tell me thats a new nickname that you picked up in the great northwest. And if it is I sure as hell don't want to know any details of how you got it :p

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
"bunster", you truly are indeed hardcore. Nice report :D

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