What do think about the AMA's NEW idea??


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
To drop the event promotions side of the AMA....

So there will no longer be the "AMA" out door motocross...it will be sort of like the GNCC series with an AMA sanction.

I personally see why Dingman wants to play this game a new way..but I think it stinks. There is something special about the AMA National Championship series that goes a bit beyond the strict business of it. Its an institution and will NEVER hold the same clout with a commercial promoter in charge in my eyes. AND after my last set of experiences with a Promoter, I DON'T WANT to have a "promoter" type in charge of an institution such as the AMA Nationals....we the club members need to have a level of control and even if that may not be something we excersize now in anyway except voting in or out officers..its STILL SOMETHING and there is a little recourse here if and when things are out of wack.

I think taking its "all about the money & Business" approach makes business sense but just kills it for me. I go to races and participate to excape the "business" part of my life. I personally think the AMA membership should be the ones to decide if the club goes off onto these fundemental changes...we pay the dues and entry fee's and this is a radical change in the look, shape, and feel of both our sport and our club! :think:


Aug 21, 2005
Does it mean that I will never have to listen to another impromptu speech by Whitelock as he gives the championship plate to a rider? If so, then it may be worth it.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
I'd like to see a NEW sanctioning body. I don't feel that the AMA does much of anything for the average Joe. It's all about the pro's and street riders, imo. When they ignored the AMA congress on the displacement advantage they lost all credibility with me. I would rather see all the sactioning go to the FIM or a branch of the FIM formed in the US.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
FruDaddy said:
Does it mean that I will never have to listen to another impromptu speech by Whitelock as he gives the championship plate to a rider? If so, then it may be worth it.

Amen!!! Was he drunk at Glen Helen? Looked like he wanted to say something extremely profound, but forgot what he was going to say, so just blurted the first thing to come to mind out... Looked like a moron.


Oct 9, 2007
I cant agree more!!! I understand that Whitelock is there to "manage" the sport but can we at least get a spokesman that can actually ride. I think he was just amazed he wasn't giving a plate to RC!


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I quit giving the AMA my $$ several years ago because they were happy to take a dirt bikers bucks but not opinion.


May 3, 2001
I also quit giving them my money. Much better spent on things like Blue Ribbon Coalition who actually help.

But I don't race the local harescrambles anymore, either. If I did, with this latest move I'd sure as heck hope AMA membership isn't required (though I recall a key reason for that is the insurance was provided through the AMA, which is worthwhile).

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