XR250 Motocross Style Rear Fender?


Jan 17, 2001
Does anyone know of a motocross style rear fender that will fit or come close to fitting a 2001 XR250? I'm contemplating using the Electrix Dual-sport kit that uses the under-the-fender style tail light/license plate holder.



Aug 16, 2002
u need to worry more aboutperformance than lookin good on an xr i have one and i hate it if only they were lighter and more powerful


Jan 17, 2001
NO NO NO.....not for looks....the Electrix DOT dual-sport kit which is probably a tad better than the Baja Design kit (IMO) uses a KTM style under the fender rear tail light/brake light/plate holder combo. It is designed to be used FOR a MX style fender. This will be my 4th XR conversion and I've always used the Acerbis DOT tail light which is made for a WR/XR type fender. Rather than swaping things out of the $500 kit, I was curious about MX style fenders for the XR. I would just use a dual filiment bulb in the stock light, but that's not DOT and Pennsylvania is really cracking down on dual-sport conversions. They are REALLY picky about how far the rear fender covers the tire, but that's another story and there are neat ways to get around that.
As for Power, the XR250 is THE SMALLEST bike I've EVER owned and probably THE BEST for what I use it for (for me) which is a lot of tight, snotty, rooted, rocky trails. I don't find the weight all that bad, of course I'm coming off of a 600 so anything would seem light! They ARE a bit dated, but they are reliable for the most part and do what I need them to do.

Thanks for the reply,

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