00 RM 250 front fork seal replacement


Jul 28, 2004
Hi all, Im new to this forum, I just bought a 00 rm 250 and am picking it up on weds. the front forks seals are leaking, they are the upside down ones, how hard are they to change? Im a mechanic by trade but I don't want to get too far and find out I need some special sockets or ? Im a roadracer so 2 strokers and dirt are new to me, but man are they fun! Im stiff as hell :laugh: thanks in advance. btw I tried a search but didn't come up with much so please don't flame me too bad!


Aug 25, 2000
Bro, welcome to dirtbiking :cool:

As for your forks, check ou the "downloads" section at www.mxtech.com There are step by step instructions for most forks there...with exception of my Ohlin, of course :|

If I'm correct those RM forks are Showa Twin Chambers, right? If so, they're a pleasure to work on. The only special tools you'll need is a 50mm wrench to remove the top caps and a little rod holder that you can easy make up yourself (a little "U" shaped metal plate)


Jul 28, 2004
Thanks, yea I think thats the ones they are! I read somewhere that I should order honda seals with the dust seals, have you heard of this? I'll check out that download section you mentioned, thanks

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