02 520 steering dumber.

Greek kattom

Jul 24, 2001
I wonder if I can get via internet a stabilizer for my 02 520 EXC.
I live in Greece and I dont know if it's worth the time or the money.
Are there any shop's that cover international orders?
The reason for asking is that I want to save some money (the stabilizer's here are very expensive) and live my option's open to other stabilizer manufactuers beside OHLINS and SCOTT that are available here.Can someone inform me If this can happen and how.
Suggestion's on the make are a MUST!

Great site!!!!
I' ve learned many things about bikes and racing from people that know a lot!!!!

Hi from Greece and from my island.

keep it wide open! ;)

KTM Aviator

May 3, 2001
Dampers are a must... GPR and Scotts are both a great choice. Have a friend buy you one in the US(new or used) and have them ship it. The shipping should not cost more than $20.
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