
Sep 13, 2001
So its that time of year again when I should do the top end. It will be the first one I've done in this bike the motor is stock and am wondering what you '03 kx250 guys have put in for pistons. So let me hear what you've put in and your thoughts. Right now I'm leaning towards a Vertex piston as its suppose to raise the comp.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
I always go with Weisco. They are a stronger, forged piston that will out last any cast piston. OEM, and most others are cast. If you have heard bad things about Weisco it was because the piston was not broken in properly. You must go through 2 to 3 heat cycles to relax the internal stresses the a forged piston has. Warm up the engine with no full throttle until the cylinder is hot to the touch then shut it down and let it cool until the cylinder is cool to the touch. Do this 3 times and you will be set to go.

There are several threads on this subject if you do a search.


Jun 21, 2000
I'd go with Wiseco because they are the brand I have seen survive the best through abuse (leaving it in too long). Especially at the skirt, the wiseco is reinforced a bit better and rarely shatters. Tho only price to pay is a bit longer break in period. In my opinion, it's well worth it. If you buy a cast (oem, Pro-X or Vertex), you can't go wrong, you just have to make sure you respect the service limit. I have heard of more horror stories with Vertex than any other. The skirt breaks when it's worn out and makes quite a mess.
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