04rm250 - few questions!


Jan 29, 2002
hey, i did the top end on my bike about a month ago after 120 hours.. ever since then and i think 2 rides before i did the top end it has fouled plugs on start up.. i bent the float tab a tiny bit (never measured it because i couldnt figure out how) and it helped, it would go about two rides before fouling then.. now its back to the same foul everytime i start it (after it has been sitting, say for an hour or overnight).. i turn the petcock off when storing, the choke seems to be working fine, air screw is 1 3/4-2 out, clip position is at the very top, 165 main instead of 172..

im stumped, i dont know what the problem is?! before i could pull a plug out after a months riding time and it would be a nice tan color, not oily or black.. now even if i put a new plug in it turns black the next day?! the weather/humidity/etc hasnt changed, yet my bike is fouling plugs? im still running the stock 50 slow jet but have a leaner one on order just in case.. but i dont see that as my problem as it didnt do this before with the same slow jet.. i would like all possible solutions.. marcus suggested my crank seal went bad but i have no idea how to check that.. if i put a new plug in it will run all day until i shut it off for an hour or more, then when i go to restart it she fouls..

second question, i changed the oil today and looked inside the hole where the bolt goes to, on the clutch side in the threads there is a hole there.. ive never noticed this before, has it always been there or is it something new? can someone check on their bike?

thanks again.. Dan


Jan 29, 2002
whats the skinny? ive searched old posts yadyada but never is there a definate set of solutions to this problem.. my bike ran great all year with richer jetting then this and now its leaner and now its not working right.. it sucks


Thinks he can ride
Dec 2, 2001
_joka_ , your problem sounds strange in that it happened only after the new topend. I would lean towards more of a carb problem than the crank seal, but it could definately do that. I'm just trying to think about what could have been changed when you did the topend, and the carb seems to be the most likely.


Apr 17, 2002
I don't think this is your problem but when I changed my top end I didn't use the stock oem replacement but a Wiseco piston. Bike has run differently ever since and I still can't get it to run as clean as it was before. Never fouled plugs but I know I'm missing out on some power down low. Aren't the Suzuki's pretty finicky when it comes to jetting?


Nov 5, 2001
could be your reeds?

sometimes if your crank seals are bad, the exhaust sounds like burnt gearbox oil.

ive never had an issue with wiseco stuff.


Jan 29, 2002
reeds are fine..

exhaust doesn't smell or sound funny

replaced it with stock piston/rings/gaskets that came in the parts kit

i went riding all day today (put new plug in) all was good, but tomorrow when i go to start my bike it will foul.. so i dont know what the problem is, considering i went all day today it cant be something like my reeds or top end bcause the bike wouldnt run right or at all, but thing is it runs fine..??


Thinks he can ride
Dec 2, 2001
The reeds could be chipped and the bike would still run OK. Is it also a little harder to start? Maybe when you let it sit, fuel somehow is building up then when you start it back up it fouls the plug. You definately don't want the bike fouling a plug when you gas it up the ramp!


Jan 29, 2002
The reeds could be chipped and the bike would still run OK. Is it also a little harder to start? Maybe when you let it sit, fuel somehow is building up then when you start it back up it fouls the plug. You definately don't want the bike fouling a plug when you gas it up the ramp!

i pulled the reedcage out and inspected teh reeds last week, A Ok..

its super easy to start, first kick as long as i have a unfouled plug in it.. from cold, sitting for 1 week it will start first kick..

yeah for sure no need to have my bike fouling a plug going up the ramp!

heres a pic i from yesterday, its callled a catwalk

heres a whip


Thinks he can ride
Dec 2, 2001
At this point, I would probably do two things. 1. Replace the float needle and seat to make sure that they aren't seeping a little bit. 2. If that doesn't work, then just replace the crank seal. It's not too hard to do and not too pricy.

I have a question for you real quick that isn't really related to your bike. What angle do you guys prefer (in degrees) for your landing ramp? And do you like a straight angle on that or a varying slope?
The reason I ask is that I just finished my landing ramp and I think that I may have made it too steep at the top when comparing to others pictures.


Jan 29, 2002
hey, how do i know if there is something wrong with the float tab? i remember seeing a little indent on the piece of metal, is that my problem? like i said there is well over 120 hours on my bike so that is a lot of use to the needle opening/closing etc

i have no idea what angle our landing is.. its pretty gradual though, its a lot safer that way even though it is a little harsher (nothign to worry about, you can do 200 jumps a day and not get beat up the way ours is).. the best is to have a nice big safety deck on top, a minimum of 8feet wide (ours is less so its really sketchy, ive actually completely missed the landing while whipping a few times).. a straight angle is what we have, you will find after use that the top part will get beat down so what will happen is you will have 2 different angles, the top part that isnt as steep and the bottom part that drops off.. you need to fix it up about once a month depending on how much you ride it and what kind of dirt it is


Jan 29, 2002
i didnt touch it after my last post because it went back to normal for the last 4-5 rides??? i dont get it but whatever works i suppose

will keep ya updated


Mar 12, 2001
I think most people use an 8ft plank of wood, so whatever angle that would be (depends on height of truck/trailer). My ramps are steel and are about 7ft and work fine for a pickup truck (f150 standard height).
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