'05 Yz250


Oct 6, 2004
I picked up my new 2005 YZ250 this past friday. i've been riding it most of the weekend. Now that i have it broken in i have a few observations and a few questions:

the motor is really pretty awesome. the power rolls on real nice and it has a good deal of low end and midrange power, making it a great trail bike. i was chugging through some pretty technical trails at some low RPMs and the bike performed great. I still may add a tooth to the back sprocket and a e-line lighting kit which will add some weight to the flywheel.

The suspension at first seemed to be a little rough up front, not as plush as i would like, or expected. But i am still playing around with compression settings and dialing it in, plus more time on the bike will help as the suspension breaks in. it appeared to be a bit better after going a few clicks to the soft side, but i still need to adjust it more.

Overall this bike is a great machine- light, nimble and lots of usable power. :worship:

1. what is the best 2 cycle oil to use? golden spectro? i read a thread about yamalube that makes me want to avoid it.
2. should i change the trans oil already? i ran 1 tank of gas through the bike - is it ready for a oil change?
3. what trans oil is best? i might go with mobil 10w-30 (non-synthetic). is this a bad idea?
4. i took the front wheel off and greased the bearings (they were not sealed and were squeaking). i did the same for the rear wheel (but those bearings appear to be sealed). Should i tear the bike apart and grease the swingarm and steering bearings?

thanks for any info!!!!



May 24, 2004
1. Super M (it's also the same as Yamaha 2-R)
2. Yes
3. Spectro clutch saver
4. Yes mine was pretty dry.


Oct 6, 2004
I have been researching Yamalube 2R and it seems i was wrong, it seems to be pretty good stuff.


Nov 17, 2001
Dont start oil threads...LOL...Everyone has their favorite type and specific reason for using that oil.

Me, I use Yamalube R and I know I am right.

I have used it for over 30 years. I have never had a reason to change.


Oct 6, 2004
Ok, forget the oil questions, i already went with yamalube 2R.


Jun 30, 2004
I use the yamalube 2R as well...but now I am going to order it online as my local dealer sold 3 quarts to my wife ( first time I saw the reciept ever) for 12.99 a quart!!! they had been doing this I guess every time she bought some....one quick call and they said the computer was wrong ( yeah right) brings to mind a few weeks ago when I was in a pinch and bought a rear tire from them, they quoted me 70 bucks over the phone....when I got there 20 min. later they said 130.00! same tire...called them on it and got the same answer.....Sorry....not to turn youre thread into a dealer bashing thread but the Yamalube 2R brought it to mind.


Yamalube @R is some goooood stuff for what I do with our bikes...seems to hold up well for me at 32:1.

Yes! change the oil!

I use any ole 10w 30 in mine so far and it's doing ok...

Might have to take a peek at my front wheel bearings...kinda stupid if they came not sealed in some way...Thanks for the tip!. Jeff.


Nov 25, 2002
If you're riding trails, get a flywheel weight - my 11oz. made a HUGE improvement, as the throttle was too touchy in the tight stuff before. You'll also do well to ditch the stock front tire, it truly sucks.

I'm new to 2 strokes, so I don't have much oil/maint.-spec. advice, but I started w/ Yamalube 2R. Looks like I may be switching to Mobil 1 MX2T since it smokes less, is fully synthetic, no more expensive, and available 24/7 at my local Autozone.


Oct 6, 2004
I fouled a spark plug today. my mix is 32:1 yamalube 2r. maybe i ran it with the choke on just a little too long. do any of you have a problem with fouling plugs?

why is it that once a plug fouls it seems that the plug is dead? no amount of cleaning can make it usable again (it seems to me anyway). is there any secret to cleaning a spark plug?

is NGK the best spark plug for the YZ?

thanks :cool:
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May 17, 2004

1. Mobile MX2T....Full synthetic two stroke oil, burns clean, and is recommended by many MX fuel specialists(Rich Rohrich)...It can be found at your local Autozone for $3.49 and it beats having to drive all the way to the shop just to get some overpriced oil that has Yamaha on the label...The only thing is that it doesn't have a dye in it so you will have to remember to make sure you put the oil in the gas.

2. Yes, change your transmission oil.

3. A non synthetic conventional motor works extremly well in a two stroke transmission...I've used, conventional motor oils in the transmission and never had problems...We're talking practice 3 or 4 days a week and racing 2 different classes every weekend....I had a clutch go out on one of my 125's after over a year of clutch abuse....I know many hardcore racers that use regular motor oil as well...I would avoid 10W30 weights because they usually have additives that make them too slick...It will say energy concerving on the label so avoid anything with that on the label...So Mobile 10W40 would be a better choice. And change you transmission oil every 2 or 3 rides. After a few oil changes you'll discover the rate at which the oil seems to break down and adjust oil changes accordingly...

4. Grease your linkage, swingarm pivot, steering stem, and front and rear axles. This will improve suspension performance and keep the axles from freezing up when you need to remove them later on for maintenance.
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