
Oct 18, 2005
OK, gone over the bars for the last time!!!Today I got the forks, and the rotor jammed in a fallen tree which are everywhere after Irene.My 48 yr old body went over the bars again. 3rd times a charm...I got some 05 yz250f forks,wheel and complete brakes coming I got on ??bay.I went with these because Ive had 2 yzfs so far[ 01 and an 05] even though ther're different forks both worked way better then stock revalved and sprung kdx forks in the woods.Both had been revalved for the woods by factory connection.I just hate 4 strokes in the woods.Valves are for toilets.Anyways have any of you guys converted to 05 or newer yz forks and what was your results? I know about the shimming,steering stop and knurling, and such but what about valving changes?Are they adjustable enough with lighter and less oil or whats the deal.Shim stack mods?The kdx is a little heavier.Mine has a dualsport kit and full guards so its a little heavier then the yzf.Aside from the fork underhang I think kdx is the best woods bike ever made and I been riding for about 40yrs and have had them all.......Ken :nod:
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Oct 28, 2008
Impossible to make a suggestion before hand. They may seem a little harsh in the technical spots, or they may not. Depends on what you like. Best thing is to get them on the bike, ride them a bit, and then decide what you do/don't like. After that you may be able to make some educated guesses as to shim stack mods, lighter oil, etc.


Oct 18, 2005
Definately.The underhang the stock forks have got me into trouble quite a few times.Jammed between rocks,dragging in deep ruts.I got stopped dead in my tracks when I hit the log with the lower fork leg and wedged it between that and the rotor.Wasnt going to fast maybe 15mph.Lots of downed trees from Hurricane Irene.It was a rotted pine that broke in half laying right down the middle of some real tight single track.I've never had this problem with inverted forks on my YZs. My lower fork legs take quite a beating in these rocky N.E. woods.


Nov 13, 2008
wildkdx said:
The underhang the stock forks have got me into trouble quite a few times.Jammed between rocks,dragging in deep ruts.I got stopped dead in my tracks when I hit the log with the lower fork leg and wedged it between that and the rotor.Wasnt going to fast maybe 15mph.Lots of downed trees from Hurricane Irene.It was a rotted pine that broke in half laying right down the middle of some real tight single track.I've never had this problem with inverted forks on my YZs. My lower fork legs take quite a beating in these rocky N.E. woods.

Have you considered learning to loft the front wheel OVER these obstacles?? ;)

(just yankin' yer chain...)


Oct 18, 2005
Maybe I could just loose the whole front end like the guy on americas got talent.Trials bike with no front end at all.I'll try and post a link to it..


Oct 18, 2005
Not 05 48mm they where 03 forks 46mm.

All's good though but not as advertised. Seems they no longer have an E??? account and had good feedback also.Rebuilt them and its done except I havent riden her yet because Im waiting for some bar risers to adj. the fork height in the top clamp to about 1" to compesate for the longer forks.All was needed was the yz front wheel and spacers forks and clamps and Im using the kdx brake line routing. :nod: :)
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