
May 8, 2001
First Honda comes out with the CRF-X that is green sticker legal and now Yamaha comes out with the 05WR450 green sticker legal... :) I don't think we will have to worry about the red sticker program in the next two years because the manufacturer's are going to be making all the bikes green stickered...... :aj: Better day's ahead!!!

2005 WR450 specs


Jun 5, 2001
They only missed out a couple of years for sales, dorks! Bout time. ;)

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
socaltrlrdr said:
I don't think we will have to worry about the red sticker program in the next two years because the manufacturer's are going to be making all the bikes green stickered]

Oh really? It looks to me like unless a WR450 or a CRF250X is my dream bike, I need to worry just as much as ever.

It's good news Yamaha is stepping up and meeting the standards with the WR, but it's not exactly like all the problems with green have been solved.


Jun 5, 2001
Isn't it sad to say how we are excited about having another green sticker bike on the market? It's like being excited that gas is only $2.17 at the 76 station, wtf! The sticker program is rediculous, flat out, unless you can convince me otherwise, go ahead 89er, try it! :)


Apr 1, 2001
Since I use my lawn mower and weed whacker more than my dirtbike I tend to think the problem is more of a political issue than an environmental one. But we all know this!


Jan 27, 2000
a454elk said:
The sticker program is rediculous, flat out, unless you can convince me otherwise, go ahead 89er, try it! :)

It's our fault elk. We let them do it. :ugg:

At one time, the green sticker program provided us with some great ohv parks. Now, it has become nothing more than a slush fund for every greedy greenie and law inforcement agency that can figure a way to get their greedy hands on it.

On top of that, we now have the 'User Fees Program'
These fees are supposed to go for maintence and improvement of the forest and trails. But there again this money is being stolen right out from underneath us.

In the Imperial Sand Dunes, 'Galamis', only $200,000 of federal appropriated money goes to this facility. The rest of the $4M it takes to run this place comes from User Fees. Which tripled last year.

The BLM is using $1million of this money for a species montering system. They have done this without any input from the public or technical review team approval. And we are letting them do it. :think:

If you do not belong to a organization that is activly fighting this or writing letters to your political represetives or local newspaper then, YOU are part of the problem.

Sorry to be so blunt but, I have had a total and complete butt-full of this crap. :bang:


Jan 27, 2000
ktmboy said:
I tend to think the problem is more of a political issue than an environmental one. But we all know this!

And that is another thing. These people are not enviromentalist, they are socialist. They only want to tell us what to do and where to do it. They won't be happy until all public land is off limits to the public.

Danial Patterson a so called Biologist from the Center for Biological Dirversity, made the statement in the Press Enterprise newspaper that 'the offroaders have ruined his hiking pleasure in the Imperial Sand Dunes.'

Who the hell hikes in Glamis?? :yikes: Anyone who has ever broken down and had to hike back to camp knows anyone in their right mind does not hike in Glamis. That has to be the most uneducated statement I have ever heard. But, when I wrote a response to that statement to our local Press Enterprise, they never printed it. Although, they print something from Mr. Patterson every other week. People that have never heard the other side of the story, believe him.

WE ALL need to flood the papers with our side. Flood your representives with letters. For God's sake, DO SOMETHING.
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Apr 1, 2001
Guys like this Patterson creep are all about creating jobs for themselves. If he wasn't doing this where else could a guy with his credentials make the big bucks!

Kx Steve H

May 1, 2002
$90.00 for a year pass to the imperial sand dunes, what are you going to do?? my family's favorite riding spot.
no one walks at the dunes! all BS
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