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08 GSXR1000

Jan 29, 2009
i am the designer of the part in question here,i fail to see the need for anyone to have access to the patent # unless they are up to no good,as far as rich claiming he has tried crank mods to enhance that other patent! well i don't know what to tell you other than come to Bozeman Montana and ride the machines to see for yourself,i will even tear the motor down right in front of you and show it is completly stock.

i'm not full of bull**** as INDYMX claims and i have nothing to hide,just because people in the past couldn't do it doesn't mean it is impossible.

08 GSXR1000

Jan 29, 2009
i am sorry for my snappy response but i am a little upset at the aggression i am seeing here,i am just an engineer trying to offer the 2 stroke comunity a way to enhance there rides power instead of just buying a 4 stroke to get the power they want.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
Patent information is public info. Giving your patent number does not expose you in anyway. The patent is what protects you.

I did a search of the patent database and found nothing relating to this, with any of the names on your website. In either issued patents or patent applications. This is what lead me to say that you were probably not telling the whole truth about having a patented process.

I doubt that Rich has either the time or the inclination to come to Bozeman. And to be perfectly honest, I'll take Rich's word on this way before I take your word. He has a proven reputation in this industry, and has backed up his word with a patent number.

You have only provided us with unsubstantiated claims, and a website. You are the one who came here with a thinly veiled spam, and when confronted with it and asked to provide concrete proof of your patent claim, wouldn't do so.

Also, I never claimed that you were full of anything. I did say "I call BS".. meaning, I don't believe the claims that were made on your site. There is nothing on there that even comes close to proving your claims. The video's are not convincing, not sure why you even have them up there.. I can make video of me riding up and down my street on my bike, but that doesn't prove that I even know how to turn a wrench, let alone make a modification that will increase performance by any appreciable amount.

You have no industry recognized people or business who has independently reviewed and tested your claims published on your site.

You have nothing except for a claim that you modified the crank, and a dyno run which we have no proof that was either actually from the bike you claim it was from or was the result of your claimed modification.

So.. it total, you have only your word that you did something to your bike, and that it caused and increase in performance.

I say, good for you..

You came here with this for one of two reasons in my estimation. Either it was to let us in on this, so that you might be able to sway some of us to send you our cranks and our money, or you did it to have other people with a certain reputation look at your claims and validate them.

Well, you should have expected that there might be a few skeptics among us, and either prepare for some criticism or prepare to back up your claims. So far you have only invited us out to Bozeman to check your claims. Sorry sir, it doesn't work that way. I'm not going to travel to Bozeman at my own expense to validate your claims.

If you'd like to take on the expense, then I'm sure there will be someone on here who'd be willing to inspect and verify your claims.

No one has said that your claims aren't impossible, quite the contrary. Rich showed you a patent that his close friend has, that proves that it's quite possible, albeit a slightly different play on the same essential idea.

You are the one making the claim, you prove it.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Well, start yapping. You machined veins into the sides of the crank flywheels? This had to significantly reduced the weight and spinning mass? I was under the impression the particular weight was needed, so what did you do about this? Also, you effectively increased the volume in the bottom end, so how did you put it back?

08 GSXR1000

Jan 29, 2009
Mod Edit - This SPAMfest is over. Go blow smoke up someone else's butt.

You are more than welcome to be part of DRN, IF you'd like to actually contribute to information on the forums like everyone else, but your SPAM isn't welcome.

Your choice!
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