100's National Hare & Hound


Dec 15, 2000
We are putting on our 38th annual National Hare & Hound Sunday 10/23 at Lucerne Valley. We will have a 3 loop 100 mile course with lots of seldom used and fresh trails. I thought the SCWC members that are still walking after the Ghostrider might like to take a crack at it. Stop by sign up and I'll give you free tips on the course.

Click here to view our flyer http://www.100smc.org/

As a bonus, KTM will be out Saturday to give demo rides on their 06 line of KTM's. I am planning to grab a ride on one of the new XC line and see how it is. Sounds sweet.


Gregg Thompson
Race Referee 100's MC

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
I wouldn't miss this for the world .. I'll be out there early Sunday morning ! Wish me luck ... I'll need it.
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